The New Awakening

The basis of our race is blood and soil. Not matter the political gains, your sacrifices are worthless if we do not return to a way of living that produces healthy white children. Only from physical communities rooted in blood and soil can a movement spring with the strength and longevity to save the west.
Join the New Awakening. We are a National Socialist vanguard working towards an ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest and the only White Nationalists with a constructive focus. Our aim is to establish cultural and political dominance through a process of organic migration.
You do not need to enter some compound. Simply move to the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana and network with like-minded people.

Many members have already migrated and started families in the PNW. We are in the position to help, but first you need to make contact. In order to join, you must be a National Socialist of white European ancestry and adhere to strict anonymity. If you qualify, enter our riot gateway under an account and email unattached to any personal information.

We are building physical communities through completely legal avenues. If you plan to engage in any illegal activities, do not try to join.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How we are different?

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Our Plan

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Why the Pacific Northwest?

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Why the Swastika?

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bump bump bumperino

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There are things worth fighting for.

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I know you guys cant say to much publicly but how have you guys been doing? Making any significant progress lately?

Yes. We've migrated a record number of people this year and more to come in the future.

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be cool if there were some compounds tho

im already home fren

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Why these states? Colorado, New Mexico and Kansas could easily be this.

Then get on board and meet some National Socialists. You're going to need a tight knit community if you want to raise your kids West of the Cascades.

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Before the white man can move in, the spics, niggers, and kikes have to be removed.

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Wish I could move out there but I hope you all the best. Just a heads up winterchan is coming for the next 30 years. I know you guys are set on the PNW, so I'd advise getting some substantial greenhouses and hardy plants and animals that survive the winter well.

What is a grand solar minimum and what does it mean for us?

In a nut shell here's what happens when the sun weakens and moves into a more dormant cycle:
· Increased galactic radiation hitting the earth causing increased cloud coverage globally
· Weaker jet streams
· Increased volcanic activity
· Increased frequency and magnitude of earth quakes
· More erratic and unpredictable weather
· Substantially increased precipitation and drought
· Shrinking grow zones for crops and shorter grow periods
· Massive crop loss and food shortages
· Significantly colder areas at the north and south poles

Even NASA admits it's a big deal

The great civilizations have risen and fallen on the backs of these grand solar cycles

So here's what's happening now

The sun's total solar irradiance (TSI) is currently dropping off a cliff. Much faster and further than the devastating Maunder Minimum.

The earth's magnetosphere is weakening at an unprecedented rate thereby letting in the largest amount of cosmic rays in recorded history.

Increased cosmic rays cause earthquakes, volcanos, and increased cloud cover thereby reducing earth's temperature further.
Like the 'year without a summer'

But this GSM will be far worse than previous ones

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More resources on current happenings and excellent lectures

Grand Solar Minimum Channel

Ice Age Farmer Channel

Adapt 2030 Channel

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Civilizations rise and fall based on the sun's cycles

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Colorado is a good idea. Not sure about New Mexico and Kansas though. You need an area that has a lot of growth, otherwise migrating people is an uphill battle. The PNW is the largest collection of neighboring states with all the factors we need to thrive. Colorado is all by itself.

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Congrats to you and them! I wish I could move now but unfortunately I cant hopefully in the next 4-5 years i can join you guys.

Not true. No one is physically stopping you from having white children and living decently. We need to end this nonsense of living through our enemies.

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I think another ice age would do whites a lot of good. We are certainly the best adapted for it.

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Today is a good day to rethink what Jow Forums is for.

Citizens of Moscow and Hong Kong are risking injury, imprisonment, criminal records

to protest authoritarian goverment

to advance accountable goverment

while the paid professional content creators of Jow Forums issue a torrent of mind-numbing distraction

for Jow Forums's consumers: isolated self-absorbed fantasists who feel entitled to great jobs and female attention, unconnected to the extent they are willing to exert themselves to obtain them

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Completely agree. But it's happening now and it's happening fast. Major preparation is needed. I also think that these coming food shortages would be an excellent opportunity to cleanse the homeland. Use the chaos to our advantage.

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Are hapas white (half oriental, half euro)?

Larpy retards

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No. Go away.

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Really goes to show how far you've come when shills make custom images for you.

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Patriot Front and hell even AIM are more active in the northwest

Can you guys at least do some consistent postering bannerdrops and demonstrations?

Seattle and Portland are such liberal shitholes I wonder whether there's even any point to the whole northwest front thing

So where can I go? I have a white last name, look white, even other whites think I'm white and I'm ostracized by the asian community

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You do what you must to save what you love

>Can you guys at least do some consistent postering bannerdrops and demonstrations?
Political activism doesn't accomplish anything at this stage. We favor Constructive Action.

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Hawaii is hapaland. Go there.



It is very effective though. Look at all the news coverage they get putting up simple pieces of paper on lampposts

If you did that you wouldn't have to shill for yourselves on pol all the time to get recruits. Seriously it's so easy and these arguments are tiresome

Pro-white flyers would get so many liberals freaking out but you're not doing it

I unironically might because lots of hapas. I prerfer cold weather tho but whatever

over 60% chinese over there. Not the hapa kind but actual chinese from mainland china. Plus I look white (at least according to asians) so I'd never fit in

Russia is ground zero for asian-white mixes

But seriously if you look white then why even bother whining to us. I'm against miscegenation but you could probably mix in and move to somewhere isolated

>It is very effective though.
Every single white nationalist group has followed the format your arguing for, and they have all failed. That is not effective. At the end of the day, street activism makes it harder to raise a family. There's no longevity in a movement that does that.

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My first post in this thread was just asking if hapas are considered white or not. I never got a straight answer on this ever.

Richard Spencer says half oriental hapas may be allowed in, Jow Forums will either say yes or no so idk

Did it occur to you that you're wrong?

As time goes by I see this sort of mentality gain traction. More anons seem to see it the same, that something must be done, and many of these anons are beginning to network. Dozens of new organizations have sprung up lately and it's encouraging. We may have to batten down the hatches for a few generations, but we're going to come out of this strong I just know it. Damn good thread, damn good people. I don't know if the shit's gonna go down in 2030 or 2060, but certainly when it does, I hope we can all work towards the same goal, if not together. Whites are a treasure in this world. Do not let yourselves take the blackpill.

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The answer is no. I’m pretty sure they answered you.

Sure you do. How much do you weigh?

lmao "Tangata Whenua" you are just fucking white maoris, gas your nigger ass selves

Absolutely based. Can Europeans join?

So are we rolling with state capitalism

>I never got a straight answer on this ever.

Go to work buddy, you’re not accomplishing anything here

Yes. You just need to work towards getting here, and we can help you with that.

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Bought all covington novels recently. Done with two.

They have not. The klan and ANP have done flyer distributions from time to time but have never based their whole organizing around it like Patriot Front or AIM have

Ask yourself, which is more well known, your group - or AIM/PF. The answer why is obvious is it not?

Street activism is effective and low risk. Those refusing to engage in putting up stickers are just cowards. Those groups will outlast you I can assure you of that

Remember what you fight against.

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Baste, will be moving to Idaho soon, in Washington now tho so still in the sphere.

Or move in so you can subsequently drive them out or remove them

Me and someone else already said no. What's your problem man? Stop trying to degrade the white genepool with this stupidity

It's not about the money shekel boy.

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Anyone calling a legitimate and the least fed group because it doesn’t incite to do violence a larp is retarded plus there is no by definition leaping going on

Why and how would Europeans be able to join? Unless they move to the states

They aren’t a mass movement and they aren’t doing flyers, and that’s the correct course of action. Move on

Both AIM and PF do flyers, retard. Identity Australia has copied their approach and is the best group in your country by far for this reason

Say hi to your future neighbors.

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Sounds promising, are half Europeans allowed? Im a mutt, but Id love to join.

Huh, I just realized that image was probably inspired by the original dustcover for the Hobbit.
10/10 for cozy inspiration source and good taste in the part of the artist.

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Why isn't Utah apart of this group?

Lotta white people there.

What about religion or rights in general (free speech, right to bear arms etc)

No, go to the Mutt ethnostate in New York or California.

I’m talking about the NA not doing flyers, RETARD, and saying that they are correct in their approach. The other groups you named, including Identify Australia, have accomplished nothing and never will. But hey, if you like them so much, and want to go around putting stickers up, go for it. No one is stopping you, but you won’t convince the NA to go along with that kind of activity

>basing your whole organization around flyering
I'd bet all my money the NA will outlast some sticker club. How can you say they have longevity when AIM is the recent product of Identity Europa's dissolution?

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Mormon church has our market cornered. No competing with them at this stage.

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B-b-but, muh funding, muh original constitution, and muh founding fathers!

(Where is that guy anyway? He's usually here by now.)

You are fucking disgusting. How can you be so racist. I have no words to describe you. I am also white but I am not so inherently stupid as you are as to think those words you spread are acceptable or that your mode of thinking is sound. I would never allow you into my home and I would chase you from my doorstep. You are not welcome to me, not because of the color of your skin, but because of the color of your thoughts. If God is just, which he is, you will pay for any wrongdoing you commit on account of such terrible opinions and evil manners. Good luck in the next eternity, you damned devil.

Fortunately, you still have time to free yourself from the special place in hell you are digging for yourself. Repent your corrupted psychology and accept all humanity in a fair way that God intended for you to do. Jesus would likely advise you to treat others the way you would be treated. Jesus was in fact a Jew, He was middle eastern genetically, and He was the Son, the personage of God himself. Jesus would never think the things you have said here and He would not approve of the things you have said. He may forgive you, but the devil will take you regardless if you continue down this deranged road of sin and hate. Save yourself, and love all neighbors.

That would be me sadly

My brother. As a race realist half european.. (sadly Im half mexican)
I would love to join this movement, i have a white last name, and thankfully look white, and not like a latino

They will continue to stay small and insignificant then, retard. The klan will be more well known than them

Identity Aus is more well known than NA too. If NA doesn't want to do flyers then they are retards who will go nowhere

LOL thanks for the laugh m8!
Now fuck off, you aren’t welcome anywhere

Every single thread I hate that faggot so much.

How can the NA outlast Patriot Front etc when no one has ever heard of you? You're definitely not convincing anyone with half a brain to join

IE and AIM are essentially the same group

>Street activism is effective
At repelling people. Everyone who shows up looks like Covington and nobody wants to be associated with a mongrel like that.

This Nazi larping is pathetic and obviously an attempt to discourage any legitimate white uprising that actually has a hope of growing and taking hold.

If the idiots promoting the NA honestly think there are enough Nazi sympathizers around that they can achieve ANY kind of influential mass at all, you're fucking deluding yourself. They've been at it for decade have have jack shit to show for it. Honeypot or morons, likely both.

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This is the hope we need.

>Good optics
>Strong tight knit communities

Get a DNA test. You're definitely at the least 75% european but may be higher

NS has a good track record in all of those categories. We are perfectly willing to tolerate any European faith, and we strongly encourage gun ownership.

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Your confusing the NA with the NWF bud.

>good optics
White people will rise up any day now. Maybe just a few more decades of muh swastika. The last ones have gone so well.

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Do these people look like "mongrels" to you? That's why there is such thing as staying in shape and encouraging your fellow nationaists to stay in shape

Covington may have been ugly but he was definitely white. I agree with your criticisms of nazi larping but activism is effective

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Ok, we get it, you love flyers.
Can you go away now? The NA isn’t interested in people like you

Hitler and the Thule Soviety were occultists and Satanists you stupid ape.

There's no shortage of people who have heard of us. Only difference is we concentrate on National Socialists. People who are already on board with racial communities. You don't need a media sensation to find them.

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Can i join if Im 84% south european? I can be abdorved in 1 generación, pls let me in

Really?! This may be the best news ive heard lately


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There he is

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Will private property and Monetary exchange be allowed

If you have any doubts you're white, don't join.

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No. Whites only.
Men who don't bear arms are subjects not citizens. I personally am an advocate of total free speech but others may disagree. Ultimately the men who fight to establish this new country will decide those things, barring the right to bear arms which is obvious and inalienable.

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This glow nig thread has been on repeat for at least a year. Get new material.

Yeah they're interested in... *squints* australians

Focus on your own country retard