>how much you wanta bet his wife is getting spit roasted by their nog "guides" right now while he fucks around with a jungle cat like a retard.
(((THEY))) want you weak, vegan and alone.
>how much you wanta bet his wife is getting spit roasted by their nog "guides" right now while he fucks around with a jungle cat like a retard.
(((THEY))) want you weak, vegan and alone.
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Whamens love guys like this. Any woman would drop her drawers for him in an instant. That's WHY so many guys act this way. All the virtue signaling. It's all about getting women and its effective.
Then the woman turns around and complains about "guys being full of shit and dont mean what they say!" yeah, well, you went and sucked the dick of a serial manipulator. That's what you get, cunt.
>small brain thread
everything comes down to sex in the end
>reeeeeeeeeeee why dont i have a wife :'(
who wants to bang an sjw roastie bitch anyway?
>trad waifu won't like this vegan pussyboi shit
That guy probably drowns in vagene.
no they dont you fucking idiot
Stop projecting you fucking loser. Limp wrist faggot lmao
Why would you look at this pic and think of cuck shit. The fucking STATE of burgers