Anyone here legit in Antifa? How do I Join? I wanna punch some nazis.
Anyone here legit in Antifa? How do I Join? I wanna punch some nazis
What is this photo from? I swear I've seen it in a movie or something.
Enjoy getting arrested.
Don't punch nobody. Peace is good.
Boise Antifa, DM me on Twitter. Account looks dead- it's not. Let me know where you are at and why you wanna join. I'll get you in touch with someone in your area.
Scarlett Pimpernel I beleive.
100% series in I’m the Denver metro area and I’d love for you to try to punch me
All you have to do is go onto the nearest university campus, find the faggiest group of stoners and landwhales there, and talk them about how you want to oppose the rising neo-fascist movement in the US. 2/10 odds they'll redirect you to some actual antifa where you can join a local chapter of fags, 8/10 odds they'll mumble something about muh drumpf and the conversation becomes a circle-jerk. Wash, rinse, repeat. It's how I infiltrated my city's.
I heard to apply you must be able to fist your own anus and scream "STOP FUCKING ME DADDY TRUMP" until you're so angry that your rectum prolapses.