Secret Service requirements?

How much of a badass do you have to be to in the Secret Service?

I am not talking about the woman that are there for political correctness.

>I am talking about the men who directly protect the President.
>I am talking about the men in charge of the technology to protect the President.

Regarding Secret Service on the front lines. I have reason to believe they are some of the most elite and experienced in battle. Everyone of them have killed. Many of them have been shot. They have all lived through horrors and they are all hardened after.

Regarding the men who deploy the technology that protects the President. I have reason to believe they have the ability to ping all phones in the area for red flag threats. They have face recognition cameras deployed on the crowds at all times, immediately knowing who everyone is. They are always one step ahead and could order a gunfire whip-out of all civilians with one word.

Attached: Secret Service.jpg (4594x3202, 2.76M)

>Everyone of them have killed
>Many of them have been shot
lol no

Prove me wrong. They are all past special forces.

Physically fit, clean record, military experience is probably preferred.

how many secret service members would actually sacrifice their life for el presidente

>Secret Service requirements?
be willing to take a bullet for any shit hole politician you're suppose to protect.

Personally know a guy who did a stint as Secret Service. Lifetime cop, huge and agile, smart, perceptive, masters degree in criminal justice, literal Chad Thundercock. Lasted a couple of years and is back with the county last we caught up. That’s who you need to be.

>They are all past special forces
lol no. Prove me wrong. Maybe the CAT guys are. The guys in suits are the same guys that worked in the uniformed division before and got the call up to the big leagues.

a morbidly obese faggot incel like you won't ever meet them, so don't worry about it.

Attached: 1523507497713.jpg (400x400, 80K)

I would honestly take a bullet for trump. There may never be another president like him.

If we got another dem or republican last time instead of him, that would be all she wrote. America would be officially a Chinese owned multi cultural shit hole. Hate him or love him he’s the last thing standing between old America and the hordes