Divorce thread:
What did she get out of you, user?
Divorce thread:
>getting married legally
>allowing other dudes to tell you what to pay the whore
why are you so weak?
>getting married
>one of my cars
>one of my dogs
>my eternal soul
its been 6 years and im still not over it. feelsbadman
My ex just left for 4 years. Idk what he did but when he wanted to see our son again he offered 400 a month.
Hes really good with our son even though he was way for so long.
Everything I had. Which was exactly nothing.
Still in the process
She'll get
The kids
a state pension
A car
Some cash
I want to hear from the user who had a restraining order taken out against him for sending A FUCKING PEPE to his ex. (no srsly)
>why are you so weak?
maybe we got married before the law went south?
maybe, but we had no dad or older male influence to warn us
My soul
But dont you get visitation? Even criminals get visitation.