Alright, what the fuck is this?

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>what the fuck is this?


There’s a group of leftist going around and changing everything on Wikipedia. Remember seeing a thread about here and it was some white soi cuck talking about it

Bumped and checked

What the fuck do they think they're accomplishing?

>leftist going around and changing everything on Wikipedia
So.. nothing special is happening.

no it's more like leftists are attempting to create an alternate reality where they won't be held to account.

>Pretends leftists doing what they've always done on leftist website ... is special.
Seriously... nothing special about this. It's happened for well over a decade now (probably 2).

>there's nothing special about jews creating fictional black inventors to create a fake narrative that blacks aren't intellectually inferior, to speed the transition of PoC being interbred with whites so that the collective IQ of the populace won't rise up to destroy them.

K, take your pills and go to bed.

>Pretends fake narratives about niggers is new and interesting.
Oh boy. Harriet Tubman (not her real name) never went to "the south". She did not save hundreds of strangers (she helped family move). She hated slavery so much that she agreed to live with her master, and do the shit she did before she was a "free person" ... for room and board - so essentially THE SAME SHIT SHE DID BEFORE SHE WAS FREE. Literally nothing changed.

George Washington Carver did NOT invent peanut butter.
John Lee Love did NOT invent the pencil sharpener.

So on and so forth. 99.9% of the shit you learned about niggers in school was wrong. Absolutely NOTHING has changed.

Fake black inventors to fuck with the search engines.

>this is the real story

There was some guy with a funny sounding username who made several edits to unlocked wiki entries that allowed him to upload different photos, some where goofy as fuck and obviously trolling and the others where semi-racist and lead to this which was probs spread by the editor

Erasing history and gaslighting people

They ARE accomplishing what should be a major objective of any political group, control over the narrative of history.

they're rewriting history obviously... in 50 years children will believe that the founding mothers, a group of strong independent black women, signed the declaration of independence to declare that they don't need no man

I don't get it. I mean if you spread the narrative that Blacks where always doing well, and were educated and contributed to society, aren't you undermining the other liberal narrative i.e. that they have been oppressed for centuries? I mean surely if they flurished as authors, inventors, engineers, etc. they couldn't have been THAT oppressed?

It's the same with the "muh strong wymen" narrative. If women where doing well and flourishing for centuries, patriachal oppression could not have been that bad.


no it's just that that old narrative served its purpose and this new one is based on the jewish sensitivity to the obvious disparities that STILL exist even in an environment where blacks can't point to the system as disenfranchising them but rather they fuck themselves over by basically being low IQ niggers.

George Washington Carver let his teeth rot out and couldn’t longer eat peanuts so many claim he invented peanut butter. Should have invented toothpaste instead.

Google put in a bunch of fake black inventors

Attached: 1555719441025.png (618x924, 602K)


Attached: 1474819543170.jpg (500x703, 67K)

is that oprah?

Fucking top kek

Google cannot tell them apart. Pretty Racist google.

juden communist propaganda stealing our history and making up insane lies like Soviet Jewgle does everyday

That's really just because of kids doing projects on black history month screwing up Google's algorithms by searching stuff like 'African American inventors' for reports and projects. Other languages don't have that issue because nobody else uses the term African American.

Try "key inventors in american history" and see the results not colored by dumb kids ruining Google.

Figured this was typical Jow Forums horse shit. But nope, same thing happens on Duckduckgo.

Funny and alarming at the same time.

a jew created duckduckgo as a honeypot btw

On the "Terrorist Incidents" page they require sources that actually say terrorism and name groups. They've removed more than half of attacks that occurred this month.
Anything Taliban related isn't considered terrorism because they're seen as a military. Even a roadside bomb that killed civilians isn't considered terrorism.
Of course the pages are locked for a month.

Maybe I'm just racist, but they really do look the same to me

I wish we could go back to the time of sassy black women. Why is our world such a shitshow now?

Jow Forums isn't safe from the jews subversion, either. most threads are created by bots, and most posters are just simple algorithms.

btw niggers are borderline retarded, and you will never meet one with any actual intelligence.

Attached: nigger iq.png (1854x1988, 748K)


Leftists give college credits for making up false history for women and negros on Wikipedia and elsewhere.

Also any where they give out government training with computers -- ie Girls Coding etc. all do this sort of thing