Does anyone know what the heck is going on?
This was retweeted by Martin Sellner.... The google translate version seems to be agreeing with the decision by the IB twitter account...
Does anyone know what the heck is going on?
This was retweeted by Martin Sellner.... The google translate version seems to be agreeing with the decision by the IB twitter account...
I checked out Mark's twitter, but he seems to have other things on his mind at the moment...
It appears that M. Woes was the person who was invited and IB didn't like it.
Identitarians are against self identification?
It's all very confusing. Apparently they think that Woes is too extreme, but I'm not sure where they actually disagree with him. Maybe on the JQ? Who knows.
It will be pretty ironic if Sellner ends up in jail even after having disavowed Woes while Woes is a free man
They're cucking to appeal to people who will never give them the time of day, purity spiralling
Maybe their lawyers told them to, but who knows. It feels everyone in Germany and Austria is disavowing anyone to the right of themselves, which is obviously a losing strategy. A divided force will always lose against a united one.
"Alt-righters want an ethno-state, absolutely incompatible with the demands of the IB."
What does IB want? How could the existence of an ethonostate be incompatible with their demands unless they believe that multiracialism must be enforced everywhere on the planet?
Even Anne Marie Waters was willing to appear at the same conference as Woes, and "Identitarians" disavow this? Are Identitarians now to the left of national conservatives?