He might be a clown, but he's right on this.
He might be a clown, but he's right on this
Dude has been right on everything. Amazing how one person can be SO vindicated over the years and never get any credit for it, and then go down for the one single issue he sort-of spoke up about but ended up ostensibly being "wrong" about. Talking about Sandy Hook here, but DESU for all I know it actually was faked cuz there was a lot of weird shit with it when it happened.
Even Alex Jones is calling out the "muh private companies" retards.
Alex Jones is controlled opposition. To hear him screech about "globalists" is fucking hilarious, in a black comedy kind of way.
Fuck off Bill--I mean, Alex. Fuck off for real.
Hearing him scream in any way is fucking hilarious. You have to be a real schitzo to listen to this guy regularly.
He's right on everything, that's why there are swarms of paid shills (in this very thread) who constantly call him a "Zionist shill/controlled op/gatekeeper/Bill Hicks, etc."
Politics, a show for the true rock bottom of human intelligence. I'm only here making fun of you guys cuz I'm just one step above you on the IQ ladder. Psychology fag here.
Flagged the video as child porn.