>hop in train
>start looking for a seat
>see this
>wat do?
Hop in train
Asher Price
Other urls found in this thread:
Parker Hill
Sit on food
Joshua Jackson
Put as much distance as you can.
Better late than enriched.
Ryan Cox
Doesn't matter you never relax around blacks
Ryder White
find a seat not next to a black.
Sebastian Wright
>say 'NIGGER' loudly
>pretend to use my headphones and giggle to myself as he walks around the train carriage looking for the culprit
Jack Sanders
Are you stupid?
WTF is the matter with you?
You would want to sit next to that mess?
go look for a better sit
Colton Ross
Use my chad face to get a seat next to the ladies.
Colton Phillips
Take a picture and post on Jow Forums to laugh at niggers with frens
Jonathan Martin
Stop using tech.