Toronto user here, and i just wanted to share something ive noticed. Jow Forums is always complaining about white women being coal burners and race mixing with non whites. But when it comes to white men? What the actual fuck? Every where i look i see white guys with asians and arabs and indians and latinos and even blacks. Even at parties and bars white guys are always going for minorities, i dont get it. Maybe the reason white girls are racemixing is because theyre following after white men being so traitorous to the white race. I dont even know the last time i saw a white dude with a white girlfriend without both of them being at least 35-40+. We all know women are generally retarded and dont know the differences between races, thinking its just skin deep or whatever, but arent men supposed to be more intellegent than that? What the fuck is wrong with white men now? What happened? Are they just going for the lowest of the fucking low? Are women really the problem here?
White “men”
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toronto is 20 shades darker than harlem
Sick reply dumbass
Newtonbrook reporting in. Are you a fag? Most minority men chimp out the moment they see a white guy with their women. There are bar racial bar fights here every night because of this shit. No race man or woman should ever fucking mix. It just creates a cold vengeful society.
kek'd and checked
Liberals are just retarded and typically end up marrying their own race anyway
Cabbagetown lol. Ive honestly never seen that type of shit happen. People just dont seem to care at all its honestly mind boggling
Seriously. I was just walking around Chicago. Literally all mixed race couples were white dudes with minorities. Like holy shit. If the white race ends, it will because white men are so pathetic and weak.
The problem is White women have become disgusting and arrogant. When we remove the kikes and they stop acting uppity the problems you are describing will rectify themselves
Is that the Toronto skyline ? Why is it so small weak and pathetic ? Looks like it belongs to a small flyover state like Indiana
Have you seen the women's shelter around Ossington Station? It's the pinnacle of degeneracy in the city. Check it out.