Went on a date

Seemed into me

> Date had an ex of three years
"Oh, okay"

> Ex was of a different race
me inside: "WTF!"

Why does that make me so angry? Do you even think this will work out? How can you be attracted to someone who looks nothing like me, and be attracted to me?

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Cuz you're getting dominated and subjugated and there is a primitive part of your brain that instinctively knows it, even if the Jews have trained you from birth to drown those powerful and often wise voices out.

>Ex was of a different race
that's when I turn 360 degrees and walk right out the door



>gf mentions in passing she thinks some-or-other nigger is attractive
*vomits internally*

Why is your date talking about her exes? She sounds like a fucking retard.

Sigh. user. Any decent female will refrain from beastiality

Because your lizard brain is rightfully disgusted that they're betraying the tribe

Fuck her anyways, you might be lucky. maybe he was asian chad or mostly white hispanic.

if he was black no chance.