So was he born in Kenya or not
So was he born in Kenya or not
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Based. People should never forget this. Birth certificate was proven so many times to be false.
Probably not but even if he was, he’s committed many worse crimes than lying about where he’s from
>what trump could never find
Obama family is CIA, the birtherism is stupid
I mean, he and Michelle said so themselves at various times
No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident
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At the time of our nation’s founding Benjamin Franklin obtained three copies of Law of Nations by Emer de Vattel. There is a record of the acquisition from Franklin backing this up that still exists today. I’ll quote that in a moment. It was the preeminent guide on the subject. Franklin put one in a library, sent one to the College of Massachusetts, and brought one to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia for the delegates to use, which they did.
This book they used defines “natural born citizen” clearly as a person born in a country, both of whose parents are citizens of the country at the time of birth. It’s a plain, clear definition of the term they used in the Constitution.
Where born ? No one gives a shit - daddyo nig was not a us citizen at time of his birth NOR ANY TIME BEFORE OR AFTER
That photo would be doctored to make him appeal to African Americans by making him look more black than he really is.
Any candid photos he looks arab as fuck.
You need to be drooling out of your mouth retarded to believe Obama was born in Kenya
The reason we cannot have a fucking traitor bitch like obama with unclear parentage not citizens at the time of the birth is that A BABY THEN HAS A DIVIDED LOYATLY FROM BIRTH AND IT'S NOT 100% LOYAL TO THE USA
100% unequivocally yes.
>He will be claiming Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape
mommy is a glownigger whore
I don’t know. But I do know he told Harvard that he was born in Kenya.
the stupid fucking repukes with all their mil and intel connections (if they have any of the latter left) probably didn't even abscond with that fuckheads dna then go check the shit against the claimed nigger sire (dig up the grave if you have to you god damned idiots)
LMAO - stupid fuckers
>trust the plan
one look at the scan and you know instantly it's a fraud - they tried to make it look like the book of certs was opened and laid on the scanner - but on the left is "the blank" perfectly flat with the bed, followed by "the tipping (up) "curved edge" of "the cert" "in the book binder of birth certs"
Since libs are retarded and have no spatial IQ, it looked great to them
and the shitdaddy oboy visited every friday to lick the cum off the commie davis balls and git his lifetime alynsky nigger training while mommie wiped out her cunt and got dressed
saddam hussein
osama bin laden
barak hussein obama
it's a sick fuckin joke and obviously not his name
Let me google that for you.
Not sure, but he is definitely a nigger.
Hard to find if you’re not actually looking tho desu
Indonesia for sure... Timestamp 18:30
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Philadelphia, 9 December, 1775.
“…I am much obliged by the kind present you have made us of your edition of Vattel. It came to us in good season, when the circumstances of a rising state make it necessary frequently to consult the law of nations. Accordingly that copy, which I kept, (after depositing one in our own public library here, and sending the other to the College of Massachusetts Bay, as you directed,) has been continually in the hands of the members of our Congress, now sitting, who are much pleased with your notes and preface, and have entertained a high and just esteem for their author. Your manuscript “Idee sur le Gouvernement et la Royaute” is also well relished, and may, in time, have its effect. I thank you, likewise, for the other smaller pieces, which accompanied Vattel…”
The letter addresses other matters concerning employment of colleagues, and translations of the proceedings of the Congress.
Vattel’s definition of a natural born citizen:
Law of Nations, Book I, Ch. XIX, at § 212:
§ 212: The citizens are the members of the civil society: bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.
who gives a fuck
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John Jay wrote to George Washington:
July 25, 1787
“Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expresly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”
In Sep., 1787, the “Committee of Eleven,” chosen at the Constitutional Convention to work out details on numerous occasions, changed the presidential requirement from citizen to natural born citizen, after receiving Jay’s letter. The Convention accepted the changes, hence the wording we have today.
All evidence points to yes
So say some nigger son of an american bitch is potus, and his muzzie nigger daddy foreigner gov official at said country calls his long lost hated niglet ...." yo boy nigga -weez needs dat army downz heya - we be needin'a dem damnjizya taken cair ob"
Seotoro starts a war on the enemies side for his absent nigger master
Welp, this is it Jow Forums, think i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>just lost 4k in stocks
>family wants to stab and murder and kill me until im dead
>keep hearing niggers giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every single day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
stream URL + quick rundown:
Thank you all, frens.
according to the long ago scrubbed interview with his grandmother he was born in Kenya. It was easy to find before his first term. has vanished since then.
>So was he born in Kenya or not
Yes, and he is also a full on niggerfaggot
He was born in the Congo
Are you serious?!
Wtf man don't do it!
so unfortunate that as soon as the question of his birth place began, the local hospital where his family resided burned to the ground destroying all records.
If he was, the Clintons would never have allowed him to get the nomination - amazing how many people forget about that.
this. why do you think he went so hard after sheriiff arpaio? the full weight of the DNC came down on arpaio for exposing the documents as fake
Unless you can put on a show like this faggot and his kek-tec, don't bother.
Who cares? His dad was and was a communist. His mother was a coal burner.
The whole kenya thing was just a media attempt to trip up white people.
The (((media))) would say endlessly - oh it's so amazing he has roots in other aprts of the world, he's a global citizen, see these photos of him with his kenyan family, did you know he grew up in indonesia, this is his uncle, he's a kenyan, this gives obama a "global outlook" how cool is that etc etc
How dare you ask if he is as american as a white man living here since 1750? How very racist of you. You need more Somalis living around you
It wasn't called Kenya until a few years after Obama was born.
Barack Obama is the antichrist. Remember this when he returns to power.
so the board of your entertainment could be further demonized and demonetized?
gtfo to jewbook
Sure they have similar features but someone half white Indonesian would look much whiter.. his nose is also more negroid and his hair.. isnt even straight like regular asians.
dont stream it no one wants to see your insides faggot do that shit on your own innawoods where you wont be found just become a missing deceased person like me you dumb kunt glownigger agent fuckface. btw i'm still alive nigger lol.
WHO THE FUCK CARES? He's a humiliated failure whose time is over. Trump has scoured away any hint of his policies. NOBLAME didn't happen anymore.