I began to wonder, how is it that Jow Forums can solve all these really weird and strange things, but yet can't understand the reality that republicans and democrats are the same party.
Outside of social issues, which are made priority by the media to make you focus your anger at each other rather than the real enemy. They are the same party. There is no way to vote against more war, there is no way to vote against big banks, there is no way to vote for the people and our rights.
How is it that Jow Forums is smart enough to solve all that shit, but yet can't seem to understand they are being played by the elite.
>can't understand the reality that republicans and democrats are the same party why are you to dumb to understand that we own both parties? ;)
Kevin Myers
We'll you're here after watching a video about Jow Forums on some clickbait normie channel so I'll start by saying we're inundated with cancerous fucking newfags.
Zachary Scott
most oldfags know this. Jow Forums is a shithole filled with redditfags now. has been since gamergate and got worse in 2016. this place is literally filled with more normies than actual oldfags now.
William Campbell
So the days of Jow Forums doing amazing things like that are done. Kinda sad. its like the death of an era.
Nolan Bennett
>hur dur same party well guess what those are the options we have to pick. literally the only time i've seen someone run outside the two parties was perot and most say he was the reason for clinton winning
Caleb Parker
>thinking that it actually mattered. Clinton was going to win no matter what. Votes mean nothing. Especially after 2016. Not saying clinton should have won. Lord knows id didnt want her. Im refering more to the aftermath and what we found with voter suppression and vote hiding. Both sides were guilty of this and it barely gets any attention over tranny bathrooms.
Parker Ortiz
and yes im aware i green texted wrong. im high and tired. thats my excuse.
So far you've stated something obvious, you're putting spaces for no reason, fucking up greentext and you keep saying Jow Forums instead of Jow Forums. Fuck off newfag.
Austin Ortiz
Could you imagine increasing the murder and suicide rate at the same time by just telling the truth?
look at the picture, you're stupid if you don't think everyone already knows this
Samuel James
If such is the case, then why are there so many trump supporter threads for example. Anyone can see he's fucking over everyone for himself and the elite class, yet some user's here praise him as god emperor.
Noah Ross
>cancerous fucking newfags. You mean JIDF and company right user?
Welp, this is it Jow Forums, think i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore. >just lost 4k in stocks >family wants to stab and murder and kill me until im dead >keep hearing niggers giggling 10 feet from my window every night >get gang stalked every single day >older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
But that's not the whole of it. The full expanse of its legend includes a homeless grunge-sample band, forklifts, a Hawaiian serial rapist, >an occult secret behind the original Jurassic Park film trilogy
and the postal service as Illuminati. To this day no one is sure if Erratas was an attempt at an ARG, promotion for an album, a massive pile of coincidences or a real conspiracy.
I was just thinking how the P in Jurassic park looks like the Chi Rho symbol. Jurassic Park Lost World is full of Nimrod symbolism. It's all about establishing a city among wild, killer animals.
ChronosForLife JurassicPark's account was opened months earlier on October 17 of 2015 with the first video being uploaded a day later, consistent with his claim in one video that he's reuploading from his mom's lost account. The next "reupload" however isn't posted until November 21- over a month later, odd if he's just reposting content his mother previously made. This is also the same date as Tod's video.
The mom videos themselves aren't anything special or interesting, mostly just basic slideshows of random Jurassic Park images with the most basic WMM effects... but there's some weird shit in them. Most notable is morse code at the end of the second video translating to "hollywood astral projection clinic". Unlike any of the strange visual assets, it would have to have been deliberately edited in, but neither Chronos nor his mom would have had motive to do so. The phrase seems like it should mean something, but has absolutely nothing to do with anything else related to Erratas. It's just... there.
On January 23rd, the third video was uploaded to the channel, titled "Youtube is MONITORING and controlling my life". In this video, Chronos goes on a bizarre rant (in the form of white text on a very low-quality video, making it difficult to read) about how Youtube was harassing his mom due to a secret she discovered in the original Jurassic Park trilogy. Yeah, it's about as insane as it sounds. He seems to realize how wild his story is, as he assures us he has not been diagnosed with schizophrenia or any other mental disorder. Note at this point, Chronos had not yet mentioned "erratas" in any form.
Ian Bell
>Group "A" is far more capable than I with critical thinking skills and has proven to have mental acuity far surpassing my own as i am in awe at this list of their achievments completed with methods I am not intelligent enough to understand >I disagree with Group "A" on something. That means they are incorrect. Im sorry but im really tired. Is this some kind of new bait thread or is OP actually fucking retarded? I can't tell anymore.
>one eye >palm trees >SS >Chaos Island >Universal Studios Hollywood >"The Lost World" being smashed >"The Lost World" clutched in a bird claw = Geb Egg symbolism