why are white males losing their minds?
The more dead Californians the better
bingo, fuck this faggot.
Cuz white people are so bad. So evil. Irredeemable. They must submit and beg for forgiveness from their morally superior roommates on this planet Earth. Hopefully, if you are lucky, we will all take pity on you but don't count on it cuz you guys are pretty rotten.
The more shootings like this happen, the easier it will be to blame white people for every evil in the world.
Some nigger shot up a block party yesterday in NYC
Didn’t kill more because they are terrible shots
That has happened anyways. The more dead Californians in the process is a positive
This faggot should blow his privleged white male brains out.
Then do us all a favor and kill yourself, self hating traitorous rat.
Fuck these people, literal subhumans. We hunt these traitors down when the time comes.
There will be no mercy for your kind
>Trump says that he wants antifa to be labeled a terrorist group
>mass shooting
>"right wing" shooter(s)
>Jow Forums diggs
>finds shooter(s) liberal faggot history
>memory holed like the fake bomber van bs
Calling it now. Screenshot this.
Is he a fellow (((WHITE)))?
But shootings happen on literally a daily basis in black and brown communities? The only reason you don't hear about it is because it happens so often it's not even news anymore. Like reporting that the sun has risen.
That tweet is bait. I wouldn't be surprised if OP made it just for this thread.
>But shootings happen on literally a daily basis in black and brown communities?
yes youre correct. They kill each other. When a white man goes on a rampage he kills everyone
This is now a meme thread
another sloppy job
Imagine watching one country music fan do something then seeing SEE THIS IS WHY ALL COUNTRY MUSIC FANS ARE MURDERERS!
Imagine watching every race do terrible crimes because all humans are absolute shit, then magically erasing some of those events from history to get people to pat you on the back in flavor of the week discussion.
Imagine millions of people posting how dare they shoot the garlic festival omg this is sad and zero of their tears doing anything to stop me from laughing my ass off at dumb fuck American parasites dying OMG YOU ARE Evil ! America and every country were founded on brutal murder. But your murder is good murder right? Check mate kike pedo
What does this even imply? Your reply is nonsensical.
you know what its means faggot.
pic related happens every day and we're told it's our fault too
yeah, I think we're losing our minds
A mass shooting isn't the same as a shooting in the hood. The former can happen anywhere and the victims are totally random, the latter is in most cases just gang members settling their scores with each other.
I wonder how many died in Chicago this weekend.
who in these environments who has the sense to look around would not become immensely right wing and then lash out in anger?
No, I literally don't. Why do you think a white guy shooting people at random a couple times a year is worse than the literally daily shootings that occur between blacks and browns? The rate of death is significantly lower.
Libs get a tingle in their pants every shooting praying that the shooter is white.
>"Waah he was right wing violence is caused by rightists"
No, rightists are caused by violence, violence is caused by leftists,
8 killed, 41 wounded.
Technically gang related violence can happen anywhere as well with random victims. Mass shootings are very marginal when it comes to gun related violence in this country.
Give him this
statistically though whites are per capita vastly less likely to murder anyone
but stats end where feelings and media coverage begins so...
>i'm fucking white
DeWayne Craddock
But anyway you characterization is almost certainly false.
Fucking this. Kill them all. I hope brown and black children die.
Leftists think it's justified to do violence to prevent the whiff of a chance of a holocaust, imagine what you're not only entitled to do, but outright obligated to do, to prevent the absolute guarantee of this vicious madness, this slow holocaust of the very soul.
Technically yes, but I can bet they are extremely rare in well-off neighborhoods. So basically you are almost guaranteed you aren't going to become a victim of one if you avoid the hoods. And gangs don't usually aim to kill you specifically.
Cucks like him deserve to be thrown into a pit of nucking faggoting figgers and muh dikked to death.
* starts quoting crime statistics *
Yeah, I can avoid minority violence by not going to their neighborhoods. But you never know when Jow Forums will show up.
Jesus, that is one more than the Saint Valentines day massacre en.wikipedia.org
All in all, the possibility of becoming a victim of a mass shooting, even with a right-wing shooter is almost non-existent anyway. There is way too much fuss about it.
>A white male shot someone, but blacks and browns are the problem, omfg!?
>>Why did he shoot people?
Someone tweet this at him and ask him why he is so desperate for a race-war.
Chad has been fed his daily dose of koolaid.
Chad doesn't see statistics nornis Chad capable of fathoming the meaning of said statistics even if he had seen them.
You see, Chad lives among white people and thinks that's representative of living among black people.
Chad should be culturally enriched and served some great food.
Because food and not being racist is more important than the collapse pf civilization everywhere blacks make up any significant portion of the population.
Right Chad?
Why are shitskins so retarded
Welp, this is it Jow Forums, think i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>just lost 4k in stocks
>family wants to stab and murder and kill me until im dead
>keep hearing niggers giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every single day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
stream URL + quick rundown:
Thank you all, frens.
Maybe if they didn't hold the fucking gun sideways.
How many people died at this event? How many die daily in Chicago alone from black gang violence?
The memes are becoming real
How often are you gonna spam your shitty discord in these threads?
wtf is that plastic shit? lmao
Yes please this place needs a culling
based Ivan
/meme flag off
> Costello
fuck off nigger
Statistics do not give a shit about your anecdoctes costello.
no u
White people that hate white people should be committing suicide if they truly care, but instead they attention whore with retarded statements in social media. Therefore, they are full of shit and nobody should listen to them.
A Ruger 9mm carbine. Actually a pretty nice piece. Breaks down in half. Has a mag well adapter to take Glock mags. You can move the bolt knob to either side. Fluted barrel with threaded muzzle. Stock spacers to lengthen reach, if you want. Nice price, Ruger quality.
Like I said, nice.
every single person interviewed after this "event" was a fucking spic, one didnt even speak fucking english. with the exception of the band, which all looked like fags anyway
This is one of the most based things I've ever read from a memeflagging faggot.
>White people that hate white people should be committing suicide if they truly care, but instead they attention whore with retarded statements in social media. Therefore, they are full of shit and nobody should listen to them.
It´s also such a joke and a lie when they do it.
Statistically it is very clear and it´s ubiquitous that european males commit some of the lowest crime in the world, only ones who are slightly better at it are some east asian ethnic group. Everyone else commit basically higher crime per capita.
So when something like this happens they sensationalize it, but don´t tell people how many the other groups murder.
Secondly. The non european ethnic group in USA also know this and are likewise completely full of shit and will lie and decieve in order to demonize white americans. Because they don´t want to live in their own fucking countries where their own people are. They want to take over USA for themselves. And they ofcourse don´t want to admit that too publically. But everything they do is try to undermine white americans.
I am so tired of these fuckers and their attempting to ethnically destroy europeans. When there are so many of these fucking cockroaches around in their own countries that the world is drowning in them, that they then at the same time can go to places like USA and act as if they are fucking special and rare and should be treated better!
White male..
Garlic festival....
Vampire did it.
I mean... these people literally depend on white people to survive in many cases. Once we're gone, they are following.
And that's assuming we go out quietly and without a fight.
>a literal who
>Warrants a thread on Jow Forums
Where the fuck are the mods
Twitter confirmed it was two white male misogynistic racist sexist transphobe bigots Trump voters in camo.
Let's be clear. Trump did this. Trump murdered all those people. White males need to go back to Europe where they came from.
That line of logic is still an attempt to humanize niggers by assuming they require a reason to kill or severely injure someone. Those incidents are plentiful and often go unreported. It isn't "news" until they say it is.
Ha ha. You're trying to hard, redditfag.
Why are black males losing their minds?
What is so funny about non europeans that go to european peoples countries. Is that they live in a state of dread of being for instance a nigger in a sea of niggers, that is not rare, not special and that nobody cares about or treats particularly better than anybody else.
These immigrants don´t want to live where their people are 95+% ethnic majority. What does that tell you about these people???
Yet they want to go to for example USA, and find every possible thing they can to shit on white americans for. Because they want to take over USA for themselves. Since they realized americans built better stuff than they did. But even if they did. It´d be the same problem. These fucking people do not want to live with people like themselves. But that´s what is going to happen! Where are they going to go then.
They love going to other peoples countries and feeling like they are special because they don´t belong there, and asking to be pampered and catered to. Did you notice that? And then they demand representation and all of that shit. But they can get 100% representation back home. It´s extremely obnoxious what they are doing. And they are never called out on it. And if you point out their negative behaviour. Ah you can´t. But if a white american does anything. For any reasons. Everybody loses their fucking mind and does this non stop dishonest demonization. The level of fraud that these people are engaged in is extraordinary. And they know it themselves. They gang up on white americans in americans own country.
>Attempt to displace and disenfranchise an entire race of people in their own lands
>They fight back
Who could've predicted it?
>White males need to go back to Europe where they came from.
White males spent several centuries building USA from the ground up. Niggers and spics are the ones who legitimately needs to fuck off first. And you can´t ask european americans to leave their own country that they built. Throw out the fucking 'native' americans aswell. Since they are a mini country inside USA aswell, who never did fuck all with regards to building USA either. broker a deal giving them territories in mexico, and let mexico pay their bills.
You people are such gigantic frauds that you can´t even engage in honest logic.
Do we even know why the lunatic did it? Or any details as of yet?
They've said it was two shooters and eyewitnesses describe one of them as white in combat fatigues. At a food festival in California, it was probably non-whites everywhere.
8 people were shot today in Chicago. The leading cause of death for blacks from 15-34 is homicide.
well, chad knows what to do then
Ok. Thanks.
It seems 4 dead. Including 1 of the assailants. So he´s not talking ofcourse. So it might be one of those cases they can just spin as 'evil white male' non stop.
I´m sceptical of the motivation. All this does is make immigrants look like victims which they aren´t. So this actually benefits them. Same as what tarrant did in new zealand, and what breivik did in 2011 in norway.
>8 people were shot today in Chicago. The leading cause of death for blacks from 15-34 is homicide.
Right, and nobody cares because it´s all according to planned that niggers murder eachother. Nobody gives a flying fuck about that. RIGHT? that´s how it is.. those people are not less dead. It´s just not sensationalized in the press. That´s the only difference. If you sensationalized everytime there was such a thing. You´d bearing of nothing else.
"Haha see guys? Im not like those other white devils. Im a good guy who loves colored people! haha...Please let me on your side so I dont get hurt when the race war begins"
Be hearing.
a chad Virgin if i ever saw one
>"Haha see guys? Im not like those other white devils. Im a good guy who loves colored people! haha...Please let me on your side so I dont get hurt when the race war begins"
It´s not even that. It´s the psychological term racism.
There is no such thing as racism. It is a logically bankrupt term. Ethnic groups are different, thus you prefer your own more than other groups. And you want to preserve it in your own country, aswell as you want for yourself and your people what you have built together.
Racism pretends that chinaman and african are identical. So unless you pretend along with these idiots, they argue that you are mean or evil or something.
Now we should treat eachother nicely inspite of those differences but that´s an entirely different matter. And people do that anyways internationally and all these things.
If you are constantly trying to placate the term racism, and trying to demonstrate how you are not a racist. Then you are constantly saying how you don´t like yourself or your own people or want to stand for your own people and these sorts of things. You SHOULD prefer and be nice to your own people more than you should be nice to some foreigner in your country. How the hell does it make sense you are more nice to strangers than family. And how does it make sense that you hate your family and love foreigners?
When you try to say.
>well i am not a racist.
This is what you are saying, and what these virtue signallers are doing. They are saying, you hate yourself and your own people. And you are fine about them being destroyed. They try to make it into a bad thing to like your own people. It´s easily one of the most disgusting and fraudulent psychological operations and terms in human history.
Look he even says it. I am a white man, white men are the problem. So he´s a problem? Ah not him, just every other white person. Because he most certainly is not a 'racist'.
It's hard not to drink the koolaid when that's all the local drink stand offers. Having to go to the back alley to get a Sunny D is too much effort for the average person.
Again because of this logically bankrupt term racism. People are constantly doing the wrong thing by showing how much they are not a racist. Which is usually consists of shitting on their own people, and pampering and catering to other ethnic groups. You shit on your own family and placate a foreigner instead. It´s nonsense! I´ll at any point treat a family member better than a non family member. That doesn´t mean i treat non family members bad. But the notion that i should shit on my family and treat non family members better. Is completely and fully idiotic!
So when someone asks you if you are a racist. They are actually trying to get you to say that you hate yourself and your own people. Because that´s what you are doing if you go out of your way to explain how you most certainly are not a racist. You most certainly don´t prefer your own people or even like them. nah FUCK WHITE PEOPLE because you are a not a racist, right? hahaha
AND.. treat niggers and other ethnic groups better than your own people. Because you don´t want to be 'racist' do you? Nah. ofcourse not!
Well put my friend. It's really fuckin laughable with all the virtue signaling. To me it really does just look like a bunch weak willed twits trying to either save their own asses or paint themselves as a saint. The truth is that every human on earth is "racist" to some degree. It's in our nature to be so. When something poses danger or statistically has higher chances to be dangerous, we will try to avoid that danger whenever possible.
Find me one of these guys ever going into the hood. Not a single one would, and you know why? Because jumping people is a niggers favorite passtime.
Racism is a term invented by marxist to push for mass immigration. It declares that you can´t differentiate between your own people and people of other ethnic background in your country. It claims they are identical. In this way nefariously france can become 100% african, and they would force you to consider them 100% ethnically french. Because french people don´t exist since under 'racism' there is no difference whatsoever between an ethnic frenchman and an ethnic somalia for example. Therefore you can´t say, we need to do specific things in france for ethnic french, and not for somalis with french citizenships. They will call you racist for it. So thereby french people can completely dissapear in france, and they will argue it´s fine don´t do anything to stop it, because french people never existed. 100% the same as a guy from somalia. Do you see how nasty that is?
So you see the entire term is constructed as a false idiom to help demonize anti immigration sentiment. And it PRETENDS that it is about ethnic bigotry. But it is actually that you can´t recognize any difference whatsoever! Ethnic bigotry is not really a problem especially if your ethnic group is safeguarded and protected in your own country. But when immigrants demographically cause problems for you. Then you get ethnic bigotry as a natural result. Because you are annoyed for logical and sound reasons, that they are making an impass in your country. And there are coming too many, they are changing everything, they need to fuck back to their own country, because it´s like an invasion at that point.
Black and brown people shot black and brown people today too you just didn't hear about it from (((them)))
And so when they setup that bullshit term racism in advance. Eventhough it is logically bankrupt. But they enforce social stigma, and people just are told racism is bad, they are not told what it is or why it is bad, just they are told it is bad. Then if someone says stop the immigration it is destroying our people and culture. They will say. YOU RACIST! hahaha. Right? To deflect. SO rather than the discussion becoming. Yeah we can see too many of those other ethnic groups, need to send some of them back, lot of them don´t like our culture, we have socio economic problems with them aswell. No, you can´t get to that discussion and do something about it. Because it´s 'racist'. THAT`S EXACTLY THE POINT of that bullshit term, the preemptly shut down the conversation to try to stop you from doing anything to prevent it.
how many women and children did browns and blacks shoot today? i would venture to say, at least two dozen.
darkies shoots whitey
>waaaah darkie bad
>whitey shoots darkies
>waaah white bad
I swear to god, I will see to it all of you die in nuclear hell fire. None of you are not NPCs. Do something. Stop talking. Stop talking to them, stop debating, stop thinking of witty replies that nobody will consider, stop talking, stop using language, use your arms.
Stop posting screen shots of random tweets as if it's relevant.
>says the guy as he does nothing
hypocrite. not even gonna ch3ck em.
Doesn't America consider half their Latinos white?
shitalians arent white
He's so virtuous that I want to become gay for him!