Deporting immigrants

This is how its done Amerifats you can learn from us a thing or two. Just beat the shit of them, steal their money and phones. Then you escort them out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

God bless the slavs of europe

pushbacks are illegal, but they didn't mention that they entered the country illegally.

Amerifats just need to Co-opt the Negro population into doing their bidding instead of doing the bidding of the Jews.

Attached: Das Riiiiite.jpg (500x500, 47K)

The cop at 1:45 is a faggot cuck crying to the BBC

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Based Croatia

don't forget to fumigate them


fuck the BBC, the act like these illegal immigrants are not breaking any laws by invading another country.

>These pushbacks are illegal
So is entering another country forcefully

This is what police are supposed to do when they have illegals in their country. 10/10.

Good job boys. Keep it up.

Niggers get out REEEEEEE

>migrants should be given hearing and right to demand asylum by EU laws
yea, and it'll last days, even weeks, and when denied they dissapear

no you dumb croat you're supposed to let them go to germany so they can destroy the krauts from within

Necete u Cavoglaveeeeeeeee, niste ni prijeeeeeeee


being this uneducated

are the bosnians helping these guys?

You really can't do anything like civilised people can you?

and what would you do?

t. alpine croat

samo nastavite da jih bijete, naši u vladi ljube kurac šorosu svi poredu

>Non-refoulement (/rəˈfuːlmɒ̃/) is a fundamental principle of international law that forbids a country receiving asylum seekers from returning them to a country in which they would be in likely danger of persecution based on "race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion".[1]

>"The benefit of the present provision may not, however, be claimed by a refugee whom there are reasonable grounds for regarding as a danger to the security of the country in which he is, or who, having been convicted by a final judgment of a particularly serious crime, constitutes a danger to the community of that country."[10]

So yes, both are open to interpretation. "Asylum" is NEVER enter a country illegally. Not only do they have to stay in the first "safe" country, the majority should apply for asylum at embassies and wait for papers.

You live in an ethnostate you Triglav nigger. It's easy to turn off your brain when you live in one of the safest countries in the world.

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Good news

Croatia is one of the few countries in the Balkans that I like

slovenija je najvec anti migrant v ex yugo zemljama takoj da ne vidim zakaj nebi vi tak kot mi delali
slovenia is also based brit bong

I wonder how are they letting this happen for so long. I guess our ZOG ass kissing traitors don't have such a powerful grip as they wish.

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>Croatia is one of the few countries in the Balkans that I like

What about the others, mate?

self-segregation: be like Israel, Japan, North Korea, Iceland, tribal areas any place that is exclusive to one group of people. Gather there with at least 20k people to start and learn how to drain the US system for you people. Leave thecu cks behind. Stay cool, don't let crooks into your village, lick out slackers and scum, ignore immigrants who are shoved into your area, have membership only commerce. start a religion if you have to. fucking white people you are smart get moving already!

I don't think that's what he said, those lying cocksuckers probably made the whole interview up.

>tfw ywn live in a cult like small town ignoring all decadent visitors like you're in a Lovecraft's story

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our police beats them and rob them, nothing wrong with it though. Stay away

Why would anyone want to illegally go to Croatia? There are no Gibs there.

we are in the way of the gibs, Schengen area is just another border hop over

Slovenes aren’t Alpine race, just geographic

Okay, this is epic.

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Passing through to Germoney. But the burden of being Antemurale Christianitatem never passed from us, so we still hold the line - in vain, perhaps, but it's tradition.

>man from Split bites of ear of french tourist after he looked at his girlfriend
kek, I love this city circus

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Only those on Soros' payroll. Same goes for other countries: Serbia, Germoney, UK, USA etc...

the police beats on every criminal here you silly goose

And that's a good thing, since with the laughable state of our judiciary, the police beating is often the only punishment criminals get at all.




purge is comming soon

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Build a fence or something, it worked for us good enough.

Enjoy it while it lasts....
You Balkaniggers begged for EU gibs, so EU gibs you get...

>The French president said more specifically that eight EU countries - France, Germany, Finland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Lithuania, Croatia and Ireland - have agreed to share the resettlement of migrants rescued in the Mediterranean.

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Sadly, no purge will occur until a truly patriotic party (not HDZSDP eurokike complex) wins 2/3s of Sabor so they can rewrite the Constitution without coalition faggotry.

Kolakusic means well, but is ultimately just a meme.

>it worked for us
you have built fence on our border, if we would just let them in, chicken wire wouldn't stop them

The fuck is this negroid on about? Split was wonderful when I went there a week ago.

Nah a barbed wire fence + patrols would do the job, but Janez forgets the fact that our border with Bosnia is 10 times longer than the one with Slovenia AND is in mostly fucked up terrain AND is still partially mined since the war.

based and croatpilled

I really hope not. Im from central bosnia and we tend to beat them on a daily basis. Almost every fucking day when i go to the gym something happens outside of my apartment and its always these shitskins. For some reason they are focused on my neighbourhood. They rob and cause trouble on a daily basis. I hope they get beaten everywhere they go. At this point i dont care if its legally. Beat them up. Good job croatia, other countries should learn from you guys.

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if you're in power you can make referendum and bypass 2/3 Sabor. Kolakušić says good stuff and presents himself well, worst thing media can accuse him is of being wannabe Lukashenko, but only dictator can pull us out
I am from Split, city is circuss, I love it though but it's pure chaos. You didn't spend enough time in it to expirience enough of chaos. In summer it's even worse due to all tourists

you seem retarded, the judiciary system here is good enough considering on what waits for you when you get to prison.. if you ever experienced getting arrested and have been sent to istražni prison you know what im talking about

>still partially mined since the war
hehehehehehehehehe, good luck mineswweeper-chan

ovdje nikad neće biti izabrani političar koji nešto vrijedi. Jedino riješenje je radikalizacija i postizanje kritične mase, neovisno o kojoj ideologiji pričamo. Možda je ovaj lik oke ali naš narod lako manipuliraju jer smo podvodljivi i lijeni.

t. Nova24Tv loving boomer

Constitutional Court can veto a referendum question thats "unconstitutional" (read: against elite interests). We need to sneed our current Constitution and write a new one from scratch as the current one is gay as hell.
>actually unironically implying our criminal justice system isn't broken and comped beyond belief
Only criminals and degenerates benefit from our current """""laws"""""

ljubio bi mu i ti kurac da ti da koji milion ttt

Fucking phoneposting why is my flag confederate all of a sudden koji kurac?

pusti me da se nadan. Rađe bi da nema nereda i ostalih sranja. Samo nam to jos fali...

Nista dok jugoboomeri svi ne pocrkavaju dotad ce HDZ/SDP iliti dva krila KPJu bit na vlasti ovdje.

>those injuries
ive seen people looking worse after a football game on the beach, these faggots never stood a chance

Based Croats doing what their low-life ancestors have done for centuries. Theft and assault.

Based. Za dom spremni!

Even the good goy Kolinda basically laughed them off and said they got bruised by branches and shit. And she just came back from fellating Netanyahu.

>t. a butthurt protestant

To steal something means to deny another persons private property. Luckily arab migrants arent humans so its not theft.

You cant steal stuff from a horse or a cow, only another human. And shitskins arent human.

We keep beating them but they keep coming. They wanted to send the army to protect the border but the fucking SERBS bolcked that.

what the actual fuck are you talking about. Just because you have seen Daruvarac guy getting off a couple of time doesent mean the system is good to criminals. Its shit. Especially to youth. Zagrebs juvenile institutions are very fucked up. Our prisons dont even have a small rehabilitation program. The cops are known to plant evidence if someone doesent rat others. Do you think Croatia has some big fucking criminal underground or something? Its just junkies and a very small percentage of violent adults and from the perspective of an ex junkie,we get fucking fucked just for possesion with no intention of selling.


Ma ni onda, trebamo još i vratit mlade i popravit cijeli ekonomski sistem. Pokusavamo bti kapitalistička država a imamo 25 posto poreznu stopu?! O čem mi tu pričamo. Višestranački sistem je isto u kurcu itd itd.
Ima puno toga za napravit, zato svi i odustaju

>t. criminal scum
Why am I not surprised. You and your druggie buddies should have all been shot. Fucking degenerates.

>a croat calling someone else a subhuman

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kek whiter than you muhamed hahahaha

>in this one a Croatian Police officer can be seen with a GUN in his hand

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Joj daj gimnazijalac smiri se. Svatko s pola mozga ima svojih problema s vremena na vrijeme, način na koji se s njima nosimo varira. Možeš zabrijavat da su svi kvazinarkomani hardcore kriminalci ali u biti je ekipa koja se nezna nosit sa svojim problemima i to nije u redu. Neću opravdavat postupke iz svoje mladosti ali tvoja perspektiva je retardirana i previše crno bijela. Nadam se za tvoju pamet da tako sereš i po alkoholičraima.

Fucking based.

Based Croats
Bosniaks are seething right now and calling Croats fascists lmao
They are absolutely fucked with nearly 10000 of their immigrant brothers
Pic related salt mined

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Ako pricas o travi ok. Nije dobro al nisu ni cigarete i alkohol pa nek im bude...
Ako pricas o teskim drogama, metak u celo i za dilere i za konzumente je jedino rjesenje.

Wtf I'm moving to Croatia now

>he thinks there is a chance of a finnish immigrant muslim browsing pol and posting images of blonde chicks
Cope harder, you poor rural oaf :DDD

What's the cause of the recent surge of bosniak asspain towards us? Is the defacto political alliance between BiH Croats and RS? Or Peljesac bridge? Or just foreign marching orders?

Based Croats beating the fuck outta migrants at the rhythm of Thompson

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You keep saying that you're our friends but literally screw us whenever you can

Očito je da nisi pravilno educiran o temi jer su ti starci chirstcuck boomeri il tako nešto. Cijela fora sa tržištem droga je zajebana i komplicirana. Da je speed socijalno prihvaćen umjesto alkohola danas bi srao po cugi. Pričam o svemu što ljudi koriste kao sredstvo za privremeno uklanjanje životnih ili mentalnih problema, nije bitno jeli legalno ili nije. Moralfag sranja su ti prosječna.

>OP posts story of Croatians beating and robbing migrants
>I'm migrating to Croatia now!
Durną ir bažnyčioj muša.

I am afraid first worlders are too basedish to employ this strategy

The average white American male is either 110 lbs soaking wet or 310 lbs totally dry, neither have ever been in a fight or threw a fist in anger their whole lives

>expects friendship and respect from Croatia while simultaneously politically supressing Bosnian Croats

Komsic is the reason why we shit on you. Covic is the Croatian representative, Komsic is a faggot who got voted in as the "Croat" rep by Bosniaks. So fuck him and fuck Bosnia as well.

Your only friend in the croatian goverment is Kralinda and even she lost interest for your fucked up country. Dont get me wrong, i have a hercegovian grandfather and hercegovians are cool, but the country is all kinds of fucked.

What's needed is a right-wing program to get nigers into house of BBC talking heads.


>getting ~500 €€€ for every head
Where do I apply

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whatever you do don't be orthodox serb under WW2 in Croatia

>You live in an ethnostate
Lol, noy anymore
Slovenia is full of Croats and Serbs and Ljubljana is getting enriched by niggers just like every other EU capital

ZA DOM SPREMNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ull fall in line and be a migrant camp like ur cock feeder germany.

Based catholic pushing back the invader. I wonder how the bbc justify them coming here they are from Egypt it is completly crazy.

Yeah, when you think about it, this is an excellent business opportunity to get rich fast. Now i know why our border police is driving around with BMWs and opening second hand mobile shops after a hard day of work. You just practice your baton skills and collect the money.

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