
Why shouldn't I move to Belarus?
>purely white
>simple, non-urbanized life in most parts
>not a liberalized shithole
>wondrous mix of Belarusian-Lithuanian-Polish culture

Any Belarus anons here? I recently discovered I have roots in Grodno.

Attached: 1200px-Coat_of_arms_of_Belarus_(1918,_1991–1995).svg.png (1200x1488, 294K)

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Who gives a fuck about Belarus?


>Who gives a fuck about Belarus?
I do, but not if they join Russia.

Attached: Do not abandon our Belarusian language, so we would not die.jpg (968x1523, 981K)

Go there and dominate them w/ your suicidal dick, N1c haplomeme brother.

You can live comfortably only in Minsk. And because of european games there's a lot of churkas and asians in metro. Hope they will be gone soon.

There's lot of antifa around BTW. Everyday I come across strikethrough swastikas on the walls

It's a sad state of affairs when not even Belarus is safe from the Antifa curse.

Damn. I was thinking about making a lot of money here, moving to the Belarusian countryside with my girlfriend and growing my own food while living comfortably.
I can imagine there's antifa, don't you guys have lots of commie symbolism around?

Also Minsk is probably the last place I'd like to live in, I'm sick of living in metropolises

Is it as bad as I hear? Do more people speak Russian than Belarussian? Are you guys still planning to join Russia? Would you ever consider working with Poland and Hungary instead?

Please correct me if any of this is wrong
From my understanding this was the chain of events
/ouruncle kicked a lot of the yids out of Poland during the good years. They went east before Barbarossa and the preemptive strike against the USSR happened. Stalin was weary of the Levantine chicken swingers so he forced them to renounce their judiasm. A lot of them wound up in Belarus.

Onto my question are there a ton of cryptos running around Belarus. Are they subversive? Did they actually drop the tribal bit or did they just play pretend until the USSR ended? Are they distinct from other Belorussians or did they blend in? Did they move from Belarus to some other USSR state before the wall fell or did they stay?