Socialism fail

Why has socialism repeatedly failed throughout history? Why do people that support it look like this?

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Asking unironically:
Socialism can only function in a small country. The reason is that a bureaucracy loses influence the farther from the nucleus that the influence travels.

They look like that because they come from places where their personal wealth is viewed as a reason to hate them, so, in a logical fallacy, they claim to represent what they are afraid of believing that, somehow, that protects them from those people's envy.

Ironically: cause ugly and socialism are more profound that just skin deep. They are rot that travel, like the Diaspora that create Socialism, from the inside out; corrupting and polluting whichever matrix that it visits.

Quite based sir

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Textbook onions boy face.

It's her bf irl apparently but they all look the exact same

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ah yes it has failed, just look at the best countries to live in totally not biased

fucking amerimutts

guys can you please quit posting my photo

based and norse-pilled. The trick is homogenic peoples and culture with common values and perhaps even belief in a deeper national belonging, so as to reduce leeching and parasitic behaviour, although that is a bit of a problem up here nowadays

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he wares panties and a cock cage for her

>Why has socialism repeatedly failed throughout history?
Because people are greedy, selfish and lazy and if you don't take this into account then your system will fail.
That's why Capitalism is kicking ass, it has the right incentives and punishment built in.

that guy looks like rolf harris

The onions is strong with that one.

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>Why has socialism repeatedly failed throughout history?

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Because we live of stressing righties.

Socialism is a very jewish thing, it's rigged for the elites from the start.

Because this 4 billion year old world and the evolution that has happened on it are for one purpose and one purpose only: To weed out the strong. That is the deepest truth about the world you live in and it's the main thing human beings want to reject outright through their belief system.

In short, they want to believe that power and strength don't matter, that being weaker doesn't matter. They want to ignore the truth of this place. They are all the people that will dive into the world of VR and never look back. They want the matrix to exist so they can remove themselves from the real world where NATURE matters.

Are you talking about full on socialism or just socialist policies?

Because pretty much all countries have a bunch of socialist policies at their core as infrastructure and the miltary and other shit doesn't work well in a more free profit based system.

So a lot of modern politics are just about just how much or how little socialism we need rather than trying to go into "real" socialism with a fully planned and owned state economy.

So in many ways socialism hasn't "failed" but become an integral part of modern mixed economy society. Some do argue that we need higher taxes and more social programs such as welfare as it fills a similar function to infrastructure but some argue that we don't and so on.

As for "real" socialism it could only really work in a very small scale (similar to real communism) and the applications we've seen of it in the larger countries have been in authoritarian ways to control the people and make them think the government is for them when it's really not (almost a bit similar to modern democracy that gives the illusion of power with the representative voting)

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Socialism hasn't been around that long if you take in the complete history of the planet. It's just another stupid idea humans have tried but they'll eventually move on to other stupid ideas.

boomer-tier meme but also underrated

Countries that have the population of a city don't count oil nigger.

same as capitalism.
Only Third Position politics will save us.


I work since i'm 15 years old and once i get my engineering degree i'm planning to start my marxist bussiness.

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That’s a nightmare picture

You're a frozen muslim shithole. You just have oil.

How many new fags that don’t know about the sōy filter?

It's the opposite way around really, human generally evolved in smal egalitarian groups, so in a sense socialism is an attempt at going back to a more natural state although it is rather unsuitable for a globalized universialist mindset and therfore cannot work in todays world. As Sven pointed out however atleast in Scandinavia the socialist mindset is very much alive and does benefit us in many ways aswell as bringing a few challenges with it. But as has been noted it works better in smaller groups, as is a more natural state of existence

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Homogenous societies (shared cultural ideals) where everyone works contributes, taxes are high but you enjoy healthcare, maternity leave, etc. all benefits Folkhemmet - from the cradle to the grave.
There must be a strong industry and it must be capitalistic (competitive) to support it. Socialism can only exist once a stable economy exists.
Here's where the utopia falls flat. Western altruism exists and no one understands resources are finite. Importing large numbers of foreigners from developing countries with alien cultures - they naturally stick together choose not to integrate. They may believe in ideologies that teach you're there to be exploited. You're not their cultural relative.

Everything humans do, is by definition, natural

also the cuçk filter

National Socialism never failed
if you want socialism you limit it to a high IQ ethnically homogeneous group

>National Socialism never failed
>Germany got destroyed beyond repair, unironicly only white in DDR regions anno 2019

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Oh yeah, in the real world you're a beacon for all those peoples whom you've advertised how beautiful and idyllic the world you created is

Doesn't even work in small countries. I live in Gibraltar (about 3 and a half square miles) and is currently being run by a socialist government. Anyone can join a government housing list with rent being between 50-80 pound a month, which has led to a list with every single citizen above 18 on it. The government has mo money due to copious spending on free healthcare, free public transport, free this, free that. Which has led to corruption for an extra buck. Mold covered pre 1st world war flats filled with cockroaches cost you £1,000 a month if rented privately so the government can charge the companies more tax. People bribe their way to the top of housing lists and bribe their way into government jobs.

It's an absolute nightmare and that's just scraping the top

The real problem is socialism without a solid set of values attatched to it, or standard if you will. The idea of equality has been shifted from the idea that we can exist and live together as equals to the idea that everyone is equal on their own merit, not higher ideals or values. This is problematic

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The good news is that you can retire from it young after it collapses!

You'll go bankrupt. I can guarantee you that.

Every institution naturally spirals towards socialism.
This is because in theory it seems like a good idea, to have a bureaucracy to optimise everything.
This is a good analogy:

There is a crossroads without any traffic lights or markings, and cars keep crashing and this causes huge delays for everyone. (greedy capitalists only think about themselves and dont stop at the junction, this hinders society)

If we were to employ a bureaucrat to come and decide what is best, he would build us a glorious traffic light system, and allow the traffic to flow efficiently! This seems like a great argument for the progress of everybody in society.

However, there are many complicated factors in large decisions like this, and for example, the bureaucrat did not realise that there is a lot more traffic on the narrower road in the crossroad, and so now there is a traffic jam at the red light.

If you create a massive chain and system of bureaucrats, it costs a LOT of money and causes many problems because of the nature of making decisions with the absence of PROFIT. PROFIT is a measure of how beneficial a thing is.

Double oh yeah, lol big one.. Multinational corporations exist. Globalism. You as a consumer demand cheap food and burger flippers. In the utopia everyone has a degree in the arts and they don't flip burgers or sweep streets. They don't reproduce either

Based norchads


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Hypergamy is a natural thing, an educated 30 year old woman won't pair off with just anyone he needs to be at least equal status. The equal status man can have a 25 year old who is fertile lol
Depressed danger haired cat ladies

>Germany got destroyed beyond repair
No it didn't silly, Mittel Europa and the EU
The ideals have changed and they're not for the benefit of sovereign nations and culture but it remains

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It’s an ideology of losers/failures who are bitterly jealous of successful people.

Socialism doesnt fail. Marxism does


Care to elaborate?

You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.

Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

Whilst there are probably more truely loyal Germans in Argentina then Germany lol...

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Every time I see this pic it makes me rage so hard.

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>punish the people who produce
>reward the people who dont
>people who dont work kill the people that do
>act surprised when no more food because farmers dead
>people are starving so need a strong leader to straighten things out
>in walks power hungry individual taking opportunity
These are in no particular order. Essentially it's a system based on envy.

>"socialism has failed"
>hops across border, to country with socialized healthcare-system, to get affordable insulins

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The goblin on the right looks like it has more testosterone than the faggot on the left

You can just barely see the terror in her eyes.

>those fucking teeth
Jesus Christ.

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But you have a hyper capitalist oil industry helping to pay for your socialism

>watches as Canadians hop over for heart transplants and all serious surgeries

The great thing about the Left being hellbent on pushing a failed system like socialism is that it has become a great weapon to be used against the United States. The Left and their socialist agenda can do as much damage as it wants to America

why old east germany still exempt?

underappreciated post. christ that sounds like a nightmare. i cant imagine every facet of life being similar to that.

Socialism is just what happens when communism fails, if your intention is socialism from the get-go it can work but if you intend to abolish the state it will inevitably fail because people in power want to keep that power. Any state control of industry is socialism, most states are socialist to some degree.

Why work your ass to gain something when taxes will punish you for having it?
Socialism punishes people who work to make themselves better. That's why it will never function.

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