>most anons on Jow Forums are too stupid to fully understand its effects are both global and accelerating.
>this is the most important issue of your lifetime. Slowing climate change is the adult table at Thanksgiving dinner. Your niche issue is the high chair.
>its caused by humans
>biking to work does not solve climate change
>the problem is huge, and we have a decade or so to transition off carbon sources of fuel before we are totally fucked and into +5° to 10°C territory
>coming off carbon fuels (coal, oil, gas) will be difficult because they are so energy dense and inexpensive. We need to disincentive their use.
>you are not ready for how bad it will get and how quick it will change.
>there is no projected end to climate change, at this rate in 150 years large swaths if Earth will be uninhabitable.
Jow Forums is full of children too busy to read this they are busy with calling each other cucks incels and niggers >but i agree climate change is a problem i hate the heat i love the cold
Jackson Reed
>But muh niggers and jews!
Josiah Phillips
If you were born after 1980, you have never experienced a colder than global average year.
It’s so warm, the permafrost is melting and releasing significant quantities of methane, making the problem worse.
The deniers post shit studies published in non prestigious journals that don’t represent the consensus view that climate change is real and driven by human use of fossil fuels.
When will you learn this is just another jew tax scam
Julian Rogers
Al gore
Eli Price
Sounds like a scam
Tyler Reed
Sorry user, the correlation between CO2 concentrations and global temperature is just too strong to succumb to your small biases.
This is a real issue. It will make your children suffer. It will more directly affect you and the ones you love than all the Jews in the world.
You drive a gas car (1) and go home to a coal powered home (2) warmed by natural gas(3). To change any one of these would require massive investment on you part.
We need to change all three. For everybody. In the entire world.
If farm equipment or other heavy equipment needs gas, there can be an exception, but it’s preferable to research alternative fuel production.