Was 9-5 ever a real thing?

Was 9-5 ever a real thing?
Or just something Dolly Parton made up for a song?

Every job I go for always wants you there for 8 and you're lucky if you get to go at 5.

I don't even get the point of it, the first hour you're just sat there scratching your balls and the last two you're scratching your arse.

I just want some me time so I don't resent my job taking up all my life, is that too much to ask?
I don't know how people put up with being stuck in an office 45 hours a week plus maybe another ten hours stuck in a car (or worse, on a public transport next to some scrote with a dirty anus)

There's 168 hours in a week, 56 of those you spend sleeping, that leaves 112 hours awake.
55 hours taken by working is like half your woken hours gone.
Now how much of the remaining 56 is you being exhausted after work, or getting you/things ready for work?

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I've averaged 55 hours a week since I was 20,and that was 24 years ago. Im blue collar and make a a pretty decent hourly wage. You're not making middle class on 40 hours a week anymore no matter what your job is. Welcome to wage slaving.

That song is for office slags. There was a movie it was associated with as well, about office whores moving to the city and fending fo they self cuz they dont need no man.

Basically women think 8 hrs of light office work is a brutal regimen and a true sacrifice that they should get rich from

Union/blue collar jobs were traditionally 9-5. Entry level white collar jobs these days are usually 8:30-5:30 or 9:00-6:00, but once you reach a management level they are more relaxed (granted you will take more work home with you).
If you’ve figured out how to get paid enough to enjoy life without actually doing any work, we’re listening.

Network "Engineer"

Work from home.

40 bucks an hour.

Work maybe 20 hours a week but paid for 40.

It's at least 8 to 6 here. You waste from one to three hours getting there and back, 8 hours sleeping if you are lucky, the rest is trying to recover from the soul sucking section you had during the day.

Web tester here. Working from home, £16/h.

Based Chubby.

unemployed loser here
I reuse keurig pods until it's just hot water with a bit of brown in it

I dont know. I hope I can get a straight 9-5 in my next life.

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>If you’ve figured out how to get paid enough to enjoy life without actually doing any work, we’re listening.
Well as says, remote working is a good start I guess.
At least then the commute isn't diluting my rate to that of a grocery store worker (and if I factor in the car costs like maintenance and fuel I'm probably worse off).

Which is really my main bugbear with this wagey slavey culture, and it's the main flaw as with marxism: why should we work a hard complicated job if what we end up with on the balance is the same as some brainless job a retard can do?

My manager nets 60+hours a week.
I work flexible... averaging 35
You're full 9f shit because I can work 8 hours if I wanted and nobody says anything

I'm a medium sized business owner. I open at 10am and close at 7pm. 6 days a week. By law I cannot be open on Sundays. I work until midnight on Christmas Eve. I work until 3pm on Easter (special permit allows me to be open this Sunday), New Year's Day all day, I work until 3pm on Thanksgiving.

My wife works 430am to 5pm lol i stay at home with the kids but i also own my own mobile auto repair business. I make what she get for 1 week in 2 days sometimes 1.

I work 8 to 4:30 so it's close, but yeah working really sucks. I make good money for easy work (24 bucks an hr to mostly change oil and do brake jobs) but it still sucks the soul out of me. Add to that endless ASE testing and I wouldn't care one bit if the world got nuked tomorrow...

Why havent you hired someone to run that location and opened another?

>about to go into college
>this thread pops up
So what's the point of doing anything if I'm going to spend over a third of my life working? I dont want to make money in order to survive to make more money, I want to make money to LIVE and be able to do things. What kind of shit deal is this? Should I just call it quits?

Liquor store?

Traditionally those jobs were 16/7.

I guess the moral is to aim to be self employed so you're not slaving away to buy people like a new car

>implying I'd risk my business to hire zoomers


I buy a new car, cash, every year.

I come in at 9:30 and go home at 2. And I put 44 hours on my card because no one pays attention. One of the pros of working for a big company. I dont get paid by the hour but you're "encouraged" to do 44 instead of 40.

7am to 7pm but I make about $1k a day. Work 3-4 days a week but can go up a month without a day off. Depends on the operation.

>I just want some me time so I don't resent my job taking up all my life, is that too much to ask?
do not ever accept a paycheck, it changes your brain chemistry and makes you useless

>office whores moving to the city and fending fo they self
they tied the boss up in a bondage getup and installed a garage door opener on the ceiling he was attached to it by a rope

basically a more descriptive way to show why men wear a tie

I never understood the point of ties.
Why would you want to walk about all day with a silk noose tied around your neck?

at least you own your own business man. ur own boss. that must be the best feeling in the world, even with those long hours

why dont you just inherit your money like normal people do? its as if you are not even trying

idk ask liquor store owner

oops clicked on the wrong user :)

what would be the start up cost of such a business? my nephew lives in florida and he is turning into a plump lil neet and i would like to help him do something

My job is technically 8-5 but I'll leave at 4 if there isn't anything going on

Miserable underpaid programmer here just coming in to say i am eternally jealous of all NEETs

I work 6-4 m-f but mostly shitpost all day waiting to work. Maybe 50k a year dough