How come modern western women dress like pic related? What ever happened to the tasteful fashion of the past years?

How come modern western women dress like pic related? What ever happened to the tasteful fashion of the past years?

Attached: 1563841181543.jpg (1678x1054, 386K)

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White girls got too thick to fit in their normal clothes

I think they’re dressed pretty well. At least they aren’t wearing leggings and hoodies

>What ever happened
who knows?

Attached: 1552926197725.jpg (591x666, 217K)

Seems fine, summer.

I'd only root the two in the middle.

The rest are all too fat. I'm more concerned about the prevalence of overweight people than revealing dress.

Also, how refreshing to not see a single tattoo.

Because jews.

third from the left will be obese within 5 years


People who want children in their lives are usually pedophiles and perverts. So they raise fucked up sperges

I hate children.