Quick question. Is the earth hollow? I have seen this conspiracy theory pop up quite a few times here.
Quick question. Is the earth hollow? I have seen this conspiracy theory pop up quite a few times here
lol no.
maybe. we wont know until they let the uncontrolled explore Antarctica.
>Is the earth hollow?
Probably not. And by "probably," I mean there's a 1 in 999,999,999 chance that it is hollow, but that's pretty much negligible.
Apparently the NatSoc occultism believed in that, that Aryan gods either had to reproduce with lower races to survive thus killing their own race, or that they fled into the Earth's core. There is photo of letter of some German soldier/general sending it to someone confirming that they indeed found the hollow core and that they might not make it back.
"Third Reich Maps of the Inner Earth"
alleged letter confirming hollow earth
not ww2 german but still interesting
Yes, and the jews cut down our aryan spirit trees which is why whites are dumb and fat
How can there be life down there with presumably no light?
>he doesnt know about the inner sun
I don’t like the term “hollow earth” — it gives people the wrong impressing. It’s not hollow like a golf ball, it just has massive pockets deep under the crust, it’s partially hollow. It’s been cofirmed that these contain seas and mountains and potentially life. Supposedly their are ancient and advanced races who retreated beneath within these hollow pockets and there are entrances in the poles and Tibet and elsewhere. The Reich search extensively for these and allegory found at least one in the arctic and entered via uboat.
How can a sun levitate in the middle.of the earth, where there is gravity? Furthermore, why doesn't it burn up the earth? Surely a whole sun would be much hotter than the earth's core.
Yes, have you not seen Kong:Skull Island? That shit is real man.
The Vril society seemed to think so. Edward Bulwer-Lytton is the Third Reich's equivilant of L Ron Hubbard. Surreal really.
I cant say if its real or not, having never been to Antartica.
It’s not a sun in the sense you believe. It’s a low energy hyper dense energy reaction that repels and attracts the outer mantle simultaneously
how do they make light in these places? or get oxygen? everything would be dark, like the transparrent fish with no eyes that you see in cave rivers
Who cares? The Quran is true, that is what matters. God’s Promise is true, the Warning is true. Repent, do good deeds, and offer Salah for the sake of Allah, and with full conviction of Tawhid. This is no joke.
dig a grave for your answer
Where is this "sun" relative to all these underground pockets? Are some lit, where others are not?
The world isnt as you see it brainlet, the inner sun "floats" there because of the collective power of aryan spirit. Just google hyperborean aryan spirit trees
Can i fly to the inner earth in a cessna 172 by going to the north pole through canada?
no you need a uboat its like an upside down bucket underwater
Yes it is
how have i never heard of this