Vril Thread

Do you know of Amos

Do you know that The Vril are connected to Comet Ping Pong

do you know Bourdaine's girlfriend had messages about the Vril on her Instagram?

The Dakota Building is mentioned, the facade of Rosemary's Baby by Polanski

Henry Kissingers' favourite film is China Town by the same director

The Dakota Building of 72nd Street where John Lennon was apparently shot

The Esalon Institute in big sur California is where Monarch Butterflies nest over winter. The attendees including the likes of Richard Feynman, Terrence McKenna, Joan Baez and many more

Hunter Thompson was the janitor.

The Moral of The Story is be good.

Attached: vril.png (213x41, 13K)

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pretty sure we killed all the vril in the first black ops 2 dlc zombies map

Amos pleaded with God to relent his judgment and, in their place, God places a plumb line. A plumb line is a weight suspended from a string used as a vertical reference line to ensure a structure is centered

no takers at all? your heart's in the right place, but perhaps try x

Attached: plaque-new-york_01.jpg (732x549, 40K)

Thanks haven't seen this before

there's another peace garden in north dakota, near a "strawberry lake" and a 9/11 memorial center
I could only dream of being so subtle

>The Dakota Building of 72nd Street where John Lennon was apparently shot

Holy shit! Based Illuminati. S on Lennon. I love Illuminati noaw?

>Do you know that The Vril are connected to Comet Ping Pong

No I didn't care to share the relation

well when I looked for the articles on it, they were scrubbed

Attached: Vril Emblem.png (365x403, 7K)

Attached: Skippy.jpg (480x360, 41K)