Well, Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Sorry, we are caliphate. Maybe even not entirely European.


Portugal presente!

Attached: super_dragoes_fcp1-Porto_celt-Portugal--w20v.jpg (600x400, 61K)


Give it to me straight, is Ireland cucked?

Their president is a gay Indian.

its always the inbred brits that talk so much shit

Thanks for considering us European and adding us in there mate

Why is Quebec blue ?

They ( ) just libtads



>Relevant in the current year

> UK
> Based Alliance
> More like the capital of the EU Caliphate

You niggers were the firsts ones to import muh immigrants and export our technology and wisdom. fuck you britbong kikes so much

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Dafuq is the one on the right suppose to be?
A Maori half-elf?

Because it is ruled by the British crown

>Al Andulus


The Netherlands haven’t been relevant since the 1600s thanks to Anglos and the based Portuguese

This guy is a gay indian?

Attached: Screenshot_20190729-095523_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 511K)

>not a caliphate

>seething continentals
>making hypocrisies
Just in time
It's funny how you throw these insults yet aren't far behind if not worse off

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jews vs muslims

A hobbit because New Zealand is where they filmed Lord of the rings

I thought Slovakians liked us but rip, also just to clarify I disagree with the whole exaggeration of Islamic minorities, calling virtually any European country caliphate pisses me off and I will defend all of them (with the exception of Bosnia and Turkey seeing that's their predominant religion).

you understand all the world hate you

UK is the first axe of evil do you remember, empire?

how many indians you kild?
how many niggers you killed?
you helpd israel get his promised land and start fucking us all.
for this people hate you.

>moortugal based
>mutts and sea jews based



If you knew just a thing about Canada, is that most of its elite is linked to Quebec

>The envy shitskin south american

Im pretty sure hes whiter than you, faggot

Proud of my Ancestors. Portuguese master race

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pretending Italy isnt full of niggers


First off, your English is terrible, second off, you are delusional, and the whole "evil empire" delusion is a special kind, do you perhaps know of the Belgians presence in central Africa? Are you aware that with the force of our empire we managed to internationally end the Atlantic slave trade? Are you aware that we exposed the mass genocide that happened in the Congo? Are you aware that the French and yourselves also had significant empires and were much worse than us? Do you lack this much historical and self awareness?

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>USA being based alliance
Literally a fucking Israel puppet lmfao.
is this made by a newfag?

Shut up Corn Nigger your nothing but a slave

> Anglo countries where saying to a faggot tranny he can't piss in front a female 7 year old is considered nazism
> based

>making hyperbole schizo tier arguments about the US
>hiding behind a memeflag
I'm pretty sure I'd rather be a newfag than be the lowest of the low in society

This guy looks like he loves democracy

whatever that make you sleep at night clueless gypsoid from a meme country

Attached: 1me_portuguese_23_and_me_resultdna0-32v9x5-0b_5s3-53-___02al3y.png (604x575, 22K)

pay back your EU gibs moor

Spanish empire

>Bongistani calling any other countries caliphate

ofcourse LOL


>Are you aware that we exposed the mass genocide that happened in the Congo?
are you aware that's mostly myth and propaganda?
>Are you aware that with the force of our empire we managed to internationally end the Atlantic slave trade?
cringe boomer

Germany has a higher percentage of Muslims then the UK

>UK is better than Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Poland....
Coping enough?


Attached: bloody sharia.jpg (229x377, 18K)

no more money for you shitskin, that's for sure

Attached: foreign_help_by_counry1b_0s2v0206722100.jpg (1200x790, 136K)

nah, fuck the kikes

like 0,c kek

>Britain not the leader of the European Caliphate
That's gonna have to be a yikes from me dawg.

You got a single fact to back that up?

Lol fucking jew

Why are you going against me? It's one of the biggest exploitations in Africa. I'll tell you what was exaggerated though, our doing in India.

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Alternatively we can stop pointing fingers at each about thrid world immigration and accept that we're all in the same boat and any criticism in regards to demographics i.e "c-c-caliphate!!!" is a blatant exaggeration


Whats sad is the UK and France got this way over the space of about 70 years.
Germany has done this to itself over the space of about 10 years!

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what's genetic noise you mutt imbecile.

that map is a joke Ahmed, Chile gibs to other countries instead of recieving foreign help to begin with. Also, just for the record, remember what means the P in PIGS


based UK, when will Sharia Law finally be accepted?

Attached: Sadiq-Khan.png (640x480, 131K)

>UK 6.3%
>Germany 6.1%
You should actually check the links you post.
>Whats sad is the UK and France got this way over the space of about 70 years.
>Germany has done this to itself over the space of about 10 years!
I wasn't aware we only started importing Turks 10 years ago, guess our history books were wrong

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UK should deport all eastern europeans after brexit.

HuRr duRR .2 percent jew fuck you nigger youre like 100% czech jwe

It's spelt 'rahted' but nice try, Ivan ;)

>3,3 million muslims
Based, got a tiny nation brewing inside of don't yah?

Attached: Sharia_In_Britain1_2.jpg (756x1024, 57K)

See And grow up

Sure thing clogscuck, we'll let you know when a war can be won by 'duuuuuude weeeeeeed'

For whatever standards this is implying only Japan and Russia should be based on most part.

dump england in caliphate.
take off tureky.
they are not europeans

>First off, your English is terrible

so i am making effort to learn english cuz you dumm angolo ass is the only language you speak...

>you are delusional, and the whole "evil empire" delusion is a special kind, do you perhaps know of the Belgians presence in central Africa?


> Are you aware that with the force of our empire we managed to internationally end the Atlantic slave trade?
jews owned the slave trade....

>Are you aware that the French and yourselves also had significant empires and were much worse than us? Do you lack this much historical and self awareness?

ok then if i whas worse why when i go to latin america all the people loves me?

french are cucks..


i just came back from bolivia and was so nice, i go to se Puma Punku that sheit is crazy...

Aaron O'Malleystein

Makes sense

you know whats so amazing to me?
is that how europe, literally took isis members families as war refugee...thats like the biggest mistake in history.
its like elfs take orcs as refugees.
that bad.

Le 49% Anglo master race.

conquers the world as soon as it investigates gang-rape scandals.

Attached: Herbert Smagon's Modern family.jpg (662x979, 168K)

>hyperbole schizo tier
kike detected

Attached: DidYouLikedIt.png (960x904, 1007K)

You're too logically flawed to begin to argue with.

Funny enough you want to know how Israel was formed? Mass immigration. Allah has chosen the arabs to rule you western scum, open your buttholes and embrace it.


Attached: palestinian-boy-israeli-forces.jpg (2048x1536, 532K)

that is so true....


Stop LARPing, Sven.

>acknowledging a memeflaggot spouting delusions
The absolute state of Jow Forums

Nah, Br*tain is the worst thing to ever happen to Europe. They denied the West the two best happenings since the Roman Empire: Napoleon and Caesar.

I can’t believe we were tricked into allying with you, our former fierce adversary we fought an extremely bloody war of independence with, in two world wars on the side of the globalists.

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orcposting? orcposting!

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Moscow is flooded with all kinds of shitskins, I feel like it is London in the morning ( I am the only light skinned blueyed blonde guy walking amongst hordes of central asian migrants )

3,3 million muslims.
>These are totally not numbers that countries have
>This is not a caliphate REEEE
You are absolutely in denial. Have fun being beheaded.

Attached: when-u-get-beheaded-in-the-new-caliphate-but-at-20008319.png (500x352, 99K)

Hi muhammed in sweden.

because these peoples sole capacity in life is low skill labour, and generally euro colonial history is fraught with exagerations or misunderstandings, no doubt as a result of expansionism
and whatever atrocities were commited leopold dissaproved of, in his words he needed more hands not less

Foreign dick is good dick

Attached: 2574820 - Super_Mario_Bros. Sweden Wario cosplay meme.png (800x600, 10K)

Hi mutt

Attached: donald-trump-aipac.jpg (1080x720, 97K)

lots of D&C recently...

get back to JIDF training kike you're too predictable

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>not posting chinks for Canada.

Low effort bait

>First off, your English is terrible,
You have no right to talk you monolingual, you cant even say 3 words in another language
>I read the wikipedia page about the belgian congo
Good for you, it was belgian royalty that fucked up the congo, part of belgium was repressed by the same elite

Okay, what wrongdoings did we do in Nigeria? What wrongdoings did you do in Angola? Were we better or worse than the Belgians?

>Writes: Da jooz
Oof, you got me good Goldstein.

Take your meds
>no evidence
>thinks a small minority equates the the overwhelming majority
>y-you are in denial

Pic related is you on your yearly holiday fucking up spain

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Remove brits from best alliance you are an isle of snagle toothed savages

Dutch are in Anglo niggers are out