System of the Beast

Technology and Science is the work of the devil. It's the forbidden fruit which is leading this world to the system of the beast. Look where science and technology got us: it's a 1984 type of orwellian enslavement. Science tries to disprove God and creates fake theories like Evolution or the Big Bang. From nothing to something by chance. Is it not interesting that most leading scientists (and the most "important" scientist (((Einstein))) belong to the synagogue of Satan? They are leading God's children astray.

Now here's the crazy part that you won't believe, but it's the truth: Big Tech is trying to summon the Beast with AI. Google, Apple are hiding their agenda in plain sight. Look at the logos. Demonic forces are already interacting with technology (predictive algorithms, self improving code). Nikola Tesla said he was in contact with supernatural beings. These beings are demons and they are trying to manifest themselves into this realm through technology. Don't believe the lies they are spreading, believe in Jesus Christ.

Please open your eyes, things are getting real serious.

Attached: theforbiddenfruit.jpg (474x474, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:ître).

Kill yourself faggot christcuck kraut.

lol satan triggered tf out

It so obvious, but people think Big Tech is just larping.

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And I’m guessing you believe the universe is less than 10k years old

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Wow, for once I agree with a German on Jow Forums

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This, don't trust anyone who works within the framework.

Yes, and I also voted for Sarah Palin

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Science also keeps your dad's blood pressure low so he doesn't risk dying every time he pokes his head through the door and sees you posting inane memes when you should be fighting a war, building a company, or just having a goddamned job.

Clean your room, warsh your penis, and go do something for once, summer child.

Sadly this

Hot take, but how is it mutually exclusive that the people running the world are heavily indoctrinated satanists yet you yourself are athiest/agnostic? The pattern is before your very eyes and people still don't see it.

The elite are either larping as satanist for some strange reason or they are satanists. Occams goes with the latter.

Now another topic: aliens and UFOs. Just another fabricated lie. Aliens don't exist. Assuming the phenomenon is real, it's clearly not ET. It's something way more sinister. They are demons who pretend to be aliens. Aleister crowley (the most important satanic priest for the satanic elite) was in contact with a being called Lam. Doesn't it look like a typical so called "grey" alien?
Wake up, don't be deceived.

Attached: lam.gif (382x309, 92K)

Fake ass niggas.

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>dude an M, an F, an A, a swirl, a triangle and an eye!!!
ah yes how could these extremely basic and common universal symbols occur in 6 out of the millions of corporate logos in the world truly the work of the illuminati


You are mostly correct. They're pushing for Ai so that these demonic entities can interface with us/our reality. However, the 1st beast of revelations is currently being killed (left hand satanists) and is being replaced by the 2nd beast (right hand luciferians), with Trump leading the charge. The mark will be a contract to sign away your soul in exchange for access to the new world (quantum digital currency, backed by gold, in a debt free system). Most people will sign blindly for material gains.

Have you ever had to come up with an acronym and a logo for a government project? It's literally on purpose. One time I used that famous statue of Lucerfer chained to the earth just to see if anybody would ask me why the fuck the project logo would be Lucifer of all things.

Now there were plenty of Christfags on the project. The main PI even had hymn music on a music stand in his house. I just wanted to see who would have the temerity to ask me why I made Lucifer our icon. 10+ years later, international fame, and countless collaborators. Nobody ever batted an eye.

No, it's that the op doesn't mention anything like Google digitizing the books it wants humanity to have access too, how all of our sciences have been converted to mathematical abstractions of objects that do not verifiably exist, how our public discourse has gone from facts and logic (or "taking it up from the root directory") to memes, information warfare, lies by omission, etc. Instead, we get this nonsense about technology and science being the forbidden fruit rather than "knowledge," which is either a bad mixing of metaphor or another halfhearted attempt at arguing from histrionics about dot dot dot technology bad, materialism bad, jews bad.

It's among the shittiest word salads I've happened upon on this thread, and that's saying a lot. This place is a sewer of idiocy.


Science is not Scientism. Real, applicable science is good. Theoretical physics and astrophysics and any science that cannot be proven and repeated is Scientism bullshit.

>Technology and Science is the work of the devil. It's the forbidden fruit
Time to go live in a cave then, kraut.

Your conceptual distinction not only doesn't apply to the op but lacks clear criteria for demarcation. Science as we know it is scientism. I think this much OP understands.

>6 out of the millions of corporate logos

That's just an example of the biggest companies. If you dig deeper, you will encounter many more. It's a pattern, and it's global. Follow the white rabbit.

No, it's none of that. This degeneracy is because women have rights.

Yep. Aliens are demonic entities. They don't come from outer (((space))). Crowley links to Jack Parsons, who links to JPL, who links to NASA. It's all a satanic lie. Rockets are the modern day Obelisks.


The beast is a metaphor you retard. Most of Revelations has already happened over the last thousand years

Essentially, once science is written down as referential principle it ceases to be science and becomes a falsifiable proposition under protection by an authority or priesthood. Sad, but that's a consequences of language not having a 1:1 correspondence with "reality."

There are countless corporate logos that have sexual imagery in them. Especially words that make the letters stretch and reach towards an 'O' for example. Plenty of ways to imply sexual imagry just with letters. Kroger was one where it always catches my eye. A few others, but I just woke up. Your eye is drawn to the O getting double penetrated. Maybe I'm dumb though.

Attached: Current_Kroger_logo.svg.png (1200x989, 122K)

>Science also keeps your dad's blood pressure low
Unless dad's is busy overdosing because his job got offshored and his life is shit.
>you should be fighting a war
for Israel?
>building a company
Only autists can thrive by doing this
> or just having a goddamned job.
the majority of modern jobs are bullshit jobs

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Good luck trying to live off the grid today. It's hard, and they made it hard for a purpose. No one shall escape the system of the Beast. Hats off to anyone who is able to live off the Grid. If you have the means to do it, you absolutely should do it.

No really, go fuck off my internet and go live in a cave.

You don't need google for that, faggot. Google started a shell corporation with no assets to get around the possibility of being sued for blatant copyright violation. Tons of institutions can do that, and you wouldn't want just one Library of Alexandria anyway. I kept a local farmer afloat who had helped design the equipment needed to do that in part by holding a cigarette up to the servers to determine that some joke of an engineer had them running too fast so that the air was cavitating and that's why it kept overheating.

The kind of people who work at google are so fucking stupid the regular public would never believe it. If you want to make some money, start taking candid video at google and make a documentary series.

What NĀŠĀ means in Hebrew. See pic.

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>The beast is a metaphor you retard.
I believe Ephesus was the city, or Pergamon. One of the apostles died that way. It was a "open' trading city with no walls. Just an arch you had to check-in at and get a stamp. He tried to walk around the arch and go in the city, so they killed his family first then him.

Imagine not being the op but still being so bull simple you have to point out that there are other reason for high blood pressure, totally bypassing sarcasm and taking the statement literally.

What is bad autism?

Then he proceeds to suggest the only war to fight is the one for Israel. Coincidence? No, just low IQ.

What is culture war?

>only autists can thrive by building a company
What? Explain.

>the majority
NAXALT, you time wasting dullard.

>Science also keeps your dad's blood pressure low
So does allicin, and without the side effects "Science!!!" brings. God invented garlic. Man invented science. Hans is right. You are wrong.

>look to where science and technology has gotten us
>completely disregards the nonstop mass killings as a result of religion in the past

What's funny is they're having to make up excuses for traditional blood pressure propaganda at a breakneck pace now that more people are asking questions about it. Used to be a cash cow for selling pills that don't solve any problems.

I think you've taken "Google digitizes books" and left off at that. The point of that statement is that they curate.

Moreover, the point is not that I think they're going to succeed. Why would you assume that? This is about the attempts of certain powers and principalities to "implement a system of the beast."

If you don't think their efforts are paying off to some extent, I just won't take you seriously.

>Can do that
But do not. Your "farmer friend" that intends to compete with Google out of his server farm inside his cattle/dairy/whatever farm is not much of a refutation if you want my opinion.

>Google employees are stupid
Yeah, I don't fucking care about your opinion, no name asshole.

>Man invented science.

Not exactly. It was delivered to us by demonic influences. Satan is using science to spread his agenda.
Without science there would be no technology. And we all know how fucked technology has become: Neuralink, Social Credit System, surveillance....

>they curate
Spoken like a typical complete faggot who actually is dumb enough to feel at home working for google.

No, I'm not wrong because materia media are still considered proto-scientific. Herbalism embodies science without mathematization.

You're not a scientist. You're a cultist who sucks from the shekel teat. Stop deluding yourself.

>saying they curate means he works for Google
>doesn't mean they limit your access to things that run afoul of their belief system/religion/science/agenda

How fucking stupid are you? Honestly, show me your transcripts, IQ test, work history, income--something. You are one dumb sonofabitch.

I guess I found the paid shill. If you live in the United States, you suck off the shekel teat, fucking retard. Post your actual flag or shut the fuck up.

>show me your transcripts, IQ test, work history, income

Oh look, the shill wants to see tools that have been invented by (((them))) to discredit user.

Saw a vid where Google's/YouTube's censor the word "Christian" from adds and stuff
You know these companies think they are really clever about using Revelations as a guide to their one world oder, but it's gonna blow up in thier face big time

>work history
>invented by THEM

Right. Memories are a jewish con.

>What is culture war?
Something you're clearly not doing otherwise you wouldn't have time to waste here. Unless you think stupid shit memory holed in a week like "it's okay to be white" has any purpose.
>What? Explain.
I know people that manage to build companies, it sucked their whole life. I don't know why you would try to convince someone that is not naturally attracted by this to do it. Unless you're one of those people that think that everyone should be an entrepreneur.
>NAXALT, you time wasting dullard.
Oh but sure, there are tons of fulfilling careers for NEET (which you implied he was). The guy, if he's really a NEET, just has to cross a street to find one.

In all the unsolicited advise you gave to this person, you just told him to whore himself for shekels or for someone else's interests.

You don't need high tech to fuck up the earth (look at all the deserts you made where once cedar forests were) but you need high tech to straighten the shit back up.
I don't expect a halfwit like you to understand it, but please make an effort.

>Honestly, show me your transcripts, IQ test, work history, income--something.
I do wonder how hard it is for people to prove. I dropped out in 8th grade, and have 26 college credit hrs in biology. Here's my strange ACT scores, complete with my bad grades in the bottom middle. No personal info is on there. I could easily take another pic in 5 minites with the amount of change a person wants on it, or even my GED scores in the top 1 percentile. It's not that hard to have something when one wants to prove they are what they say they are w/o giving away information.

Attached: IMG_20190126_164234.jpg (2592x1944, 2.01M)

Found the doped up neurotic phrama kid. Go get your free lunch and free yoga classes and play with your toddler toys. It might help you be more creative :^)

You are missing the point. You want to discredit someone based on how good of a goy user is.
Would his point be less important if he only makes 1k€ a month? Or his "IQ" is just average? Sidenote: isn't it interesting how (((they))) have the highest IQ? Something fishy about this. Make up a system that favors your tribe... You are either one of (((them))) or just a useful idiot.

My school district kept the files a secret because they didn't want the parents or the children to feel like anybody was inherently superior or inherently inferior. People like you have no concept of opsec anyway, which is why the security industry is such a clusterfuck. It's almost entirely run by dumbass noobs.

>you're not doing it, therefore OP can only fight for Israel
>my personal anecdote means "no one's attracted to building a company and so everyone should just work for globohomo"
>there are no jobs for neets
>he just has to cross a street
Am I supposedly saying that or are you? No fucking idea what bullshit you're pushing to derail the thread, shill.
>you told him to whore himself
What if his family runs a business but his father doesn't, the kid goes and works for them? Golly, he's just a whore, not helping his family and himself.

You people are worthlessly stupid. Imagine having a mandate not to refute people's arguments and be a good gatekeeper but just to busy them with nonsense and try to wear them out and get them to leave.

What a life.

My experience working with (((them))) is that they are not high IQ but rather that they are good at nepotism and silly tricks, and putting the ones who aren't completely useless niggers in positions of power.

Ehh, I'm on 5 hrs of sleep and not drunk enough to wake up. I may have lied about a few things in my post.

Prove to whom? And why are you posting your supposed personal information on the other poster's behalf? Just admitting to being an IP hopping, gaslighting scumbag?

Don't worry about it. I fucked up one of my PSATs and had to get clever about it to avoid retard sweaty jock lecture 101, but on the bright side it was an early introduction into how autistically fixated the industry is on unrealistic metrics, and how these are the people who are all in to the transhumanist cult.

I tired of people larping when there's easy ways to prove who one is as far as credentials. Its a problem for me to take people seriously when they claim shit all the time. Its a general point, not some point about this thread.

>you want to discredit
No, I'm giving you an opportunity to try and demonstrate that you're not as stupid as your argumentative strategy. You're already discredited based on what you've said. I don't respect or believe a goddamned thing you're trying to assert.

This conspiratorial view about them creating IQ scores, overrepresentation in academia, game primary school grades, whatever else they in fact do..somehow shows that a stupid person isn't a stupid person if he has these accouterments is not the point I'm making whatsoever. My point is to say I feel sorry for you inasmuch as you witlessly defend the system I'm working against as I do not think, given what you're posting here, that your test scores, station in life, income, etc, match the fervor with which you derail and disjunct and distort and devour reason itself in favor of your agenda. Simple as.

>general point not germaine to the thread itself
Fine, but you're not enlightening me about it. If it's an exercise in expressing yourself or bolstering your memory recall, that's quite alright.

>google Divine King Sign
>literally nothing

>. I don't respect or believe a goddamned thing you're trying to assert.

The antipathy is mutual.

>you're not doing it, therefore OP can only fight for Israel
So you're actually giving advice you don't follow? And I'm the cunt here? Do you at least know anyone who gave his life a meaning by becoming an activist?
>my personal anecdote means
No it's not just personal anecdote, most entrepreneur will tell you that starting a business is really hard both financially and socially. That's a shitload of stress so yeah, saying to a random stranger you know jackshit about "you should start a business" is completely retarded.
>What if his family runs a business but his father doesn't...
And I'm the one being anecdotal here?
And I'm the shill derailing the thread?
OP says science will doom us all, I agree with him.
Then a random nigger (you) appears and starts vomiting rehashed Peterson BS while saying "muh science".

I think you like to argue. That's fine too. lol

Yeah, and? Any point to make whatsoever?

This fucking foreigner. Hey, Frenchie, I'm not the OP. Do you understand that?

Go fuck yourself. Go outside and get your hand blown off instead of whatever you think you're doing here.

Evolution doesn't contradict the bible, but otherwise your post is correct

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>This fucking foreigner. Hey, Frenchie, I'm not the OP.
And I implied this when? When I specifically distinguished you and OP in the last two lines here ? Are you drunk? You might look less like a retard if you spend more time reading before answering next time.

technology comes in two forms, one is a machine that serves as a beast for man, the other is one that does the thinking for man that turns him into beast. people willingly chose to let technology do the thinking, and it's not where the technology made itself and provided the thinking for you, but power and money hungry corporations.


>you witlessly defend the system I'm working against

Here's my interpretation: I'm defending the system of God, you are working against it.

if we're to view the state as a corporation that is also power/money hungry, then people should fear the chinese more than they are.

I'll do you one better, Frenchie. I'm not responding to your monologue anymore. Last post to you until you IP hop and change your attitude.

That's the rationalization being pushed now? Maybe you should spend less time on the wonders of scanning books, which is older than you are these days, and more time reading them.

>working against God
I think you've misunderstood me. In what way am I doing so?

Fuck, I was enjoying this so much, you didn't even call me a surrender monkey although I'm sure we were getting there.

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Why do krauts are too intelligent or too stupid?

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that's where technology is moving, no one is able to think for theirselves because they choose not to. this is worse than organized religion.

Same feeling. Also same that the Big Bang doesn't contradict the Bible. Indeed, it took years for scientists to accept that there was a creation, and now they are trying to imply a multiverse. I no problem with other dimensions either, but whatever. My problem with evolution is that it bleeds into philosophy and creates ways humans look at themselves in perhaps an unhealthy manner, and how they might rationalize some political-economic practices based of this. The worst of Nazi Germany and the Soviets was them being super 'rationalistic' about evolution and trying to create 'new man'.

Maybe you choose not to.

maybe i should let china do my thinking for me, because that's considered "progress" and abandon god because the state is more important like the chinese.

I'm not going to repeat myself as i already pointed out that basing someone's worth or importance by income or education just shows how brainwashed you are (or trying to brainwash, since you're probably a shill). When i called out that bullshit you changed the argument and got defensive. You have been exposed.

I haven't read the whole thing, but a short glance into what Darwin actually wrote about was not a theory of evolution in the modern sense but rather selective breeding and genetics. He was big with the eugenics movement for his extensive documentary research.

Or you could cut to the chase and just kys. It's the ultimate high, maaaaaaan.

In my view God wouldn't want us to retreat back to our wheat field, and finally to the frozen tundra with nothing but a rock and a stick, now that knowledge and with it evil have become the master of this realm. Rather, we would take everything evil knows and everything it does and turn it back toward God.

That includes science, technology, language. If you stick to your memetic and/or ideological and religious biases and put yourself on autopilot, raising your fists in the air and declaring that everything you don't understand or everything that looks puzzling to you must be evil, or whatever historicized terminology you use to identify it in your spaciotemporal locale, you are not doing this work. You are defending yours and your peoples' fears. Their right to die as victims and be purified by their sacrifice. To me that is dishonorable, though you are welcome to it.

A vast majority of Jow Forums posters have such a low level of understanding that they think adopting the right prejudices is what being intelligent means, that they must throw their lot in with some charismatic leader who is Not God in order to keep God's commandments. I am no such creature.

eugenics is making a comeback in a godless state like china. ironic these liberals worship china every chance they get while preaching tolerance for the disabled.

highs are the only thing that matter in your life, take your own pill.

Right. People knew several thousand years ago about husbanding animals. Other people said what he said not a few years before. He wrote and did a lot of research on the topic. What got out of hand was philosophy in reaction to it. And downstream from there is culture, then the individual.

It made a comeback in the early 50s when it evolved into transhumanism.

I have already posted on this subject, that I do not take IQ, degrees earned, income to be the measure of a man. I take it to be what he says and does. But a man who resists me to the point of trite histrionics when I have a lifetime of searching and coming to terms with the failures under my belt (so to speak) to reflect upon and know the earnestness with which I have sought the truth, I am only human to take HIM as the defender of the evil in this world. Frenchie was doing pilpul 101 and practically admits to it in his last reply to me.

These things you dismiss and hurl your disrespect toward me. I guess you're two of a kind.

The Big Bang theory was coined by a catholic priest (ître). The vatican operates a telescope literally called Lucifer (tho i believe they changed the name recently). Religion has been corrupted. If you want to find God, look inside, not outside.

Fucking this.

What I find hilarious is a guy like TJ Watson once won the Nobel prize (the Nobel family is also all into eugenics) but then the modern "intellectuals" and "scientists" took it away from him for having made the COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE statement like
>well I don't see a reason why we should assume that genetics play no role at all in how people turn out

If weapons exist and you do not take hold of them and use them for what's righteous to the best of your ability to know what righteousness is, you're a man corrupted by vice. You have no honor.

Possible. After destroying globohomo leftie progressives the next fraud will be Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox and Islam combining into one "based right wing conservative" (satanic) religion. We can already see it happening with shills like E. Michael Jones being activated who says Catholics and Muslims worship the same god, Owen Benjamin praising Mohammed (not sure if he is an actor shill or simply low IQ and being manipulated) and so on.