Climate change isn't rea-

Climate change isn't rea-

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Ermagerd its hot during summer for a couple days.
And here I thought limeys were smart.

The real crime is that some nefarious individuals have completely hoodwinked all the people with limited mental function into believing that they...
1) can 'stop climate change'
2) want to 'stop climate change'
3) aren't just hoodwinking dumb-dumbs into funding neverending 'research' and rape more taxes for God-knows-what
I, for one, will not be hoodwinked. Fuck the greedy faggots

Weather is not climate.

Trump needs to ignore these kikes and act against censorship now

Bongs complain when it is 75F (24c). How are they coping with 102F?

ok so it is a little hot for a couple days a year
big deal.
Implementing communism to 'stop climate change' isn't a solution.

Complaining about climate change should be illegal outside of spring and fall.

It stems from the idea that cutting carbon will cut industry. The Lima Convention of 1975 was where this all started, they suggested equalizing global industry by taxing carbon by profit.

Tech companies are censoring any evidence against climate change

but I thought weather wasn't climate?

Lmao, who would believe real science or incels?

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Yeah the record has only been kept for less than 2 centuries or some shit, nevermind the other 5 billion years...

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Omg the ENTIRE PLANET is getting hotter! Surely this is because of Billy Bob's diesel truck and not because of some other natural reason.

37 sounds freezing.

Wow it was the warmest in the 200 years we've been keeping records Vs the 5 billion years the earth has been around!!!

Alex has deposited $0.01 in you account.


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>hottest day on record is just summer
Stop it idiot you're an embarrassment.

Like the massive pussies they have always been. "Brexit" lmao

>It's hot in the middle of summer
Imagine being this much of a reactionary idiot.

>1 post by this ID
Oh. You're a shill.

We weren't always this way and no deal Brexit is coming on Halloween

>climate record is like 100 years

>climate is coming out of a little ice age

> jeez its warmer than the fucking cold 1850s

> now give me all your rights because warm summer

>Cold day with snow later than usual
>Liberals: Climate doesn't mean weather!!!!!

>Hot day in the summer
>Climate change!!!

>record heat
> No dust bowl style events
USA 1930's "am I a joke to you?"

> "am I a joke to you?"

Get the fuck out, zoomer.

>Falling for British Active Measures.

the climate is supposed to change.

didn't you guys have vineyards when you were a part of the roman empire?

All climate has done in the 4 billion years there's been a planet here is change. What makes you think 1) climate change is unnatural, 2) you can stop the climate from changing, 3) stopping the climate from changing is in anyway desirable, 4) your proposed methods for stopping climate change will produce the intended results?

Someone paid a fuckton of money to give us a heatwave to coincide with that climate report, and they’re not happy with the result. The met office announced on Friday that the temp was just below the last high in 2003. On Monday it was announced that they were rechecking instrument calibration and also discounting the 9am only measurements of some machines in favour of just using measurements from the hourly recording machines. Note that the 2003 maximum was determined using both types of instruments and therefore would still be warmer using the new method. Low and behold, Cambridge (as spooky as Langley) discovers they have the highest temperature that day by about .2 of a degree.
>The high temperature means the UK joins Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands in breaking national records as exceptionally high temperatures gripped large parts of central and western Europe last week.

Whoever paid for that heatwave must have been pissed on Friday that it wasn’t the highest temp and dumped on the met office so hard they altered their standard method and “re-calibrated” instruments to make it so. And they wonder why we don’t believe a fucking word they say.

Meanwhile the entire rest of the summer is freezing enough that I've got socks on. What a shit summer

This. We get one day of summer when they stop spraying for the day

Europe is burning?? I dont give a shit. Burn in hell eurofags!!


They had the gall to go back 2000 years and say it’s hot. We’re still in an ice age user.

wow it's 0.2 more than before

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I was thinking the same thing, "oh look it was the hottest day ever just in time for the climate event next week."

Watch them shill CO2 Tax next week!

People are putting these on cars here in my city now. Everyone has gone insane.

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show tits

Simply fucking disgusting what is happening in this world. Violence seems like only option now.

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