We should have just left Africans back in their country

Attached: FB_IMG_1564424168155.jpg (1080x1920, 160K)

looks indian or mixed with
her temporary "hand tattoo" reinforces my suspicion

So ya guys against females choosing strongest mates now? Against nature now too?

I actually feel sorry for the nigger.
He probably actually loves her while she is just using him as a political statement.

Look at that nigger's scarf though. That is not a strong mate.

Do you unironically think women choose mates based on what is best for the future of society? What the fuck.

We tried with Liberia. As dumb as niggers are, they knew they would be better being leeches in a white society versus having their own ethnostate.

They were right, as Liberia is one of the world's worst countries nowadays.

Yes. Curtailing female sexuality is the foundation of civilization.

Attached: why marriage is important.jpg (2405x917, 917K)

Nigger, WE didn't enslave them
We didnt ship them
We just bought them
We didn't castrate them like muslims STILL DO
we did end our role in participating in the Atlantic slave trade long before anyone else

>I’d still be in the jungle scratching my ass
Not gonna lie I laughed pretty hard