Reminder: when news of the Holocaust first appeared, most people didn't believe it

Reminder: when news of the Holocaust first appeared, most people didn't believe it.

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the fact they're still finding (((holocaust survivors))) regularly should be a pretty big giveaway it's a bunch of bullshit

It was only about 75 years ago, it's conceivable that some people from that era would still be alive.

imagine having one shot as life and you're born as a genetically fucked schizoid genes jew

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Sounds believable to me

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Never again

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This one is particularly gruesome.

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and today we still don’t buy it

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Yes, let's kill only the perfectly healthy and provide medical treatment to the rest.

I can't say I still don't after reading about the rollercoasters that led into the ovens and masturbation machines. I'm sure they put a bullet in some of them though, but that happens in every conflict.

One third of the time, all the time

what's the demographic breakdown of that 1/3rd?

Step Aside!

i can easily see this happening if there will be a next time, it's usually like this, you tell a lie and then it turns true exactly when you don't want it

Seems i can't upload pics. Why mods?

Some holocaust!

I remember the story about mengele cutting off a woman’s hands and seeing them onto the opposite arm. A very feasible and easy procedure in 1940...

I forgot the best part. The author of that article confirmed he couldn’t ever find a source so he just made up a woman’s name for the anecdotal story

Probably a lot of blacks who don't like how Jews out victim them with the holohoax

Except for the minor detail that they want us to believe Hitler killed virtually all the DJOOS he got his hands on

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I was 20 when my family was arrested and deported to the crematorium...It happened never forget

>Horror of the concentration camps
What horrors? Every single "extermination" camp was by pure coincidence liberated by the Soviets.

>I didn't want to be gassed, so I just walked out of the camp
Big if true

>getting gassed? just say no. your haupsturmfuhrer legally cannot exterminate you without your consent.

The films were presented at the time as evidence of death camps in Germany itself. Those who pegged them as Zionist propaganda and flimsy justification for allowing the actually genocidal Stalin to take over half of Europe were correct.

If you can be arrested for saying something didn't happen... It didn't fucking happen.

There's a hard and fast rule for ya.

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Does anyone knows what is the oldest historical mention of these fingernail scratches? When is the earliest year that this "vandalism" could have been done?

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It's a moot point because the camps were run by Soviets for a while and they "reconstructed" the gas chambers.

insert yari rapaport being birthed in gas chamber image.jpg

oy vey, nothing wrong with reconstructed evidence

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I'm glad the soviets reconstructed the horrors that nazis tried to bury.

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>do a 360 and walk away irl

You heretic, the holocaust definitely happened 6 million survivors can't be wrong

Most people still don't believe it, but it's clearly evident most people also don't care enough to make a fuss about it. Because, deep down, we all know that if the German solution to the Jew was to kill them, there are far more efficient and cheaper ways of doing it than jamming them into concentration camps and then gassing them. Besides, when you listen to the testimonies of "Holocaust Survivors" prattling on about floors made of electricity, escaping death because they got sick, floors of spikes, rollercoasters of death, masturbation machines, or bears & eagles killing people, it starts to sound more like Science Fiction/Fantasy than truth.

If the young person in a camp was 5/6 and somehow made it out, sure, they'd be in their 80s, today, which is plausible to believe, but the amount of people of that age group that are Jewish and survived has to be well below 1,000, yet, Holocaust survivors keep popping up; I think recently a 62 year old woman was talking about her Holocaust experience, despite the fact that she was 20 years too late, but no one batted an eye. If we get to 2030 and they are still bringing them out, that should all but confirm it.

Satanic trips says that's really something

That’s really something