College is a meme, goy

>College is a meme, goy.
>yes, goy. Go into trades while jews women and poo skins take all the high paying, prestigious jobs in banking, healthcare, engineering and law
>Good, goy. Broke your back as a builder.At least you didn't go to college with sjws, right?
>good goy, build houses for chink real estate developers and jewish speculators

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>thinks you need a college degree to speculate in real-estate

white men are dumb and unable to comprehend abstract concepts. you are good at doing repetitive grunt work so that's what you should do instead of wasting your time and money in academics.

>white men are unable to understand abstract concepts
You were banned from over 100 countries world wide. It’s not everyone else with the problem. Can you understand that abstract concept?

Yet it took western enlightenment to invent modernity.

your cult cut your dick monkey slave, an old man sucked the blood out of your penis, satanically sexually cucking you right after birth. Disgusting. Shameful.

>banking, healthcare, engineering and law
That's pretty much the only reason to go to college and not everyone is smart enough to go into those fields.

>meme flag

>College degree
>High paying job
My neighbor makes three times more than me as a plumber while I'm stuck in a fucking office being bossed around by mouthbreathing niggresses.

jews were kicked out because they were a successful religious minority
whites were living in grass huts and had the strongest retard in the village as their chief a mere few hundred years ago while most of the world built amazing structures and had a sophisticated and advanced societies over 3000 years ago.
whites are extremely stupid, all the modern advancement you associate with whites were made by jews and crypto jews.
yes. i'm chosen and have a pact with G-d. i can see why you're jealous.
what does that even mean

>Meanwhile making 2.1 a year on different business interests including selling Natsoc memorabilia online

merchant you are my greatest ally i will die for you!

And I have kids who shoot at jew targets.
Kill all Jewish and israeli children.
Mark my words, alaska will be the first to exterminate jews

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>he's never heared of degree inflation
Where Bachelor's and Master's got you tons of money back in the day, they get you fuck all today, except for debt.

see I thought jews were kicked out more for biting off baby dicks and sucking the blood.
and then also establishing enclaves rather than joining the country.
and then always undermining society through their "its who you know" policies. with Doctors Dentists lawers jewlers ect.
everyone knows jews in americia and europe give each other better deals as do muslims.

Explain the abstract concept behind putting a freshly sliced baby dick in your mouth, Chaim.

you think making 2.1 in a whole year is impressive? you sound especially retarded so even that measly some is do to pure luck.
goyim are lowly creatures and mixing with them is disgusting. why would you give a white "person" a better deal? they will just spend their money on stupid shit anyways

Arguing with them is like trying to nail jello to a wall.

You white trash are a joke. Blaming the Jews because you have shitty lives is rediculous. Your lives suck because you are ignorant, and made bad decisions. That's why you are addicted to drugs and have been incarcerated, while the Jews live better lives. Face it. Jews are superior to you, and that's why you hate us. WE ARE BETTER THAN YOU!! You couldn't be as good as us on your best day !

I've never seen such natural jewish behaviour in the wild before
not only did you deflect me giving points for why we kick you out you are also incapable of seeing why biting off baby forskins and sucking the blood is wrong.
Because it is you who are the animals.
Jews do nothing but decimate the planet. With "such a high IQ" you could be improving it. but as it shows in your racial character. you'd prefer to just make a few shekles and fuck the envrioment instead of create a sustainable life. which is why you always have to spread out, because you turn all the areas you live in, into dust.

based. i love jews!

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College could be a meme but not for many. I’m a pharmacist and couldn’t get my job without extensive college. I’ve been doing it for nearly 20 years and I went from poor to millionaire in that I get all the Azn intern pussy that I can handle (literally all them love the BWC...they’re all like ‘BWC really IS better!!! And I leave em all satisfied) . Hope my wife doesn’t find out.

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remember who you are talking to. they are our greatest ally.

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americia does the exact same. as dose russia china and europe.

pics or it didn't happen.

>be jewish
>make social media, help people connect each other, bring up a worldwide technological revolution
>be white trash
>eat tendies and blame jews for not being able to reproduce

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haha you're all the same. instead of arguing the point you just jump to something else, how strange people that do that typically have autism.

Well, sure, if you go in for engineering, infiltrating journos, law, and banking, college is good. But 90% of college otherwise is meme degrees.

I'll never understand these threads.

I guess the Jew can not comprehend a productive life is worth more than fiat currency .

>Be an Italian, a non white welfare leech
>Jews force you to take in thousands of African refugees
>you don’t do anything about it because you’re spineless pussy Europeans
>come to America and shoot up a garlic festival in California

They're usually designed to just piss off goi. Or to just spam the board so all threads that aren't slide are pulled off. They particularly do it when their buddies are on trial for raping kids or stealing money.

Anyone with any sense will immediately disregard anything a kike says or implies. You don't value the parasites opinion on the host body.

I have some hope that Epstein will start naming other parties soon. A Jew will always Jew when confronted with his own crimes. No dignity .

That's what's gonna happen again in bongland if you inbred fucks will carry through with the no deal brexit so you'll learn not to cut ties with fellow white Europeans looking to flee out of this shit hole. Fucking spastic cunts i hope brexit fucks your country over.

Why so angry?

How will no deal Brexit affect you personally?

kek. fucking jew

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No deal = no more erasmus program after 2020 = no more opportunities to get a traineeship or a job or whatever they fucking offer there = have to literally choose a different country like spain hoping that my linguistic skills will almost come to match my english skills within a one year period. My whole fucking projects are gonna crumble down based on your government's decisions.

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Imagine being a ugly jew with little hands, and a small dick and thinking his people are the "chosen" ones. Lol

Is it not possible to apply for courses directly, rather then through the Erasmus scheme. I assume that happened before the 90s.

Governments decisions? Ha. The electorate voted for this. We have now forced the government's hand , helped by the EU 's brutal negotiation.

Is it not possible to apply for courses directly, rather then through the Erasmus scheme. I assume that happened before the 90s.

Governments decisions? Ha. The electorate voted for this. We have now forced the government's hand , helped by the EU 's brutal negotiation.

I've made a ton of money off Jews that were too stupid to realize everyone charges them twice as much because they are Jewish.

I know. It was less of a query and more of a quick jab while I was eating lunch at work.