Why are so many of Japan's neighbors against Japan for something they did for over 80 years ago?

Why are so many of Japan's neighbors against Japan for something they did for over 80 years ago?
Japan is going a better job at preserving its own culture than what America and Germany do. Why doesn't Korea and Southeast Asia hate on America, China, and the EU instead because of globalism?
So why giving Japan so much hate for doing the right thing in recent times.

Attached: japanese flag1.jpg (500x334, 50K)

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Losers hate Winners

SKorea is the deep states test bed for social engineering. They're in the grips of multiple factions trying to use them and the current leadership is retarded and easily manipulated.

For the same logic, the Japanese would hate America after WW2. But they ended up adoring then instead.
Korea loves the US too and likes China okay. It's just Japan they hate like if Asians are angst for losing thier masks during the war.

>Why are so many of Japan's neighbors against Japan for something they did for over 80 years ago?

It is just South Korea and North Korea.
The chinese media surprisinglyanalyze calmly the issue deprived from korea than any other western medias.


Japan is also calling out those who are slipping. If you have watched Vinland Saga. You will see it's a last-ditch effort to get those to wake up and see what their ancestors did before becoming faggotized and cucked.

>Japan's neighbors
>Japan is a fucking island
>island's have no neighbors
Holy shit. The IQ in Sweden really must have dropped.

Because of history. Every time Japan develops into power they first invade Korea, not just happened at ww2.

The gooks are weak nuts who have no balls to say same things to chinks, because it is geografically continental neibour would force them to think more realistically their women raped by chinks if things got worse which their DNA knows about all in their single fuckd up cell.

There is a single Kanji for all that isn't there?


Nips are asian jew's, that's why.

Japan has never apologized for it or even admitted it happened.

It's their holohoax

Wtf Japan

How could you forget china?

Attached: rape.gif (376x316, 46K)

Unit 731 did nothing wrong and manchukuo is rightful Japanese clay

>But they ended up adoring then instead.

Sven has never heard a real Japanese talking about America.
Just one more episode in Sweden´s cuck chronicles.

>If you have watched Vinland Saga

wHaT eVeN?

the obsessive anti-japan shit comes from the left

Because USA funded rebuilding Japan and Korea so neither of them have resentment against USA (yet)
China and Korea have a bloody history because Japanese did a lot of shit to them during WWII.

Not everything revolves around globalism, globalism is not a problem to Korea.

Your question is dumb, its all over the place

webm unrelated

Attached: 1563394188753.webm (426x236, 1.54M)

What is the reasoning behind it?

Japan are you okay?

>your days are numbered

Attached: 1561752840200.jpg (1600x1152, 707K)

After centuries of being incompetent and ripping off China's language and faith, the Japanese literally overthrew their traditional system of nobility in 1869 using American civil war and British weapons then installed a ripoff of European peerage called the Kazoku and a retarded version of the US constitution in 1889. During the MacArthur shogunate they stole Bourbon, Jazz, Jeans, Burgers, and through corporate espionage the microprocessor from IBM and have continued their utilitarian brand of stealing shit to this day. japan was supplied with all the western equipment and weapons it needed to destabilize asia. the least japan could've done
after the war was to offer a public apology for being aggressors during the war like germany apologized to its neighbors

no, it's japs who are weak beta midgets that are afraid of china. japanese oil tankers got blown up by american drones and japan doesn't say or do anything about it because japs are weak beta cucks

After centuries of being incompetent and ripping off China's language and faith, the Japanese literally overthrew their traditional system of nobility in 1869 using American civil war and British weapons then installed a ripoff of European peerage called the Kazoku and a retarded version of the US constitution in 1889. During the MacArthur shogunate they stole Bourbon, Jazz, Jeans, Burgers, and through corporate espionage the microprocessor from IBM and have continued their utilitarian brand of stealing shit to this day. japan was supplied with all the western equipment and weapons it needed to destabilize asia. the least japan could've done after the war was to offer a public apology for being aggressors during the war like germany apologized to its neighbors. the rape of nanjing was an atrocity. when japan occupied korea, it just used some cheap labor and molested a few women so they don't think they did anything wrong there but it's the fact that the japanese were so opportunistic in that regard which matters

no, it's japs who are weak beta midgets that are afraid of china. japanese oil tankers got blown up by american drones and japan doesn't say or do anything about it because japs are weak beta cucks

Japanese culture is basically being as pretentious as possible. I used to think west was pretentious but no japan is most pretentious.
They don't even represent asia. They are just autism with western workings but outer layer of asian looking things.

>street shitter insulting glorious Nihon

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Nobody can get over the past and move on. We cling to the past to boost our hatred towards someone, dig up all the dirt so we can justify our hate. Nobody wants to move forwards, when it’s so fun hanging onto the past

>Mohammad defending bugmen

take them into your shit eating europe dude
they're already good at it

I would gladly, if i could. Shit eating waifu, mhmm.
Because Mohmud cares and/or knows a single fucking thing about Nihon, right? My god, you mutts are dumb.

Public, communal bathing of mixed sexes also has a long history in Japan. Public toplessness was generally considered acceptable as well until the post-WWII US occupation when General Douglas MacArthur passed edicts requiring women to cover their breasts and banning pornography that contained close-up shots of genitalia.

Public nudity was quite normal and commonplace in Japan until the Meiji Restoration. Commodore Matthew Perry's interpreter Rev. S. Well Williams wrote "Modesty, judging from what we see, might be said to be unknown, for the women make no attempt to hide the bosom, and every step shows the leg above the knee; while men generally go with the merest bit of rag, and that not always carefully put on. Naked men and women have both been seen in the streets, and uniformly resort to the same bath house, regardless of all decency. Lewd motions, pictures and talk seem to be the common expression of the viler acts and thoughts of the people, and this to such a degree as to disgust everybody."

After the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese government began a campaign to institute a uniform national culture and suppress practices such as public nudity and urination that were unsightly, unhygienic, and disturbing to foreign visitors. Mixed gender bathing was banned. Enforcement of these rules was not consistent and most often occurred in Tokyo and other major cities with a high number of foreign visitors.

Same reason Balkanshits and Armenirats hate the Ottoman Roach.

>chichijima incident
reminder that japs were barbaric cannibals

And that is bad, how?