When will Germany finish the job?
When will Germany finish the job?
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ironic how you speak behind a meme flag and the text behind call outs those kind of people
those lads could probably beat the shit out of you and rape ur ass also
Shitkrainian gtfo
How's turkturd turd, polak wannabe Shlomo?
The irony is that Americans who defeated Germany are German themselves.
We have no chance against based Poland. Just look at this warrior. Even 20 SS divisions have no chance.
That thing on the left in the back needs to euthanized instantly.
Are those Germans or Slavs i can't tell?
After the conversion to Islam is complete. Then nothing will stop the master race, as Hitler predicted. It's why Putlet's propaganda is shilling so hard for the likes of AfD, they know they'll get routed to the depths of the Pacific when Germans have Allah on their side.
Nonsense, German Uber mech will win out in the end
East germans are slavs.
No bully :(
To late for them , have you seen their porn the Jews hate the German women so much
My mistake, here is the correct photo of wester German master race
wtf lmao
This picture is so old that these children have already grown up, go to Germany and make their own children with German women. POL fell into stagnation.
cant cuz the pussy faggots loser of 2 world wars cant do shit right
What manner of creatures are west germans?
not soon enough
I pray for it every day
No bully Marek
Looks like Texas
>make babys
Take a look at your birthrate.
All young polish girls are here and fuck with Hassan.
No matter how many cherry picked ugly slavs you'll post it will never be worse than this webm of Germany.
is she taking bbc while they riot?
What the fuck man.
True. We are the true Übermensch.
The mind of a German combined with the endless perseverance of the Slav. Bow to me, shitskin.
t. Inferior shitskin who lives in a white mans country because his people are subhuman
Are you unable to admit that you’re inferior to white people?
I was in Germany to visit my grandma, and to be honest, Germans are fat and short like most Americans. I could give ubermensch status to the Dutch, Swedes, Norwegians, and most Danes. But Germans are just as much larping as US and Polish Nazis. Hell, most non degenerates aren't Nazis
Whatever you say Dodo.
There used to be a huge German presence in America but German heritage was demonized during the first world war because the Anglo elite wanted to bring America into the war on Britain's side.
Ughh, is that realy Germany? What Land? Sometimes i think that fall of iron curtain was worst thing that happened
It's from 2017 G20 riots in Hamburg.
Based cock whore.
Lets be real, all of the education in post war Germany was to make you guys cucked so the anglosphere wouldn't have to fight you again
Maybe in Worst Germany.
Chances of meeting Germans decrease the further South you go.
I was shocked how shitskin are Greeks when I was there
worst germany
west germany
and what is "Germanic Y-DNA"? I1a? Most germans are R1b
this is unironically true. unlike west germany, east germany never had a mass brainwashing campaign to foist a massive guilt complex onto the German people for the holocaust. that's why they're not afraid to be nationalist in the East
Why would Germany do that? Not allowed to have a real army after WW2, right?
Dear God... I don't see how any of this could end in any other way than civil war all across Europe.
The Bavarian Germans are the most fun and based. That and they sell great beer. At least they aren't afraid of their own flag.
>This map was computed by adding paternal lineages associated with the diffusion Germanic peoples from the Iron Age onwards. These includes Y-DNA haplogroups I1 (except some subclades of Finnish origin), I2a2a-L801, R1a-L664, R1a-Z284, R1b-U106, and R1b-L238.
No dick, no ring.
I got haplogroup I1 but I'm mostly Anglo besides my German grandma.
>German grandma.
I'm 1/64 german blablbaaaaa
Cool. Glad you are part soiboi. You're keeping German status quo.
Kurwa jebena pierdole
My grandfather put MG42 rounds into bolsheviks scum brains. What did yours do?
Never. Poles are our neighbors after all. We have other enemies in Europe and they ain't White at all.
>those lads could probably beat the shit out of you
>and rape ur ass also
not really, more like his wifes or girlfriends ass, i doubt that they are gay
My grandfather dropped fire bombs on Dresden. Then he took a German wife and moved to the US. If you tards didn't sperg out you could have dominated Europe economically. Now when I go to Frankfurt to visit my grandma all of her neighbors are mixed. You are literally one generation from Germans saying they're 1 third polish, 1 third Turk and 1 third Moroccan. My poor cousin in Freiburg is so cucked he just plays computer games and hasn't had a GF. If you guys didn't start the 2nd world war the population of Europe would be much whiter.
At least in the US whites know not to mix and the ones that do are low IQ. In Germany you guys are guilted into thinking brown people are your equal in
ancient greek clearly has a wide slavic potatoface
yep, and he is just our kindergarten division ;)
>My grandfather dropped fire bombs on Dresden.
Stopped reading right there. Don't give a shit about you and your family, dude. Fuck off.
Some gangsta serb rap for my pol friends
agreed, i like to give the based east german womens mind more slavic perseverance
1) Americans who think they are German are typically half English, or some significant portion anyway.
2) Much of the "German" area isn't as heavily populated
3) The military heavily pulls from the South
Really nobody can tell the future
wrong, every part of Germany is similarly brainwashed, differences are small, east Germany is more extreme (either far right or far left), but it also seems that it's the only place where there are chances that people will stand up against niggerisation.
and Bavaria is peak comfy (it should gain it's promised independence, best people i have met in Germany)
well, i think we could try an alliance after all, we could borrow you a few white savages to fight brown savages
Cyrillic looks like the Greek alphabet.
It's based on it, it's influenced by Greek orthodoxy
>this mentally ill Turk again
get on my level
>Americans who defeated Germany
I preordered Cyberpunk fren
If anything we supplied the steal and food for a good part of the early war. Especially when Hitler made it to Stalingrad. UK and US were sending tons of supplies your way. The main thing the Slavs brought to the table was blood and bravery and lots and lots of tanks that could manufactured quickly.
But in the same way we under play your part Russian education under plays ours
It appears there is some controversy
That doesn't change what I said. You supplied the blood and the US and the UK sent you supplies and steal.
You guys did lose 11 million soldiers while the Germans lost about 3/4 of that on the Eastern front. Hitler didn't realize how stubborn and hard Slavs fought.
I think he's talking about WWI.
What if he's a german from the german part of Jow Forumsand