@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>ActWHCoS Mulvaney on FoxNewsSun 7/28/19
>ActWHCoS Mulvaney on FtN 7/28/19
>ActDHSSec McAleenan on SunMornFutures 7/28/19
>'WE BUILD THE WALL' SYMPOSIUM DAY 2 7/27/19 (RSBN) (We Build The Wall pt1) (We Build The Wall pt2)
>KAC on WattersWorld 7/27/19
>Giuliani on FoxNews 7/27/19
>TrumpTweet: Sadler 7/26/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania greet supporters @TrumpHotel 7/26/19
>The Squad 7/26/19
>'WE BUILD THE WALL' SYMPOSIUM DAY 1 7/26/19 (RSBN) (We Build The Wall pt1) (We Build The Wall pt2) (We Build The Wall pt3) (Don Jr)
>Pres Trump on Safe 3rd Country Asylum Agreement w/Guatemala 7/26/19
>VP Pence @Miller Electric Company on Workforce Dev 7/26/19
>VP Pence @Operation New Hope Job Training Roundtable 7/26/19
>CommSec Wilburine on FBN 7/26/19

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:



trending list user where are you?

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Fall in line, you turbogoblins.

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> and I hope he picks on more cities in each state because I think it is an underrated way to rile up cityhaters and niggerhaters to get more active.
Here is what the other Portugal said earlier today

> He is keeping the democrats exactly where he needs them: in a “identity based” campaign, one he cannot possibly lose exactly because the great majority of the voting population is made of white non college educated.
> The most dangerous thing for Trump now or whenever is if Democrats pivot to a “trade and healthcare” campaign as they tried so many times. They can make a strong case (even if the people here wouldn’t agree) that they can deliver “a better deal” (their campaign slogan for a white) for the whites in Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, PA than Trump did so far, both on trade and on healthcare.
That of course would be a damn lie but one they can sell.
> Trump is pining them on a “Trump is a racist / we’re not” strategy and they can’t possibly win on that because everything Trump said so far isn’t countered but disclaimed with “he’s right but that’s mean to say out loud”.
> Tl;dr: Trump is killing Biden strategy by emboldening AoC/Harris/Warren strategy
I happen to agree.
> curse you for your infecting me increasingly with desire for mommymilkies
JEJ, welcome to the MILF sommelier group. Have a MILF, first one is free. Take one leave one.

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Recreational Missile Launching Edition

>Statistics are racist

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Director of National Intelligence, basically a middleman office to coordinate between all the various shades of glow. Coats, the current DNI, has been stonewalling declassification requests for months so Trump fired him.

"Everything was looking good with Coats. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck."

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Nancy Pelosi told Mnuchin privately that she would allow a vote on the USMCA by October.

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fuckin commies, missle lawnchairs are a human right

President Biden, sure has a nice ring to it doesn't it my 'pedes?

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He needs to pick on Jackson.
>my dad remembers when it "used to have a good white mayor"
>my mom has said that its problem is that it's "full of blacks and ran by blacks" her own words
>its nigger mayor went to a gommie meetup with Bernie

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I added it earlier

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President Trump is a decent president. It's good to have him in there as a fuck you to the politicians.

Legitimate question, how can anyone like a girl who looks and acts like a boy? Those are the worst type of women you would want to date or marry

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> There are only two kinds of long guns: the AR-15 and the AK-47.
Is that what they teach in J-school?

> AnCap thread?
> AnCap thread!

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Link to source.


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The police said it was an AK-47 "style" rifle. I forget the exact model.

>trending with only 1k tweets

The process for it is pretty fugged. He did sign one bill that does allow slightly more civilian research into it, but that's about it on nuclear for him.

Pelosi is angling to show the 2020 voters that a Democratic majority in Congress can be stable and productive instead of obstructionist. She is afraid moderates will defect to Republican candidates in order to make Congress less dysfunctional.

he'll be dead from natural causes within a year from now. screen cap this

(but democrats will still nominate him, posthumously)

Why does the Democrat Party hate white people?

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Im not sure but I respect their choices in women

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Stop the jew, save the world.

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>dead beaner rat
>what am I going to do?
Mexican sounds good for dinner


Cancel nafta in September to force it.

ur gay

quite impressive during the meuller shitshow

My dear fren, I do not believe the hour for such discussions is yet at hand.

Tariq gonna Tariq

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Yeah, I saw Mollie call someone else out last night, too.

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> who looks and acts like a boy?
I’m calling the cat. Anyway, they smell good, have the right equipment between the legs and make for a good mate for sports activities. There is no drawback, only upsides.

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how the fuck did carrot top get to be a democratic director?


I thought they fired her

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The police should not be pulling people over that are doing nothing wrong, what the fuck is this?

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>continues to perpetuate racial stereotypes about black people

he really is a brainlet

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Get the mole with shredded chicken

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Why is it never a P90 or something more exotic? Why is it always either an AR-15 or an AK-47?

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>putin's GOP
Funny, i seemingly remeber a president during the ninties who was best bud with yeltsin, and allowed him to interfere and invade with his neighbors, and a president who was black, who downplayed russian aggression during his reelection bid, and said russia was no longer a threat, while reps like mccain and McConnell were considered neocons for being to tough on russia, projection is a real thing isn't it?

The police should make note of people that are driving correctly, take down the plate #, and send the coupon via snail mail. Don't pull people over.

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Heh, you like their food? Guess you have to let millions of their people into your country now.


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> Free drink coupon
Good time to restart this operation? (Pic related)

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>Why does the Democrat Party hate white people?
The left is full of hate. It's all they know. They don't have reasons for it: hatred rarely has a cause.

>why isn't it ever actually a good gun?

That wide eyed bitch from GOT grew up fast.

>democrats actually believe this

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Pence saved Dan Coats from being fired a long time ago...

Trump should consider finding a new VP. Pence hasn't really been MAGA.

I know people joked about Tucker being VP but if I were Trump, I would consider Mike Huckabee or Tucker as my new VP.

Changing VPs is not unusual.

judging by the color/shape of the wood and black poly grip I'm guessing WASR underfolder model

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Everyone already knows AKs and ARs in semi auto are civilian legal. I don't think (((they))) want to raise the profile of a 50-round-per-magazine AP PDW that you can fit inside a jacket if you SBR it.

Wait a second, that isn't the same ramen haired woman from 2 years ago. Why do Democrats have ramen hair? What does it mean?

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i like how movies and shows always have people fly back with incredible force upon receiving a bullet

based black chickenmerchant

oh noooooo

I like this

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Why do niggers need to drive around smoking weed everywhere they go? I had to go down to the hood to get a replacement capacitor for my air conditioner and at every light some nigger was blazing in his car.

>now do mass shootings

He should have responded back with only 1% of all gun deaths in the country per year are from mass shootings. Black on black crime still makes up the majority.

Thats fucking bullshit and wrongful use of force. When I get pulled over shit is not fun and if some fat fucking cop said, "lulz great driving heres a coupon for a slurpee", I'd be pissed as fuck for the inconvenience alone.

Nobody honestly believes bans are the ultimate solution. It's just a proxy fight to legislate moral guidelines. Separation of church and state was a mistake.

>expecting others to protect you
it's like they live in a world where they think that they'll have their own person cop following them around all the time as a body guard

>pence hasn't really been MAGA
>changing VPs is not unusual

this poster's intellectual honesty and integrity is in question

They get incredibly jealous when you talk to other women, and try to sabotage your relationship with the other girl, and when you get jealous when they talk to other men, they say you are insecure and immature, tomboys are cancer

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Someone should use a tavor just for the memes.

Time travelers.

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>this shit is plastered all over the news
>12 shot in a Brooklyn playground and there's crickets from the MSM
Seriously, did they just get lazy, or is it just a matter of overplaying their hand?


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VP is a useless position anyway. They don't do anything. Unless you're Cheney, in which case you're the President. But Pence is basically just there to get the evangelical vote.

More like:

Free Speech?
Free Enterprise?
Law enforcement?
Look, banning things never works. People will finds ways to fuck kids.

Single mothers damage children.
They are scum!

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>be american
>not even born yet
>get shot

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>What does it mean?

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American whites are less violent than niggers, Finns, spics, Austrians, the French, and leaves despite all the access to guns we have.

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>Why do Democrats have ramen hair? What does it mean?
Jew fro genes mixed with Euro hair genes plus blonde hair dye.

I bet they watched the Mueller thing and have concluded Trump aint going nowhere

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Someone has to rip the blinds so that the sniper across the street can get a good shot.

With that Culver's guy being a based racist in that article and you guys talking about Culver's, I'm wondering if it is worth a many hours long journey to ruraltardom for it. Is it?

I think it is a nice strategy but we need a real paradigm shift to get these crazy welfare tit suckers to change their ways.
>JEJ, welcome to the MILF sommelier group

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The fourth was the shooter himself, killed by police. No one is saying to ban birth control (no one reasonable), just that you have to pay for it yourself. Niggers. Is there such a thing as a smart one? And the fact that he's a libshit is just compounding the problem.

Most likely a spic mutt

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Oh fuck I really liked that show. Pretty sad all around. The second season was pretty terrible though.

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Is our prosperity the reason white people stop having kids?

Or is it our fucked up economy where millennials are still unemployed?