German Car Sales Plunge to Record Lows

Why don't you buy a German car next user?

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I had a Mercedes and it was just so expensive to maintain.

Funny that you post a BMW.
In the first half of the year 2019 they sold more cars than ever before.

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Hmm almost as if an entire economy based on importing millions of immigrants to make kebabs and selling overpriced luxury cars to business men isn't sustainable. Really makes you think.

>expensive maintenance
>expensive fuel

there is literally no reason to buy anything besides japanese

I like their current designs and its a huge step up from previous iterations. That said, pic related is still the best and most aesthetic BMW ever created.

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> iron box with wheels $50000
> iron box with wheels $15000

I bought this,fuck your cars and fuck Merkel.

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Why is it always the cocksuckiest of cocksuckers that buy Jettas and shit and drive like they're on a race track? I never see a vw here that isn't driven by a little cunt.

I have a diesel X5 and it’s a twin turbo beast. Fuck gay Japanese shit

cuz they suck

E46's are fucking godly, best cars ever made

How come German electric cars have half the range of a Tesla for the same battery capacity?

I swear to God one day we're going to find out Mercedes has been cheating at F1 all these years and destroying the sport and there's gonna be a riot.

Still have a BMW E34 M5 in the garage

No good full electric models yet.

>one day we're going to find out Mercedes has been cheating at F1 all these years

Even if they have, Ferrari also cheats so what's their excuse?

>Why don't you buy a German car next user?
I would, but I don't want my money being used to feed the gibs of your disgusting muslim migrants.

German cars are overpriced shit, full with made in China electronic.
Also German car companies are leftwingend refugees welcome activists.

Mitsubishi all the way

Fuck Germany, Polish cars are the best!

Because my wife's Audi q3 is a fucking maintenance nightmare. You can't actually change the battery yourself because it requires some fucking electronic device for reset the system. FFS.

If you knew anything about international finance you would know that large corporations pay next to nothing due to elaborate models. Money made by BMW South America is unlikely to be repatriated to Germany

>How come German electric cars have half the range of a Tesla for the same battery capacity?

Fairly sure they don't?
Tesla's are actually quite inefficient, they just have very large batteries.


Eww. What is next? A rice-wife?

Mercedes is shit. Bmw is overpriced. I would rather buy Toyota or Mitsubishi.

There are some rules to cheat there?

We had a small Mitsubishi bus when I was a kid. God I miss that thing.

Only faggots drive german cars

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There are none, what are you talking about?
The only truly Polish-designed car was manufactured between 1952-1983.
Everything else was either licensed (Fiat) or assembled (Opel, Daewoo before they went bankrupt, etc.)

One can only fucking hope, senpai.

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I could never afford one and now that I can, I can't justify spending 30-40k + for a relatively low milage 2003 M5.

These kids gonna die here and will not be accepted there.

>How come German electric cars have half the range of a Tesla for the same battery capacity?
They dont, stupid turkroach

The current ones seem a bit shit.

That German-Japanese girl I know is doing pretty well over there.

Why not? At least she will hate niggers and muslims, unlike german one.

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*crack, siiiiip*. Hyup, there's nothin' quite like wrenching on the 'ol slab.

t. 25 year old boomer

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The whole sport is "build the best car you can WITHIN this elaborate set of rules".
Even letting the engine rev up too slowly is breaking the rules (apparently).

But when Ferrari breaks the rules the FIA looks the other way because "red cars nice, must be fan of red cars".

“Next time, without Italy.”

If you knew anything besides you basement you would know that virtually all Japanese in the West are leftists and the women in your pic is an utter minority.

because German engineering is dead.

>I would
You wouldn't, poor vodka nigger

BMW is for shitskins on welfare pretending to be rich

It is lie, ferrari not cheat. They are just that fast because red.

at least they have a good taste about cars

I never planned on growing them up in germany. That's just cruel. And i'm pretty sure they will be accepted in Japan, if they work hard enough. Have you seen german/jap mutts? With a bit of luck, they fit in splendidly.

Fuck germans and their shitty cars, you are better off buying something from USA/Japan

lol. in Denmark we call them tyrkerslæde (turk sleigh)

Who said a word about west? And if they are the minority - why refugees are welcome in Germany?

National identity in cars is dead. German cars aren't designed to the same autistic standard, American cars no longer offer dead simplicity and ease of service, and Japanese cars have become fat and shoddily built.

Yep. Mostly driven by turks here as well.

I lived in Düsseldorf for some time, more than I needed to see. Knew about the Hapa meme wayyy before.

>Why don't you buy a German car next user?
Because they're shit and expensive?

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I thought the only card in Poland were stolen?

Nigger my A5 sportback is great thanks Deutschland

But Düsseldorf is still germany. I don't give a fuck bout that.

Düsseldorf is the city with the largest amount of Japanese in Germany btw.

Wrong, the E30 M3 was the best car BMW ever made.

Also my brother works for BMW here in lower bavaria and he said they might all go on short-time working soon and he gets a lot of off days because they just don't produce that much at the moment. Take that as you will.

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Oh, brother. I can feel your small dick from here.

Where do they get money?

Because of old people that vote terribly and have only their housing prices in mind while being mentally jewed. Nobody of the general population is really in favor of refugees. Incels on here just like to accuse women for their problems, most of them would be a race-traitor with an abo, needy as they are

Based, thanks for making japan richer gercucks.

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Why do you think the EU is trying so hard to stop Brexit?
Pic very related

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Explains why the corvette c8 is a ferrari. But for 60k, yeah we still have some crazy good companies making cars at least.

It's sad that young Germans lost any interest in cars.

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NUMBER 1!!!!!

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nah gonna stick with my small, reliable sideways nipcar

>Why don't you buy a German car next user?
They're shit.

Exactly. Hence I know about their crazed ways. The females are turbo-sluts that actually come close to what people on here claim every woman to do, the males are almost sterile.

>Oh, brother. I can feel your small dick from here.
I'll get a Golf 7 for some 5 extra inches

people are fed up with these criminals. dieselgate has left consumers with the burden, they literally did nothing to fix it themselves.
next car will not be a german one.

Less cars on the road means you can drive faster user.

I still think the E39's were more aesthetic but the E30's were amazing automobiles.

Because I can buy a Toyota for less money that is better in every way.

Haven't met any non-decent people among them.

>Why don't you buy a German car next user?
Because it will probably have a couple nail bombs in it since its no longer made by the white man.

They either buy sub 10k ones or rent them for a weekend and often die driving them. My wife works as a nurse so she has seen many of them crashing. It's also the reason the insurance for certain models is off the chain.

>buy German shit in 2019

Germany stopped making good cars in the early 90s

If you want quality you go Japanese.

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toyota is unironically king, the old ones ran for decades easily

Good choice user. Toyota really build good cars.

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>I'll get a Golf 7 for some 5 extra inches
That's pretty good. You should do stand-up comedy.

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Is that car wearing a niqab?
Fkn krauts

T. 2 digit IQ redneck

Kek... what is a Z4?

>posts what is literally a bmw chassis and engine

>Why don't you buy German products?

Because you hired a weak old lady globalist who hates the USA and her own country.

Make better choices and maybe we'll start buying more German products.

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Please understand my German humor

I see what you did there. I personally think they should have reworked the LC500 to be the new Supra instead of rebadging a BMW.

This will be my next car as i'm not gay enough to trust the germans.

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that's actually quite low considering the ongoing tariff talks i had expect a huge run of burgers on german cars
before they become 25% more expensive

Wait until the hard rbexit

I inherited my father's Mercedes E350 and drove it for about a year before a sold it. It was a money pit and a bitch to drive with all the "electronic assistance" bullshit. Basically, your cars are shit. I drive a 2010 Lexus ES350 and it's ok but I miss my 1997 Saturn SC2, it's engine exploded and burnt to the ground.

its dead in the water now
GMs already sold out
cope harder faggot

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with our fuel prices hardly a shocker

Alter, was?

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BMW donates billions to israel every year out of nazi guilt (the family that started BMW still owns it, got revealed they were nazis, they now pay lots)

The only wheeled thing i would ever buy from germans is a panzer

The Merc was a 2014 BTW