>Cant even get fucking hired for goodwill or a soup kitchen

i'm on my last sliver of sanity anons this country is fucked

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lol I'm in the same boat

good luck user

My friend in Vermont has the same problem. They hire women and minorities with less experience than him every time.

not even the blue collar where I'm at is hitting 40 hours a week

hey partner

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Where are you from OP? What skills do you have?

I for one enjoy reading about these types of cases on the news

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I was in the same boat as you.
What I did was exaggerate or straight lie on my CV.
The key is to send to places that won't bother getting background checks, like small stores or places that ask you to email the CV directly to the managers.
Retail managers are pretty busy so they won't have time to check the factual details, so long as you use buzzwords and make your CV look daunting and professional like.

>t. Someone who was looking for a part time job for 3 months.

Just give em a firm handshake and look them in the eyes.

get a car and drive for one of the delivery scams been doing it for years. hit up that mom/dad/uncle whoever your mooching get wheels and sling pizza that or yolo into a cdl its gonna fail in 10 years but people will buy your school right now out of desperation

Youll make more money panhandling a freeway exit ramp anyways. Hop to it.

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You dont have 3% unemployed only ?

It should be easy to find a job no ? How immigrants do if nobody can find any jobs ?

I can't wait for driverless vehicles, user.

lol just apply to amazon
all you have to do is pass a web test to make sure that you're literate, and then pass a drug test
a week later you're getting a part-time job making $15/hr

You could always uhm
McKill yourself

go work on a farm for a year and unironically learn coding or, better yet, data science

You live in America, either you're not trying hard enough or you really fucked up in life, which means you didn't try hard enough.

Stop being a general failure.

So you've already tried coding?

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Sweetie, please don’t be so McRude.

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just in case you haven't tried it yet please google job agencies in your area. There are people whose literal jobs it is to have connections and get random fuckers jobs. Some of them even do bonuses for employees who find more jobs for idiots like you. Don't be thrown off by some degenerates you find waiting in the lobby there, I got my current STEM job from one. Good luck.

Sell weed.

You’re not a white man though

we are in a wierd spot where your college degree cannot get a walmart job but the cops are all niggers now so you can sling dope and not get caught, whatever.

Have you tried looking them right in the eye and giving them a good firm handshake?

Complete and total bullshit, I've been to three employment agencies and all three ghosted me after sending my application to the employers and didn't even answer when I called or emailed them back.

I'm even a yid with a masters degree but all "equal opportunity employers" think I'm a white male kek

why do you hate me user

Thank god I’m not the only one

>You dont have 3% unemployed only ?
If you haven't had a officially recognized job for over 6 months, you're not counted in the statistics. So if you've been unemployed or have been working under the table for 6 months or more, you are counted at all.

>you are counted at all.
you are NOT counted at all.

Live by the job, die by the job

Legally change your name to something like Shitavious Johnson. You will get hired.

Yeah, sucks user. Almost all companies have a huge hr/sjw/jew culture which you have to pay creedance to.

This is why we need happenings!


good is set against evil

Not true faggot. Stop blaming minorities for your broke ass.