Would you colonize a Black woman?
Would you colonize a Black woman?
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jesus, that face fucking unnerving
Hell no.
There's a really cute, small, black chick at the weed dispensary here where I live. I want to ask her out but I only see her while she's at work so I am not sure howto go about it.
Pick one
lol her shirt means nothing u cant just write that u have to actually do it
Do it it will be the best decision. Ebony is superior to all other races of women
Walk right up to her and say
>aye yo wut dat mouuff do
>what is small talk
>what is flirting
>what is gradual escalation
>what is reading body cues
>what is innuendo that gives you possible deniability
>what is looking up pick up stuff online instead of pretending it's magic
yeah your right user, it's a complete mystery...
What is wrong with The guy tits?
It’s her titties user that’s the mountains
Yes it’s my dream actually
Black girls worldwide are waiting to be pumped full of semen from the White Man
Imagine lovingly pumping her beautiful black pussy with your cum as she moans can barely contain her pure ecstasy. Moments afterward, she is begging for you to creampie her again and again. You would spend entire weekends in your love nest together, drowning her in your cum.
A black boy would never be able to provide her with this DNA and would not even bother to stick around and raise the child
Black womens cervixes belong to WHITE MEN
That’s a gross ass body
Black... no
Mulatta with a 10/10 face ... Yes
How much am I getting paid ? My extra IQ points aren't free ya know .
This is every woman of colors dream
That bitch looks like AJ lee with an ass.
it goes like this
1. Asian
2. Latina
3. Arab
4. Black
5. huwhite
GO away incel
Nah brah that shit gaay
Yes and only that, you must not marry those nigresses.
pump and dump, help the bleaching and get black pussy while you're at it.
This. White sperm belongs to black womb
You assume I have all the time in the word to talk to this bitch.
Enjoy your 80 IQ niggles.
im so glad these threads are starting up again
and yes but marry idk should i?
Yes, under the following conditions;
>She doesn't buy into the academic jewed modern version of "equality". Identity politics and such. Instead opt for the good old Martin Luther kg version of equality.
>Doesn't buy into "acting black" or "acting white", being responsible, well spoken and well mannered should not be a trait exclusive to race. It should be considered "being polite" not "being white".
Despite being a Nazi, I still believe in equality (the old definition of it) and there are black people out there that prove they have the capacity to be equal, whether or not they reach that capacity is a choice.
One they are often deterred from by modern academia, the media, their own communities sometimes, the welfare state. Locked into the box of "blackness", they are expected to live up to the stereotypes of "acting black" in order to avoid being labelled a "Coconut" or an "Oreo".
If a black woman defies the herd mentality, is attractive and has a nice personality, doesn't think I'm racist because of my skin colour - then why wouldn't I date her?
There was an article in the sun the other day, written by a black fellow about this very thing; he claimed that the "tolerant" left only cared about diversity if you agree with them. he went on to mention that suddenly diversity was wrong, when it means "diversity of thought".
I can't be arsed looking it up but it was a particularly good read if anyone cares enough to try and find the online version.
This is what dark skinned women are for, fucking. The rawest, unmitigated bestial primal fucking.
Light skinned and white women, you don't want to think of them as fuck toys. You think of them as pure maidens, Aryan goddesses, Southern belles whose purity is the essence of their appeal. They are so pure you can't bring yourself to pop a boner to fuck them.
The joy of fucking dark-skinned women lies in the profane, quasi-bestiality nature of the act. You go to plunge your cock into her cunt, you fuck her nigger cunt how you want when you want for whatever reason you want, she is your property. Fuck her in the cunt or ass it doesn't matter. Engage in the most depraved acts, the lewdest positions, fuck her doggystyle nights and days and weeks on end. As a darkie, she's already dirty, so giving her your seed is nothing more than dumping into a melanin racial meat toilet. Your skin and hers, in a carnal yin yang defiling racial purity, for pleasure.
To colonize, to conquer, to inject your seed in dark wombs. To fuck like the barely evolved Idaltu of old, free of suburban mores. Thomas Jefferson knew it and he knew it well.
This is the unending raw joy of fucking she-darkies.
God damn that's hideous.
Brasilian mulattas are top tier
My caramel offspring will be high IQ and based
Look at that ugly protohuman, the lack of intelligence in its eyes. Everything about it screams "SUBHUMAN". If you find it attractive, congrats, you too are a subhuman.
Problem is even ones like this will shill for black nationalism when they grow up.
Only if you yourself are a subhuman who cannot comprehend its own animalistic nature.
I agree
Save yourself the misery.
They aren't loyal creatures, nor are they clean or motivated.
You can't teach a young nigger new tricks.
>Would you colonize a Black woman?
What ya doing rabbi?
Am white can agree. I feel like I lie to myself about being into white girls for whatever reason. My heart says yes but my two heads think fuck no. I have to fantasize and pretend in my mind of everything but her.
...but if she's black...?
Goddamn I will fuck her in every hole in every place in every goddamn way. I don't even need to fantasize or anything she could just lightly touch my shoulder and I'll be fucking diamond rock hard in 2 seconds flat. It's like my whole body lights up underneath, probably where the term "being in heat" comes from.
I did last Friday. I wouldn't breed her tho. Don't want to take the chance of having a nigger son. A nigger daughter is fine tho. I want my son to look like me, you know?
Fucking checked, keked, and bump for salty WHITE ROASTIES.
AJ? Yes. But that's an awful picture.
Just accept the ebony already user.
Well user, men have done a shit load of stuff for a pair of tits, so she isnt completely wrong.
Digits agree fucking black women is ok
Yeah i'd just make sure not to put a baby in her. It's so hard to find an attractive one I doubt it will happen though.
Wmbf is traditional
No. Nearly 40% of black women have an STD. It's too risky.
I have a black girl sleeping next to me
Why not put a baby in her? I want High IQ caramel babies
Black women are the best
waiting for pic related
Legit black cuckold who gets off on white men fucking black girls, sauce me this pic honkie.
I know this is a long shot but does she work at LivWell on Broadway?
>imagine the smell
That's why you teach them not to and get them a white man early on.
Only in her asshole
Ew chinkoids enjoy your white hating hapa sons
no shit, wouldnt nut inside tho because westerncucks made that mistake and look at them now
All bleached content here
Use the tag dark skin
1. Bullshit with her
If she smiles and responds with anything other than selling you weed shit continue to step 2
2. Continue joking around and tease her.
If she laughs at your obvious dumb joke, continue to 3.
3. If you don’t already know her name ask it. Don’t give your name. If she asks for your name go to step 4
4. Give your name. Say something relevant to your conversation and say that you need to go, but you’d like to chat again. Say what’s your phone number and pull out your phone like you expect her to give it to you. Do not ask for her number. Do not give her your number. Tell her that you will call her.
5. Wait a few days. Calling right away shows neediness and that’s a turn off. You’re busy anyway.
6. On a Tuesday or Wednesday call her. Do not text. Call her and say hi shaniqua, this is user. Don’t say where you met her or anything else.
7. If she responds with “who?” Or “where do I know you from?” Just say it’s a wrong number and apologize, hang up. If she likes you she’ll know who you are as she’s been waiting for your call.
8. Ask her if she’s free on Thursday or Friday evening to get a drink. If she can’t commit, tell her that you can’t make plans on an indefinite commitment, maybe some other time. If she likes you she’ll tell you when is good.
9. Meet up at date. Do not discuss politics or serious shit. Keep it light. If she laughs at your jokes you’re golden.
10. Have sex
Would? I have. Multiple. It was glorious.
>black girls aren't loyal
Literally what? Most black women I've know have been VERY possessive and faithful to their partners. You don't fuck with their man and they don't fuck with you.
what a shit booru site desu
they stink and I can't look at them without thinking about what my kids would look like
Nope. I'm in AZ, brother.
want in one hand shit in the other see which fills up first
>mfw I probably already have
I used to stealth them during hookups, and let me clue you anons in on something:
Their pubes are like brillo pads, and if they shave it gets weird and lumpy.
They have some entertaining raceplay fetishes though.