is a self entitled lazy attention whore. Share your thoughts on her.
Erica Thomas
burn her
>claims she took the express line to avoid standing for long periods because she was pregnant
>stands for long periods to give media interviews
Really activated my almonds.
is that Rikishi?
She probably lied about being pregnant too and is just a fat nigger
is that that precious chick from that nigger movie?
She embodies all the worst elements of the human condition. She’s a retarded nigger woman who lies and tries to prove she’s strong by yelling and being confrontational, and acting like an ape. The fact that such an awful creature like her is able to exist makes me a bit sad to be honest
She should be a late term abortion, iykwim.
pic nr
Not only is it sad that she exists, this person holds a very high position of power in our government.
What I really don't get is how there is no investigation into this. What do her constituents have to say about this?
Her mouth is open to receive more food I suppose.
I've said it before and I'll say it again
She is a magnificent black Kween,
The most perfect and delightful creature God ever made.
I dont know but its a fun game to watch someone else play.
Her constituents are monkeys, user.
fuck y'all racist muh'fuhk'n cracka-ass bitches. y'all faggots ain't got shit on mah gurl.
She could be roasted on a spit and fed to the homeless, a lot of homeless.
She needs to go back where she came from (Africa).
shes a nigger
when she yelled at the dude for attacking a pregnant woman, he said how was I supposed to know. it went right over her head that he was calling her a fat fuck.
what a stupid sonofabitch
Typical Georgia sheboon.
I have no idea what is this thing