Holy shit, Nadler has the (((semitic))) identification on his twitter name. He knows

Holy shit, Nadler has the (((semitic))) identification on his twitter name. He knows.

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Nadler is The Nose. All signs point to Zion Don actually about to absolutely BTFO the current state of Israel and force them to change their ways. AND THEY ARE FUCKING PANICKED.

Cummings is a fucking clown. He's literally what you picture when you imagine a stupid nigger.

Cummings is what imagine when i think about a pug in a suit.

What a dumbfuck. They think they're being cheeky and trolling us, but think about how it will look when they're exposed.

Awful goblin man.


Stupid nigger is redundant. The word nigger implies, lazy, violent, stupid, etc.

When did being a public servant become an esteemed position? Why do Urbanite subhumans worship these literal welfare queens? What happened to the days when people would tell politicians to get a real job?

I don't have time to check if this is true right now, but, if so, it would be a sign of cracking. This fucking humpty dumpty deserves whatever is coming.

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