Attached: three point spectrum.png (1790x1540, 46K)
Place your country
Brayden Ward
Evan Powell
Between capitalism and communism. We are getting fucked over in the name of the left but everyone knows (((who))) really profits of it.
Michael Turner
I like how you're pretending that those two forms of socialism are different
Mason Allen
yeah I'm thinking that you'd need a graph with a muslim penis on it to accurately represent sweden
Isaac Ward
I worked real hard
Nolan Wilson
Nazi's that still love money and still hate ((them))
Isaiah Walker
Juan Turner
The U.S. is right in the middle because we have this wonderful thing called diversity. Every other country is full of hateful bigots.
Ryder Bell
>muh horseshoe
Fascism and Communism are nearly the exact opposite
Dominic Davis
>socialism and socialism are the exact opposite
kill yourself you fucking moron