The blacks have "failed to assimilate"

Just because niggers wear Western dress and have nominally adopted our English names (instead of African ones), have learned to grunt a form of English (instead of speaking Swahili), and have pretended to adopt our religion (instead of voodoo), doesn't mean they haven't refused to assimilate.

They wear clownish outfits, they give themselves ridiculous sounding names, they speak ghetto-ebonics, and their religious devotions remain base superstitions that fail to reform their unrestrained lust and criminality.

Civic nationalists need to admit failure. Niggers can't assimilate.

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Maybe because in order to assimilate someone you don't need to segregate them?

You can't have a functioning society populated with antique farm equipment.

They just need to evolve in the jungle for another ten thousand years. Then we can start giving them swimming lessons.

You obviously have never lived in a black neighborhood.

Blacks are a great asset to any communit-

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Don't forget to vote Democrat at the next election.

don't try talking anyone on here into actually associating with Niggers.

It should've been done as soon as 13 amendment was implemented, or niggers should've been actually sent to Liberia, cause segregation doesn't solve problems, it just creates ghettos of alienated people.

Chimps are not compatible with Western civilization and putting them in every neighborhood doesn't help. But you as a starving Ukrainian child soldier would not understand these things.

by "It should've been" I mean desegregation and proper assimilation

minorities will always feel segregated if they start grouping together
if you explose a community and force people to be alone in a majority of white and stop creating communautarism ,they will assimilate but if you dont force them and you let them ,they will naturally group together ,form communities and wont assimilate.

>real assimilation hasn't been tried.
The "assimilation" meme is a flawed concept.

Post-revolutionary France? Roman Dacia?

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Its very obvious to the rational mind that they havent and to know you are right. Yet speak out against it and you are automatically a racist. everyone is a racist. The left uses it as a slander and society takes it and demonizes anyone slandered as such. WW3 cant come soon enough to clown world.

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t. mediterranean shitskin

selfsegregation now is actually worse than it was when government enforced.

>failed to assimilate
Isn't wanting someone to assimilate racist now?

By their own admission, schoolwork, the learning style of sitting still in seats, math, science are for whites and it's racist to make blacks go through it. They also can't be bothered to follow signs in public spaces that prohibit them from BBQ or loud music because it's just their racial nature.

your white bitches assimilate that ass all day honkey



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But that is their programming from the social engineers. You don’t actually think “Black Culture” is a product of Black People? Sweet summer child.

animal control

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All true. they have DNA that diverges from whites and limits their cognitive abilities... they are doing the same thing here despite whites giving them every conceivable advantage that they did in Africa and that is nothing.

>Civic nationalists need to admit failure. Niggers can't assimilate.

Some can. Some cannot. Instead of focusing on those that cannot, it would seem that your goal is to ostracise those that can.

>tfw no Afro-American compatriots named Jarvis Baxter that wear suits to high school and have a perfectly round afro

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>Roman Dacia
You said assimilate not exterminate

we really dont need people who've never been around africans (living in 100% white ukraine) telling us that it's our fault africans have a much lower IQ

yet more proof that racism is actually POSTjudice not prejudice and defending non-whites is prejudicial


As long as the dindus are brainwashed by anime we'll be alright.