i just realized that not all niggers are bad though the majority of them are
Not all niggers are bad
God wouldn't give them black skin if they weren't evil.
Name 1 good one
Move into one of their exclusive neighborhoods, faggot.
>meets one trained nigger
>thinks they're all decent
Typical boomer logic.
Not all gorillas are bad. Do you know about koko the gorilla? She had the vocabulary of a 3 year old, and an IQ of 85, so she was slightly smarter than your average nigger... but koko is still a gorilla all the same
round up as many as the "good ones" as you can and go see a movie in a theater with them then report back
youve been lulled in to a false sense of security
Morgan Freeman
That is the smartest godamn thing i have ever read in my fucking life
Obviously not, there's many intelligent and capable black people. That doesn't suddenly invalidate ethno-nationalism though.
morgan freeman literally seems like he's been lobotomized
I feel like he's fucked kids. To be fair though that's more of a Hollywood thing, not a black people thing.
I get along with anyone individually, its when they are in groups that they nigger out
is this meant to be an insightful point
"just realised i can survive the black death 20% of the time"
I have a few actual good friends who are black and even more black acquaintances. Some great people and some meh. But every good one has shitty niggerish family members. One friend has a dad who is a hard worker and great guy while the mom and sister are dumb niggers telling him he needs to film cops and disrespect them. Fucked up situation.
It's better if when hanging out with groups of them that you just let them be themselves without judgement. They're going to get loud, wild and rambunctious but that's just kind of how they are. They'll bring out your charismatic side if you just let loose a little bit. They pick up on negativity quickly and (especially in groups) will call that shit out to your face immediately, loudly and rudely. Just be a real person and they're fun. There's nothing wrong with it as long as everyone stays cool and no tempers flare.
Just be willing to embrace a different culture and they'll be welcoming.
Obviously that won't be the case if they're shitbag people, but that's true of anyone. Don't associate with shitbags of any race.
Anti-white nigger
Yeah, the families usually have idiots like that and it's usually the younger women.
Old black grandmas are based though.
Tried this, cinema got looted and employees got raped and killed. Not doing it again.
Always film pigs. Never respect a man who decided he was his brother’s keeper before ever meeting you. To him, you are a subject, not a citizen.
To be honest. Nigs have many of the same issues just as whites.
>Drug ridden neighborhoods
>Single parents
>Entertainment hijacked by Jews
Nigs are dumb as fuck don't get me wrong but really they are just as lost as the rest of us.
Lol your women prefer black men. Why are the vast majority of incels white, chinks, or pajeets. Lmao.
You're somewhat right, even though it's an obvious bait. Jow Forumstards are mindless racists. I am all for the extermination of Jews, Niggers and Anglos, but I have my reasons and I've thought them through. The average Jow Forumsack just fell for the memes. According to the bell curve, if we use IQ as a measurement of worth (so many things making you worthy of living in a society correlate with IQ), niggers basically start a bunch of points back. So, let's say their average is at 70, a 130 IQ nigger is as rare as a 160 IQ white guy. So, of course, you could find a 130 IQ nigger, but that would be hard as fuck to do, and you might as well look for a white guy to fill your 130+ IQ role. That said, I am not saying we shouldn't execute all niggers, regardless of their IQ, just that OP's right about that, when explained correctly.
Why are black men significantly less likely to be incels than whites, chinks, pajeets, and arabs?
because theyre content settling for the hambeasts that no self-respecting white would ever allow themselves to mate with
Lmao white fathers on suicide watch
Every race is not bad. This is only possible with 100% segregation
probably already has hep-c and figured "fuck it, a nigger is the best ill get now"
bill cosby, ironically enough youtube.com
>he's never heard of blackcels
>black incels hanging out online complaining that they can't get laid because they aren't white
Jesse Lee Peterson
This is a Jew trying to LARP as a black man.
>not all niggers
This thread has attracted the attention of PC Laura.
user, please do not use racist language in your opening post! Even if you have to quote it, make sure to change it to something like 'n word' or 'n****r' before posting.
Thank you!
michael jackson
He had an affair with his step granddaughter nypost.com
Literally the curse of Ham. Negroes are hamites and cushites
homosexual pedophilia allegations aside he was a negro that grasped his penis onstage.
Donald Trump
>white supremacist
fuck this miserable existence
They don’t exist cope black men can get any top tier white women they want just because of their skin fuck I wish I was black and not a pigskin dog fucker honkey
>homosexual pedophilia allegations
you fell for the kike meme you fucking retard