Why is Alan Dershowitz tweeting about the age of consent?

Why is Alan Dershowitz tweeting about the age of consent?

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Getting ahead of the story

This is karma for helping OJ get away with murder.

I wish they'd hurry up and add the P so the cleansing can begin.

I still struggle to grasp how abortion is protected by the constitution.

It's not

Is he wrong though?

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Because Alan Doucheowitz is guilty.

Yes he is. He is wrong and fucking disgusting.

he fucks kids with his underwear on. Ben Shapiro knows all about keeping your underwear on during sex. It's an orthodox jew thing

found the gay man


If abortion was constitutional, h would have a point.
Since abortion is probably the most unconstitutional thing I can think of, he's just a dirty kike pedo and he'll get the rope too.

found the homosexual. 16-20 is prime reproductive age. highest quality babies. And honestly perkiest tits and ass too. Once they hit 24 the sag is real, not to say there aint anything wrong with a skilled older woman (they're much better sex, but sex isn't all about pleasure.)

The age of consent exists to protect the innocent.

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16 should be the age of consent, not because of abortion, but because that is when people can get a driver's license.

If someone can drive a car on the road, it seems silly to turn around and claim the person is a stupid kid too immature to have sex.

If the person is a stupid kid, then I don't want them driving on the road with me lol.

No, he’s definitely pulling a kike move. By lowering the age of consent 2 years, it opens the door for more pedophilia. Next 15 year old girls will be argued they should be able to have sex with

Every dog you've fucked was less than 16 years old, hypocrite.

>protects the innocent
That's what fathers used to be for.

Hm, does this have anything to do with epsteing?
getting rid if concent for abortion. You cannot have an abortion without your parents approval.

Careful what you wish for, people who are attracted to teens outnumber pearl-clutching prudes and feminists hags at this point. You'll be the side that gets purged.

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Christian fundys write our laws, and they are really against teenage pregnancy. If anything, the age of consent is only going to go up to 19-21 in the future.

>Pedophiles are strong people

Based leafbro.

I want to scale that pussy mountain and plunge my dick deep down inside like we’re mining for iron

>lowered to 7
What in the fuck?!
Also I think 15 and up should be pretty much fair game. Just using this shitty thread as a opportunity to remind people that we're going exterminate the queers once the degeneracy overtakes them and the openly go after the children and it can't come soon enough.

You bet. The SJW lefties are really the same kind of people as the fundies. They even want the same kind of laws -- isn't it funny that liberal states and conservative ones (say, oregon, california, and Texas) are all passing laws raising smoking age to 21?

AOC will go up to 21 and the SJWs will be marching shoulder to shoulder with the fundie christians.

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but women literally physically peak at 14-17; why do you want to force women to hit the wall and crash the genetic quality of their eggs before they can reproduce?

They run the world don't they?

Delaware is some crazy shit apparently, Joe Biden is from there too. Arden.

Lets just make having sex illegal and have no age of consent.

if you want to protect innocence you should ban all pornography and nuke hollywood, children lose their innocence in school now at 4-6 as their teachers fill their heads with talmudic poz and teach them about homo faggotry and as they go outside and get blasted with pozzed zog programming via ads full of de facto pornography

I think he's trying to make a point about abortion but his readers are idiots.

I haven't read the article and don't have a twatter so a tl;dr would be appreciated.

How so?

idk how delusional you are, but most american politicians are freemasons and have been for most of american history; there are no christians, let alone fundamentalists, in DC

Feminists want to raise the age of consent to 25.

t. retarded boomer

ya not anymore though, now if a father tries to do his duty and protect his daughter, she can just call child services and have him thrown in prison.

the absolute state of degenerate western society.

Age of consent should be -18. That means anyone not born yet is fair game. Anything lower than -18 is both temporally and morally illegal in most states and or countries.

he is a predator, yes. but the correct answer is a child should not be given the statuatory power to authorize others have sex with her OR to authorize others to murder her baby for profit