Maxine knows. The FBI knows. He's a traitor

The pompous bastard will never be on the ticket for 2020. Let's see everything they have.

Attached: RepMaxineWatersDNC6691.jpg (540x250, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:


cope harder faggot

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Maxine needs a firmware update. Its 2019.

Jew posts nigger’s tweet and changes the mind of no one.


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Thread theme


Fake and gay

>Maxine needs a firmware update. Its 2019.
*maxine wakes up from her 6 week nap*
>"Uhhh unpeach! UNPEACH FOTY FIFE!!!!"
shhhh settle down aunt maxine don't give yourself a conniption, your heart cant take the excitement.
Here have some jello and pudding, columbo comes on a 11:00

fuck you

Attached: dont care.jpg (124x125, 2K)


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U glow op


Remember Israelgate, goys!

i want to see her wig get pulled off on camera so we can all laugh at her nappy ass head

I bet Maxine Waters smells like the generic 90 year old black woman at Walmart who pays with pennies.


Attached: shiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeet.png (1024x1024, 89K)

Legit question. Who actually listens to her beside low iq ghetto blasting niggers?

It must be depressing to have Maxine Waters as one of your main leaders, and have to pretend to respect her words.

10:00: Andy Griffith
11:00: Columbo
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Matlock
14:00 Murder She Wrote

fee fi fo fum

It's funny how clueless they are. I'd hope they were just playing ignorant, but they are actually just this stupid. Democrat party is done. You can't have morons of this scale be the ones running the party trying to juggle political ops they don't understand will explode if dropped.

be careful what you wish for, Maxine.


Somebody say jello pudding?

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I see no 2 hour nap in the middle of that schedule.

At least use lowercase, looks more authentic
vv w

Mothballs and unwashed ass.

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Isn't this the kind of things that the kids respond to with "die mad"?

how does someone with a 7th grade writing level win a seat in the house of representatives?

is it because ... black people voted that person in?

I feed the fed. I hope representative Waters is raped to death in her own house and her corpse set ablaze on a cross directly outside her house. Fuck the DNC, fuck the FBI. You're complete shit at your job.

lol. Maxine knows that Trump doesn't have the nuts to declassify. Trump is a Swamp cuck.

swamp cuck....isn't that a ted nugent song?

LMFAO this bitch is actually, literally retarded. Does she seriously think if Trump was a traitor that he would declassify evidence that would incriminate him? How flat out fucking stupid can someone be?

Good gravy, release it all now! Peach Trump!

>Trump must declassify
>Then we will impeach
You don't give away your hand like that. How stupid is this bitch?

>massive investigation fails to yield results
>screech that results must still exist because your feelings demand it

Why not hate the guy for all the shit he's actually done?

Sage bait threads.


he is tho, that's why he's appointing Ratclif for DNI.

Geography too.

Attached: Tweet.png (612x404, 99K)

De-classify what exactly?
He told staffers to fire Mueller a couple of times and they refused.
That's the shakiest case for obstruction I've ever seen lmao.

As for the Russia shit, oh no the Russian government started some facebook pages and trolled people!
Our democracy is in shambles because Vlad talked shit


A leftist calling anyone a traitor is fucking rich
fuck off, you people aren't Americans, you are serfs to a rootless elite.

that isn't Venice Beach, user..not even close

Attached: VBsunset.jpg (800x628, 167K)

I hate Jews even more. So there’s that.

>Surely THIS time we will be able to impeach him
>For real, this is the time, this one!
>The last XX attempts didn't work, but this is it, the big one
He's done for!


Is he diverse

Nobody. Ghetto niggers don’t listen to anybody. They’d take one look at her ugly ass and walk away.

also testing the firefag captcha solver ... why does 4 chins hate this add on? what does it cost them?

>trying to explain tides

Attached: bill-oreilly-tide-goes-in[1].jpg (599x338, 52K)

WHAT YEAR WAS THE TWEET FAGGOT? Pretty sure this is 2018 or some shiat nigga

There's no way she's watching all those white shows. It'd be the Jeffersons, Sanford and Son, etc.

i watched the whole 6+ hours Mueller roast
what Russia collusion?

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>let's break the law to justify attacking someone for breaking the law
Liberal morals on show.

I've done plenty of things for the bla-

Drumpf is going to lose, and lose bigly against her masterful command of congressional inquiry.
You MAGAturd have no chance for survive.

Blacks don't put their elderly in homes anyway.

>As for the Russia shit, oh no the Russian government started some facebook pages
It wasn't Russian Gov. It was a private clickbait farm. The only "connection" they can claim to the Russian Government is that Putin was once at an event that was catered by the Concord-owning oligarch several years ago. Suddenly media crowned him with the spooky name of "Putin's Chef".

What the fuck happened to the Chinese collusion in the Democrat party.anyway?

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Reminder that niggers and jews are the enemy

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Oh damn, I thought the government was involved.
Even if they were it wouldn't have mattered, look at how many probing cyber attacks we get from the Chinese govt every day.

No jokes, I would love to punch her in the face.

Every facet of the Russia hoax is bullshit. The information about Russia hacking the DNC is only based on a report done by the DNC's private cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. DoJ never did an investigation they just accepted a redacted draft report to form a conclusion. Of course Fusion GPS and the dossier everyone knows about already. The last part involves dubious intel affiliates setting up a couple guys to further justify FISA warrants.

In the video game of Minecraft of course

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TFW they open the files and russia is code word for Israel.

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This bitch legitimately has an 80 IQ

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I agree. Putin will try to never allow another election in Russia, he's going to set himself up like a Dictator.
But it won't work again.

Oh, you....

I had to look at her twatter. Now I have to take a shower.

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You're being generous.

Maxine should start planning her getaway before she ends up in prison. Bitch is guilty of something and no doubt Trump knows what that something is.

they should be back in africa having machete wars and building mudhuts and dying of malaria, not shitting up first world white countries. i'd gladly start a global war if it meant deporting them all.

Little late to impeach Obongo.

Does Adam Shit agree?

Attached: adamschiffhypocrussia.jpg (1381x1024, 741K)

maxine don't even know she's not representative of corporate lobbies, but the people instead, if her district would stop buttfucking each other for one second they'll figure out how much she fails them

>drumpf is bad!
accepts backroom money from various unnamed donors
>drumpf did bad thing look!

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>>she is worried

>making them beg for declass
Top fuckin’ kek. It’s just about time, they won’t like the taste.

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Gradually I began to hate them.

So her IQ is comparable to Trump’s. Thank Christ the future belongs to the Asians.

MAXINE KNOWS?!?!?!? oi to the vey goyim!!!

I only wish this were real

The Fuher damn he understood who he was fighting...


Fuck off GloboHomoRobo the ant people will either be subverted by the Jew--they're ready enjoying their second "Debt Crisis" in 20 years--or they will simply bow to the white man if by some miracle he get religion and dignity back in the next half century.

Democrat dipshits clamoring for declassification
>Trump does it
Proof of fake dossier and Democrat collusion for Shillary
>Dems Beeteeffohhh
4D 101

fuckin bots

>trump declassifies dossier
>it's literally nothing