How would your family react if they found out about your little hobby, Jow Forums?
How would your family react if they found out about your little hobby, Jow Forums?
sounds like he's better off without them
Nothing, they just told me to stop drinking so much. My dad called the mayor of our city a Jewish faggot so he's pretty based.
I'm slowly feeding them redpills.
-Oh my god, come on you can't say that !!!
-but dad trust me i have read it on a website on internet i mean i can't give you the name of it but it's reliable ,it's not fake. The holocaust couldn't happen.Jews fake it. thats just scientific.
-omg eat your tacos gonzales.
they already know
my mom asks me not to say anything at thanksgiving, and i comply, because im already drunk by then and probably on acid
I ain't white so fuck off nigger.
>alcohol + acid
that is a cursed combination
my parents know im smarter than them
We should start a movement. From now on, let’s use our REAL NAMES in every post. The ONLY reason we have to live in secrecy is because of big Jewish lies. But we surround them, anons. WE. ARE. RIGHT! We are the GOOD GUYS.
i would rather have dinner with the clockwork elves than my gay ass cousin anyway
Anyone that comes on here and is indoctrinated to using violence is a mongoloid and should be committed.
My folks are pretty based and redpilled, but not on the JQ. They aren’t gonna clear that hurdle, but that’s okay.
my politics are well known to family and friends.
they got a site for that, you should start over there.
Can't tell if you're trolling or just literally glowing, but I'll oblige
Eh, depends when you drink. Before/during the comeup? Potentially vad idea. During the comedown can be pretty fun and helps you fall asleep which is fantastic because insomnia can be a major problem and one of the least fun parts of a trip.
my real name is trashboat, i had it legally changed for $50
That headline made me smile.
Hopefully his folks leave his inheritance to the ADL or something.
great idea pede
Holy shit, my sides, time to kill myself
He told his family to diss own him so they don't catch heat.You faggots have know idea what you re talking about KEKEKEKEK.
GG No rematch..
good thinking nigger@!
CIAnigger monkey post
I'm 2nd generation mexican, but my dad always told me about the jews. Raised strict catholic
They wouldn't care.
I only post here because:
1. It's entertaining
2. It's easy. You don't need an email address or anything.
I don't actually agree with the dumb shit that gets said on here. Shit, half the motherfuckers on Jow Forums sound schizophrenic... they're rambling about chemtrails, the earth being flat, pizzagate.... all this fucking retarded bullshit. You guys are fucking stupid.
Imagine having your own blood choose neoliberal racecuckery over you.
Imagine being a leftist faggot who concerns himself with loving his family over their politics.
Wait, that's redundant.
seeing as both of my parents don't even think the holocaust happened, and my dad is an ex-army ranger with no filter who has forced me from a young age to practice marksmanship and prep for the inevitable happening, I'd say:
hi pops... you're probably browsing Jow Forums right now
see you next weekend for innawoods
This post glows
I haven’t talked to my parents in 3 years. They think I’m crazy. It’s sad that they let politics cut me out of their life but I can’t do anything about that so I have to live my life.
They all know so does my gf of 7 years, my coworkers, and all of my friends. Interesting how you can't argue against the facts and are forced to threaten people's relationships, typical lowlife.
I was there at the first and second Charlottesville. The only family member who was bothered by it was my Jewish step brother.
They'd probably burn my harddrive and say I was on holiday with them at the time of the rally.
I'm sure they got a bunch of Facebook and Twitter pats on the back for that one
They know.
>Dad: "You're just a goddamn crazy Nazi! I don't want to hear another word, you sexist racist misogynist bigoted xenophobe facist! If you vote for Trump again, I swear I'll..."
>Mom: "Gas the Jews, race war now? Oh no no no user, you can't just let traitorous whites off the hook that easily! They get the rope first, before the shitskins. And don't forget about putting all women in chains!"
I couldn't agree more. It's time to come out with the truth.
KEK this is what my dad said too when I rant on about the Jews ahahaha
it's true. they would disown me if they found out i support israel unironically.
Few people know including family and they really don't care.
Born and raised to hate Jews and Niggers from birth.
Oh, believe me, they know I'm AnCap. My new obsession is to have people make assertions so that my commie aunt jump at their faces.
She's a small, frail, single teacher in her 50s. And, in an ironic twist, alergic to cats.
They already know about my little hobby. They sure as shit haven’t disowned me like fucking retards. I think they’re starting to (((notice))) things themselves desu
> diss own
> have know idea
So that is what an IQ sub85 sounds and looks like.
Now that you mention it...I think the mayor of every city I've lived in was Jewish. Must be their drive.
I talk to them about politics all the time and I don't say anything here that I wouldn't say to them. I'm not like some of these crazy Nazis on here though.
Some insane internet rabbit hole. Oh shhit he overdosed on redpills. Fuck pol what have you done.
They all know, even my wife's family know's.
Instead of trying to help him and even assuming he is a Nazi they are going to treat him like leper so he can go further down his rabbit hole of being an evil nazi
Hi Joan and David Brock! You are the enemy and will be crushed soon!
Okay. I’m John Doe! Nice to meet ya!
My dad told me that the reason I'm not circumcised is "because that's how they determined who was a kike in Germany, and you're not a kike"
Do you just assume everyone on here is a nazi? What a fucking donkey.
I feel like shit supremacists need to have their testicles removed with a sawzall
My parents are on the same level I am, we weren't even racist until the past 12 years happened
I'm in!
what are you babbling about? Why would they treat him otherwise.
Ostracizing is only logical if you want to astray people from certain ideology while lacking laws that prosecute it. What do you think people should do? Carefully nursing every single retard, courteously trying to convince them in the obvious. Should people also treat flatearthers like they are actual intelligent beings?
Dad doesn't give a shit but I can't really talk about my beliefs because hes ex military and talking about allowing sand niggers to overtake isreal would piss him off. So I just stick with nigger hating and closed borders and all is well.
They know and they don't care
>carefully nursing every single retard, courteously trying to convince them in the obvious
The West does that with you.
what excactly happened, whining faggot? Evil jewz legalized marrige for dem fegs and they threw a parade with peacock feathers up their asses and you and your redneck family got sad?
Ich bin zurück, Hündinnen
They should’ve just killed him. Families are so weak nowadays, hundreds of years ago you’d end beheaded for being a fucking retard. Now we have “laws” that say no we can’t kill crazy people, just let them eventually murder innocents, then the law will handle it in 3-5 years.
Wew lad.
What family?
My parents arent existential about politics.
Yeah how about you stop doing drugs during the holidays you goddam degenerate.
My family already knows. I've redpilled most of them.
They reminded me to ask for our lawyer and never talk
I come from a family of Southern Democrats, so even as liberals, they're pretty fuckin' racist.
Ironically, my dad's a staunch conservative but he's not racist.
They legitimately don't care
Hell my dad even talks shit about jews and catholics with me
It's fake media ...get a new tactic
if you hate Nazis you love black cock
I don’t hate Nazis, I just think they should die for their ideological choices.
They let me know about the JQ a long time ago. Our families worship our ancestors. We keep it European and pale.
>found out
I wear my beliefs proudly faggot. Being superior is nothing to be ashamed of. My gf thinks I'm a lutanic and I give zero fucks.
>OP is a phoneposter
Shills are afraid
i think people who think nazis should die for their idealogical choices should die for their ideological choices
Lol I named the Jews in front of my mom and she got so mad. She told me about how she held Auschwitz that were having nightmares when she was in nursing school. I still didn't budge, and she was pissed for like a week. Good times
A poor life choice for your future mind.
>boo hoo i gotta have dinner with my gay ass cousin
How can one man be so BASED! Keep your extended family divided you, kiked faggot. Are you fucking 17 or something? Grow up and eat dinner with your family, douchebag. If your family is bluepilled then redpill them; it's your responsibility. If your cousins a faggot then help him to become not a faggot. Family is the most important thing in the world.
If only you weren’t so out of shape.
My family were closet white supremacists the whole time, it wasnt difficult to convert them
my mom is a southern liberal. she loves to talk about how her family owned more than 40 niggers. lmao.
Lol *Auschwitz victims
Fucking leafs, hey boys?
Why are you worried about my little hobbies? You sound like a creep.
nah im already exploring the cosmos. the elves alreadyh revealed how the sacrifice rituals work. if i wanted to i can easily start matching the satanists pound for pound with dark powers. but solo operators usually get hounded out by the FBI as 'serial killers' because the elites dont want free radicals getting the powers
I have 2 questions:
1) Does "Peter Tefft" even exist? (and is that even someone's real face or is it AI-generated)
2) If he does exist, why didn't he just tell his family, friends, bosses, etc. that it's a deepfake and someone's just avin a giggle m8 (or some form of believable denial)
Honestly, it's a good question, I disowned them a long time ago and they certainly would have disowned me a few times if I didn't do it first. But now? I'm not sure they'd be bothered. Hard to say. They'd probably blame the Jews for influencing me to be such a bad citizen or try to sue the Canadian government for its propaganda programs.
Wtf stupidist shit i ever heard. If you dont drink like a fish on lsd then your doing it wrong
Red and basedpilled, user
Lmao, SIMMONS! If they stuck you on 4chinz duty why haven't you joined the group chat?
He's just a political enthusiast.
Literally nothing wrong with that.
My father redpilled me on the Jews. But paradoxically starting fucking black women after my mom died. It's all so tiresome.
kill yourself degenerate niggers
They know
I have the same effect on my dad. I hung out with him this weekend and got pretty drunk and just started going on about over representation and to much control over the media. He agreed completely just told me maybe hold back on mom.
Aka Zionist boomer
Your own fucking families dont want to be around you. i bet you never had the "balls" to say to a jewish person in his face what you think of him.
pic related
i call at least 20 people on the street 'kike' every day
by law of averages at least one of them will be a jew one day, if not already