I'm sure she's gonna have a great time on the high seas

I'm sure she's gonna have a great time on the high seas.

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A 60ft yacht is basically like one of those luxury RV buses boomers live in.

Is she gonna mosey on over to China or India to tell them to stop polluting?

lmao they run on diesel

People sail across the Atlantic all the time.
I bet it makes for quite the memory.

Jealous fucking NEETs.

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I wonder if she realizes just how much those yachts pollute.

Threadly reminder that this girl is 16.

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Fuck it, I'll call myself a "climate activist" too
Shit sounds like a killer summer vacation
I'll take one yacht please

No, not 8 with the head of a 45-year old. 16.

Remember: even if you are vegetarian or vegan, don't deny your kids nutrients when they're growing, or this is what you get.

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