Based Chinese just taking what they want

Insects are kidnapping African girls to ship home for slopey incels.

Attached: AllAfrica5691-21gh.jpg (1080x1558, 539K)

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Why would the chinese gov out of all gov do this?
I don't buy into that.
Probably for some aphrodisiacs

>Nigger delusions

I guarantee you the chink government would not allow a program to breed with niggers. They get all their extra women from SE Asia, Mongolia, and North Korea.

Apparently, that's not enough.

A-alright, t-this is a stick u-up!

G-give me your (y-yous) a-and nobody gets h-hurt!

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Whites in US did the same thing. Let's see how it works out for Chinks...

Why the fuck would they do that? I hope they're wearing condoms and it's strictly for sex and not raising an entire generation of asian nigglets

I doubt this entirely, chinks hate racemixing more than we do.


Yuck. Here's your sex slave. No thank you.

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I think the US should just offer up all their nigger women to china. Two birds, one stone.

3... China gets Detroited...

I was hoping someone said this

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>China has found a home in Africa and many Chinese workers troop into countries in all the four sub-Saharan regions to engage in construction and mining work.
>mining work


Chinese hate blacks. Probably doing it for organs or something

The american negress is an exceptionally agressive beast, they would take over and rule the pathetically submisive chink bugmen in no time. This is how we defeat china.

Wait I though that was #2? Fewer niggers in america, china gets enriched... and what else?

Chinks like bestiality.

Attached: It's_All_So_Tiresome.png (1022x731, 643K)

God imagine being a chinacel because commies pretty much killed millions of female babies and they try to make up for this by giving you an aid ridden nigger.

Now that we broke china economical life support, don't be surprise when there another civil war.

ok, this one is absolutely fake news. no chinese men wants to marry a black woman.

This is just punishment for those with low social scores.

The chinese government gives you two choices, death or marriage with a negroid.

Those who have children with negroids will have their lineage forever tainted. There is no higher offense for a chinese.

i taught English in China this is not possible. Chinese people hate blacks. This has to be an organ harvesting operation.

Or this.... maybe they’re going to force their Muslims to fuck these things.

the government did not kill female babies. it's the peasants that wanted sons more than daughters. since you could have only one child, if you want a son you had to abort/kill female pmes

they're obviously trying out blasian CRISPR super-soldiers

Not even niggers themselves want anything to do with black women. Just the other day I saw a handsome looking black dude with a hambeast trailer trash white girl and he looked so proud.

I wish I had a furry sex slave

>chinese create a new race colonizing Africa like the Spanish did with the Amerindians
What do we call them lads


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So-ooo...organ harvesting?

...or a Laurem.

Attached: Laura Harem.png (500x1000, 203K)

Wait so those fags on the ground were organ traffickers?

What the fucking fuck am I seeing right now? Frozen bodies??? Fully clothed?? Are these people being frozen alive?


Organ traffickers supposedly. Surprised all they got was a few kicks, in any other country they would be dead.


yup, they were abducting little kids to harvest their organs then dump their bodies into sea; just because kid of some rich faggot was sick


There's a BBC Pidgin documentary on it kek:

*rolls eyes*
You need to be a bit more convincing with your propaganda mate

That sucks. I wish it were possible, even if expensive, to grow organs... Why don't rich people fund sciences instead of committing inhumane crimes?

Well, serves them right I guess.

Attached: the-fuck-did-i-just-watch_o_383046.gif (261x238, 3.23M)

Because they wouldn't get the same kind of sadistic power rush. You really Bezos type assholes are content with a comfortable life? No, your life must be miserable too.

It's much cheaper to just abduct someone rather than fund cutting edge medical research. Especially in China.

I'm no shill. In fact, I can lift a fully grown horse above my head, and I can hold my breath for ten minutes. To settle a wager, I once ate a pound of P.B. Fouke's strongest badger poison and then ran a mile in the nude. I cannot feel pain, and I can see for two miles unaided by a lens. No man can kill me. I have beaten a man of every race in formal combat, including a Turk, a Pygmy negro man and a rare Deepwater Jew. A medical doctor and two priests have written and signed a document confirming that I have no soul.

It's for Corneas for the most part I think.
Jeepers creepers!

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shitty music, but you get the idea, they'll rip your child out of your arms

And nobody saw anything at all of what happened when all the village men beat some child murdering organ harvesters.
>this is the chinese version of an unfortunate boating accident

Because their one child policy backfired, they have atleast 30 million incels

Why do chinks hate blacks? Did they have some negative experiences in the past or do they just hate them?

good we need less niggers and the only way to do that is to target the women


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Even in America, female babies are more likely to get the snip

>Dropping a genetic time bomb on their country
Awesome, we don't have to undermine China at all now

How retarded are the chinks? Did they look at the absolute state of America and think that what was missing in China was millions of nigs and race mixers? Unbelievable.

Your proof is anime or something check the data retard Japanese girls crave big black cock

Good to see slavery alive and well in the first world.
I'm sure the feminists of the West will rise up and do something useful for once.

For the sisterhood or some shit.

pshhh you think China wants them there? There's nothing they can do about it. If a Chinese wants a black sex slave then he'll find a Chinese to sell him one.


I wish I had a flame-thrower

In Chinkland blacks are lower than animals, delusional nigger

underrated post

Chinese aren't human

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The elites don't want organs grown in a lab they want them from humans and not just for organ transplants either.

>be starving incel
>hate everything, including government
>hate is easily manipulated as a motivational factor in rebellion
>be given 5/10 African woman by government

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Didn't work for us, trust me, it won't work for them.

ha ha, the arabs did the same 500 years ago and their IQ plummeted 30 points.

Lmao China is literally a dystopia. Everytime China is mentioned its always something horrible. Every rarely doe good news come from China. Got some new tech shipped over? Fucking riddled with ching chong spyware. Going to a popular holiday spot? You got Zang, Wang and Li over here pissing, shitting wherever they please while throwing there trash on the ground. Want a job? Sure go be a factory worker where safety regulations basically dont exist and having someone get maimed or literally ripped apart is normal. Also we'll make you work 80 hours a week for 2 cents an hour. How did this hellhole become one of the most powerful country's on earth? Did they just strong arm their way to the top?

Muslims are stupid because of inbreeding. Just like kikes.

Attached: muslim-inbreeding-2-capture.jpg (482x257, 36K)

>I cant wait until white people arnt in char-

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We don't hate them. No offense, but this thing that Westerners do where all human motivation is boiled down to 'fear' or 'hate' is quite a silly one.

What we do have quite a bit of is contempt for them.

Thanks m night shamaylan

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Imagine willingly destroying your own empire

>How did this hellhole become one of the most powerful country's on earth?
It's a good question. I would suggest that when you find an incongruity such as this where your beliefs fail to mesh with reality, it is probably your beliefs which are in error.

what a pussie beating for this

it's a copypasta, user.

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They're already turning a blind eye to the interbreeding that's happening in Africa

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Wow the chinese should learn from our mistakes and NOT import tons of nigger slaves

>105 avg IQ Machiavellian sociopathic, robotic bugman country with more advanced, overt abuse of genetics than the US is willingly going to sacrifice IQ with 65 IQ africans

holy cow, are you this dumb? they're obviously using them for organs, human experimentation, or both

holy shit
need to send them to brasilian prison /webm with that child molester being slaughtered right on the yard

Nope, Ancient Egypt had less Sub-Saharan DNA than Egypt today.

>be chang
>be so low on the social credit system that he can't get a chinky gf
>good news!
>government mandated gf
>no longer contemplate how to make it past the suicide nets at the smartphone factory
>stop commuting by scooter and using escalators
>finally have something to live for
>the day has come
>party member comrades show up at the broom closet I live in
>"here wife you married now"
>it's an african

Attached: do you like m-.png (355x366, 222K)

This will work for China, if they want it to. Seriously. Anglo's are just naive. This is the same thing when they talk about how Slavs aren't "pure whites" but mutts, especially in terms of Russia or Ukraine. The thing is slavic culture is pragmatic, robust, simple and all-devouring. No matter what you once were you will become a Slav and your children will be Slavs. There's no place for "I'm 1/16 Dutch and 8/9 Cherokee" thing the Americans do. It simply... dissappears from you by itself. In a generation or two you only know Slavdom.

This is even more true for the Chinese. They won't harm themselves if they want to go all out, they will assimilate the shit out of potential half-nig children and in a generation they'll be indestinguishable from their Chinese parent/grandparent. The numbers are also on their side and breeding 500 000 negresses is 500 000 young Chinese men who are now loyal to the state and in absolute numbers no genetic decline is even possible.

What you fail to see is that just like in Russia, or Croatia or China, or Japan, even our mediocre serf-tier people recognize that they are mediocre when faced with someone who is superior to them. We always rally around such people because there is no shame in following and the capable guy has no arrogance like say a Gates, or Benzos or whoeverthefuck. Anglos and Western Europeans can't do that. The rest of the world does it by default. So even there the argument that this would hurt China doesn't stand.

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Black DNA = destroyed civilizations.

Try 300 million.

rather be a slav or a chink then a fucking jew cattle future desu. glory to putin.


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>starts riding scooters and using escalators again


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>the worst chigger outbreak the world has ever seen
God help us all.