While you sit here hating the Jew...

While you sit here hating the Jew, this French Jew is making millions of dollars by paying dumb white broads $4000 per scene to have sex with black men (who do it for free), then putting it up on the Internet where millions of impressionable white boys and girls see it.

You gotta give it to the Jews, they are marketing geniuses:


Attached: 2019-07-29 21.58.30 www.instagram.com 0bd407f33c88.png (811x601, 415K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Who gives a fuck chinklet?

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And japanese companies are making millions by paying wh*te girls to fuck Asian guys also.

Why dont you have a problem with that"?

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I love seeing White girls taking Asian dick

Attached: shawna lenee_o-pornostar-asiatique.warashi-asian-pornstars.fr-17695-002.jpg (1000x666, 131K)

diana prince is a goddess.

No that's not true at all, infact they're paying it all too White Men.

Attached: AsianFemale14.jpg (3832x1752, 823K)

What a dork. "Look at me in front of a helicopter"

That's the fucking Yugo of helicopters. What a retard. There is nothing impressive about this asshat. What third world shithole is this mo from?

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A lot of """White""" pornstars aren't white though
They're spic bitches with dyed hair.
Or mixed breeds like Elsa Jean.

Lol white women love big black cocks. Why is that?

Israel will remain Jewish while Europe and America keep getting blacker and browner.

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Attached: AsianFemale13.jpg (3832x1752, 953K)

As long as we make sure everyone is only chasing white women, all the best people will end up white and rich. thank you for depositing your life's efforts with the white race, here is your used blonde roastie, have a nice day.

Man we are getting fucking raided like crazy right now huh?

Better get a magnifying glass then.

Attached: Magnify.jpg (1600x1167, 144K)

Who gives a shit. White women are race-mixing less than any other demographic so obviously the "marketing" is backfiring

>Chinklets on suicide watch

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why do you like draining blood from goy children during passover?

Love this

The locust in our garden, aka the white wo***an will fuck anything and everything, including dogs
More news at 11 I guess

Think of what your saying. The black guys do it for free but the girls charge 4 grand. They charge 4 grand because of how much they DON'T want to do it.
Even whores trading sex for money don't like fucking black guys.

While all y'all hate on the Jewish people and Israel on this forum everyday, this is what is happening to white Christian girls

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Stfu. Israel is the only democracy in the middle-east, and will always succeed and thrive despite the amount of antisemitism in the world.

Israel will always prevail, despite how ,ugh you haters want to see it destroyed.

this is not good for white people, but its even worse for non whites.

realize that white women dominating pornography sends the message to non whites that they are not even sexually worthy humans.

also from what i understand about interracial pornography is it's usually trying to make the girl look like dirty trash because she is have sex with trash (black). hence why some really weird white guys watch it, they hate women and they hate blacks so they like the message 'women are trash, blacks are trash, women even have sex with trash'.

Women dont like porn, especially white women (go read actual studies, not ones funded by cosmo or porn companies).

White women are the most race loyal women on earth.

White women almost never ever ever so much as kiss anyone that isnt white.

Serious more than 95% of white women pair with white women. So for every 30 white women you see only ONE might have done something with a non white (and she is probably fat and disgusting).

Also porn is terrible for self esteem just say no.

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Geez. What a shitty helicopter.

I'd be embarrassed to put my company name on that square piece of shit.

Just look at your average escort agency
They never say no latino, no this no that, it's always no blacks.

And it's not because of the size but the animalistic way they get into it, so Im told by a whore.

But you gotta understand user, the chinkcels don't care about facts only demoralization, or what they can use to "Demoralize" (really shit tactic) they're all incels, just do
and it makes them very angry. lol

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Pic shows the brave men and women fighting to secure the peace and safety of their homeland

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The girls that have spoken to me about it mentioned a bruised cervix and they don't stop when they tell them to.

haha, all you antisemites are going to get destroyed if Israel gets destroyed. Since Israel has nuclear weapons, if the world comes together to try to attack Israel, we'll strike back and bring the world down with us.

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the girls can make more money than a man can with a 4 year degree just by selling nudes and taking gifts for paid dates, and they won't pay taxes on any of it. at least porn stars are paying taxes

Lol Indians are going to run this country in the future, faggot. Look at how many CEOs in this country are Indian.

>random WORDS typed in FULL caps
I hate him already.

> thinking Iron Dome isn't programmed with an override

No they're not.
This isn't Britain.
Everyone fucking hates Pajeets and would kill them tomorrow if it became legal.

You know, it's weird. I came across this lansky guy's twitter profile randomly the other day, and I was wondering why Jow Forums never talked about him.

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Living a debaucherous and hedonistic lifestyle. Thats a good way to wind up in the lake of fire.

>Israel is the only democracy in the middle-east
Not even close to a democracy sweetie.

Attached: Israeli (((Democracy))).png (1200x2073, 329K)

>Admiring common pimps
How completely unexpected. You and your subhumans really belong together.

Lol cope. White women love Indian dicks.

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It's better than any Islamic country.

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You’re not wrong
I know quite a few people that share this attitude in my town
Only it’s not just Pajeets, we think the same about most minorities

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Israel attacks the US more, funds terrorists more, spys on the US more, steals US tech more and interferes with our elections more than all the arab/muslim world combined.

Israel is at war with the world and the absolute worst country in the middle east in terms of their behavior towards the US.

Attached: israel - US greatest enemy.png (1350x3570, 1.37M)

Lol no they dont.
Indian men literally have the worst chance with women


sure thing shlomo shekelberg

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im dead
this thread was about a fucking jew
it evolve into a kind of white vs asian male who fucks more female of the other race.

Lol get over it. Indian men are taking over every white country. Britain, Canada, Australia, America. Their numbers are increasing every year and are your doctors, Ceos, lawyers, and politicians. And there's nothing you can do about it.

What are you going to about it, bitch? You attack Israel and Israel will nuke you off the map.

Attached: Cope2.gif (300x169, 1.6M)


>that face

Are you white?
Do you want this to happen?
You must be a

R A C E T R A I T O R !

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LOL they look so uncomfortable. They're like "GET THESE INCELS AWAY FROM ME"

>Only it’s not just Pajeets, we think the same about most minorities
Amen brother.

thats gonna be sore tomorrow

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He's grabbing her by the pussy, he might just be conservative.

>You attack Israel and Israel will nuke you off the map.
Lmao if Israel would nuke LA/DC/New york they would kill more jews than even live in Israel.

Nah at a point in the near future when Israel has fully dug its grave and alienated the entire world, the US will simply withdraw their protection and let Israel fight to the death with its neighbors who have wanted them dead for decades. Israel will put up a good fight I expect but its the size of new jersey. If they actually use nukes it could actually cause nazi germany levels of antisemitism against the jewish people for nuking civilians.


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Indian men are way more masculine than white "men" lol

White women prefer someone tall, dark, and handsome. Emphasis on dark

those dumb thots are making peanuts by selling their souls and inmortalizing themselves on camera doing utterly depraved shit, while e-thots such as belle delphine are already teen billionaires selling their bath water

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Just in case anyone is worried about this, Israel doesn't have enough nukes, nor the ability to send them far into American. Even very liberal estimates show they have nowhere near enough nuclear material, and they would probably use it elsewhere first if attacked.

Most likely they would sneak it in and blow up buildings using their jewish allies in the US, not dropped from bombings but strategically targeted buildings.

Attached: 911 Barium Strontium.png (554x922, 135K)

Lol No you didn't. Indian women hate white men and tiny dicks.

hes funded through israel which dumb americans slave away to send 100 million everyday, im surprised their not fucking dead people with that kind of price.

Then gain Jews eat dead people so that wouldnt be kosher.

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The raid is mad. No one believes this, kike.

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They would need big enough buildings to disperse that material, though. Not impossible, but certainly not the best method.


Mama mia

> Holy shit guz! A rich guy can afford a bunch of hookers!
Jews will be extinct before whites, deal with it Schlomo.

Go for it, nuke our cities any time.

botched ass surgery..
More like it's going to hurt and deteriorate for life.

What do I have to cope with? Black men get fat white bitches so that those genes get taken out of our gene pool and we only take the créme de la To reproduce with.

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Oh wow some rich fag celebrity managed to finf one Indian girl to marry him.

How many Indian CEOs in America have white wives?

I'm going to grab you by the throat and throw you from a boat into a moat while wearing a coat then gloat while you bloat then float

Kill a local pornographer today people

Attached: 101E03F2-8F1A-41A5-99D9-EBD1B3942203.jpg (474x474, 15K)

Christian? No she isn’t lol. White? Looks like her skin is pretty light. I’ve said it a million times, whores like this are just culling the heard of low quality women, if she wants to make out with someone who literally smells like a turd than go for it skank. She can then suck up welfare like all his bigger family when he beats her and leaves her with a half nigger babty. Once you go black...your a single mom.

Oh shit kike alert. How do you type so well while counting shekels?

Why you guys don't go after guys like this is beyond me. Like, you target dumbasses low level house representatives who literally can't do shit about shit and yet these guys don't get touched by you guys at all. It's weird, if you ask me.

jews are a pest
they aren't human beings

Just stop watching porn.

>while you sit here hating Jews

Yeah this guy is pretty much the perfect example of why that’s the case. Not sure there needed to be a thread for it though.

I have.

We need to set up a hero worshiping cult. If we can convince enough people they’ll be heroes for killing pornographers we can create an atmosphere where people will start doing it because they know they’ll be validated and redeemed. Create a religion out of it like Esoteric Hitlerism. The problem is we have only worshiped retards like Brevik and Tarrant.

Lol the Nazis lost dude.

kek Indian dicks are like 5cm.

Pump your brakes, kid, I'm not talking about killing.

Anyone know what Greg Lansky's home address is? Where his studio is?

But he doesn't. He doesn't even make enough money to pay the niggers. They work for free. The Women have to get paid double to fuck niggers, and at the end of the day, the interracial porn model MAKES NO PROFITS.

One wonders then why these degenerates even bother, given there is no profit motive? It's almost like their agenda is Social in nature and not Economic. I wonder what agenda is being pushed by Interracial Porn.

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Elsa Jean’s mixed? Any concrete proof? Always thought so since she has some nigger facial features but skin tone wise, she’s white as snow.

Her facial features alone are a dead giveaway these's something else in her blood. Also, she's probably bleaching her skin.

I don’t worship money

Also his suit is too tight, he should fire his tailor, he dressed him up like an imbincel.

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Using pest control on this one guy wouldn't do jack shit unless you keep doing it to whoever takes his place next. And one of them will.

>is making millions of dollars
citation required. I see a lot of money being spent, not much being made. Porn is psyops, and by definition tends to not turn a profit.


I saw this attractive girl the other day working a fast food job and then i thought about how i often see attractive girls working all sorts of boring admin job and waitress jobs.

Now, all these girls are aware of their sexual value and realize they could easily sell a handjob for 45$ (really attractive girls here) which would give them more money in 10 mins than they make working 4 hours. BUT THEY DONT. Only a small percentage of women sell sex, somewhere much lower than 5%.

WHY? Well because most women actually do have a sense of right and wrong and do respect the value of intimacy and exclusivity. Think about that everytime you see an attractive girl working a low paying job. If she was really a 'whore' she wouldnt be working.