Why is she so perfect?

why is she so perfect?

Attached: Candace Owens.jpg (1646x2055, 842K)

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fuck off JIDF/DailyStormer

Attached: candace owens zionist trash.jpg (729x445, 53K)

She has a WHITE BF, and she let's him cum on her face to make her complexion look nice.
>White Male Cum has the most health benefits out of every type of sperm.
>Science Study Backed

Attached: AsianFemale17.jpg (3176x1612, 703K)

Good looking broad. Fertile as fields.

She’s disgusting. Looks like a monkey

>t. future mass shooter

Attached: 2837489234.jpg (1438x1782, 285K)

Fuck off nigger

looking better you almost got first that time

Yeah, how dare someone give their life for their beliefs, how edgy. I'm cool cuz I don't care about anything and I support the fucks who killed Christ.
Amirite fellow (((American)))