why is she so perfect?
Why is she so perfect?
Lucas Thompson
Other urls found in this thread:
Daniel Bennett
fuck off JIDF/DailyStormer
Noah Cox
She has a WHITE BF, and she let's him cum on her face to make her complexion look nice.
>White Male Cum has the most health benefits out of every type of sperm.
>Science Study Backed
Jeremiah Watson
Good looking broad. Fertile as fields.
Charles Campbell
She’s disgusting. Looks like a monkey
Isaiah Phillips
>t. future mass shooter
Jackson Sanchez
Liam Thompson
Fuck off nigger
Xavier Barnes
looking better you almost got first that time
Jaxon Roberts
Yeah, how dare someone give their life for their beliefs, how edgy. I'm cool cuz I don't care about anything and I support the fucks who killed Christ.
Amirite fellow (((American)))