If there are no jobs in your city how do you escape without money?
>conservation/job corp
If there are no jobs in your city how do you escape without money?
>conservation/job corp
I’m slowly building a mathematically optimized RV
You can suck dicks
You start by doing what you were programmed to do, and follow your MKULTRA handling. Incel
There are jobs.
If you want a job and they don't exist in your city, look to see if there's jobs on shipping boats. In the US it's the merchant marines, but other countries likely have tough work that needs done on dangerous sea fairing vessels. Once your contract is done, you've got enough cash to go anywhere, as you've not been spending it at sea.
I tried two of those and eventually escaped. Other than walking out there are no real solutions.
Do Pajeet work online
beats taco bell
Meets the needs of others. You don’t need a job to do that.
Start your own freelance business. May take you 2-3 years to learn a new skill and build a business, but eventually you'll be able to afford to leave the white genocide currently underway in America.
Join the Peace Corps, oh wait you have to be a shitlib for that.
Hitchhiking works. You can also try catching out, but your ass better be fit and you better be patient or you'll end up under a freight train or in jail.
>if there are no jobs in your city how do you escape besides [proceeds to list options for escape]
I dunno dude maybe make your own job or something. Or just walk the fuck away to a city that does have jobs.
>US it's the merchant marines
hard jobs to get these days, boomer. Very high demand
>Start your own freelance business.
You need money. They just stole my car too.
>Hitchhiking works.
>I tried two of those and eventually escaped. Other than walking out there are no real solutions.
I tried walking away. You end up homeless for years
>Do Pajeet work online
those jobs are all gone except survey junky, 10-cents an hour
>make your own job or something.
>You can suck dicks
my gag reflex is too strong
Work your ass off and maintain your integrity and have impulse control...aka don’t be a nigger!
Yeah bro find a good or service people need and provide that shit to them. Entrepreneurship and shit my dude.
Not magic bro, thinking out of the box, seeing an opportunity everywhere, digging deep into your creativity, many ways to create money and work. Depends on how hard you go for it/or how comfortable you are being a kike grifter. Choose the former bro. But you can do it.
You're on the internet. Google "Staffing Agency Near Me". If you are in any city in America there is a staffing agency near you. Call them, email them, whatever. Talk to someone there and have them help get you a job. Work hard at that job. Companies can and do hire temp workers and people they find through staffing agencies. Alternatively, go find your nearest church. Ask to speak to someone there, even the preacher/priest himself. Explain your situation. Ask if he can help ask or if he knows someone in the congregation who can help. Hell, go to the nearest bar/restaurant in your neighborhood and ask if they need any help right now. If they don't, ask them if they know any others in the neighborhood who need help right now. If they don't, leave your information with them and tell them to please pass it around and that you're working for honest work. When that is done, go to the next business. A parking garage. A workshop. A mechanic. Whoever the fuck is on the street, go in and ask if they're looking for any general help. Repeat until you have a job. It's time to get humble as fuck. Nothing is beneath you. Literally nothing. Get humble. And, most importantly, when you get that job you need to work hard. Be on time. Listen to directions. It's okay to make a mistake, but if you make one, do your best to remember the lesson and not make the same mistake again. Work. Work hard. Be humble. Best of luck.
>Work your ass off
There is no, boomer. Nothing... And they just stole my car too
>Not magic bro, thinking out of the box, seeing an opportunity everywhere, digging deep into your creativity
ok boomer
>apply for jobs online until you find something, literally anything promising. Maybe it's working at a grain silo, maybe it's working at a warehouse, maybe it's working at home depot. As long as it pays something reasonable and is somewhere cheap like the midwest
>take everything you own that isn't important to you and sell it
>what you have left should fit in your car
>drive there
>buy a $10 planet fitness membership so you can shower and change into your nice clothes before going to work
>live out of your car for the first month until you're sure the job will work out and you've collected a couple paychecks
>find an apartment or rental property you can afford
>continue to live below your means and stop falling for consumerist kike bullshit
Tada. 1 or 2 months of hard sacrifice, and suddenly you're on track for a good life provided you're willing to spend less than you make each month and not live a trendy lifestyle.
Hardmode: I don't have a car
>hitchhike or trainhop your way to your destination
Easymode: I am under 35
>join the fucking navy and live all-expenses-paid and get $20k/year, save all of it, come back after 4 years with money in the bank and a GI bill
Unlike op i am not a dirty communist so i would create a job
fuking duh
you dumb faggot
This is good advice and I’ll add.
One of the most important things that you can do, you should be able to do it’s so inexpensive, hygiene. If you can maintain perfect hygiene, this speaks volumes. Floss. Bathe. Brush. Low sugar. Lower caffeine intake in the evening. Clean clothes always.
Read in spare time. Learn to do basic accounting. Understand that it seems weird but you need to spend at least 20 minutes every day doing accounting even if you are just a w4 worker working at Taco Bell. You need to make an income sheet for yourself almost every week. Look at that thing and see how you’re doing. That will help you make decisions.
>Google "Staffing Agency Near Me". If you are in any city in America there is a staffing agency near you.
Intense background check, and random one-off work but they stole my car yesterday so that wont work on 3rd world city bus. You can't even find work at those staffing places that make you show up at 4AM with steel-toe boots and gloves anymore.
= 3rd world city
Get a bicycle
>Oil Derrick
>Deck hand
>Flight attendant
>Park ranger
>Coast Guard (it's not really the military)
>Border Patrol
>Literally any state or federal job
>physically go door-to-door begging for a service job that won’t pay you enough to afford a 0-bedroom futon closet even if you work two of them
>it’ll work eventually when you’re competing against Central American refugees (manual labor) and/or college graduates (service industry) for the position
Hope you don’t need insurance cause you sure as fuck will not be able to afford it with your terrible salary, and you’ll make too much money to qualify for Medicaid (especially if you live in a great freedom-loving state with a good tax-cutting, god-fearing Republican).
Just go NEET and/or do odd jobs + stream unless you think you can outwork Gesualdo.
>Intense background check
>random one-off work
>that wont work on 3rd world city bus
>You can't even find work at those staffing places that make you show up at 4AM with steel-toe boots and gloves anymore
That's a fucking lie you're telling to yourself and a bold faced bullshit excuse because you haven't actually spoken to an agency and explained your situation, yet, but fine. Since you totally ignored the rest of my post, I'll say it again. Walk out your front door and walk to the first business you find and ask them if they need any help right now. Repeat what I said. Then walk to the next business. And repeat. And the next one, until you have a job. I guarantee if you're truly in a 3rd world city, there is at least one business that is open and you're probably the only bastard so not lazy you took the time to walk in and ask for an actual job so the owner might be impressed with you.
Nigger you're full of fucking excuses. Put up a craigslist ad saying you'll do yardwork for a pair of steel toe boots and some boomer will almost certainly take you up on that offer. As for transportation, are you telling us you literally do not have a single friend or family member or person in your life that will help drive you to work for a couple weeks? Every single person you know hates your guts so much that they can't be bothered to take 15 minutes out of their day to help you not be a wastoid fuck?
Get a job, you fucking commie.
>hitchhike or trainhop your way to your destination
You don't live in modern reality. It's not the 1970s, people don't pick up hitchers in 3rdworld cities and you can't ride magic 1920s trains to a job.
>apply for jobs online until you find something, literally anything promising. Maybe it's working at a grain silo, maybe it's working at a warehouse, maybe it's working at home depot.
High demand and filled by mexicans, you can't just get a job like Home Depote or farm work unless you're connected. HomeD gets like 100applications online a week.
>As long as it pays something reasonable and is somewhere cheap like the midwest
You can't be homeless randomly finding work in the midwest. It's not 1970 anymore
>You can't be homeless randomly finding work in the midwest. It's not 1970 anymore
Sure you can, I volunteer at a shelter and most of the longterm (non-emergency stay) men find jobs.
Put up a craigslist ad saying you'll do yardwork for a pair of steel toe boots and some boomer will almost certainly take you up on that offer
See its the circle of life my internet pals
put up an ad for employable skills
some naieve asshole responds
take all the profit and just say like i aint got the cash to pay you right now
do this for bunch of candidates waste thier fucking time and repeat
this is how you get ahead in life trust me i am a victum
Thier aint no unions for small time guys
they can go suck a massive dick
>people don't pick up hitchers in 3rdworld cities
Yes they fucking do you've just ever fucking tried you lazy, excuse making faggot
>you can't ride magic 1920s trains to a job
You can hop in a grain car or a gondola or an intermodal and get to the next state over. Rinse and repeat until you're in a city that has jobs, go to planet fitness, shower, then get a fucking job.
>High demand and filled by mexicans, you can't just get a job like Home Depote or farm work unless you're connected. HomeD gets like 100applications online a week.
Oh no, 'muh mexicans'. Live somewhere other than California and you won't have that problem. Here in the midwest, there's tons of openings. You just don't want to live here because you can't go get vegan arepas at the bodega on your way to the silent disco at the local canteen and blow $60 on a single friday out.
>You can't be homeless randomly finding work in the midwest. It's not 1970 anymore
It's literally trivial. You can't be capable and willing to work and be unemployed in the midwest. Every single company you drive buy on every street in every town has signs saying they're hiring. You're just too fucking lazy to actually get a job so you're making up excuses like how our record low unemployment economy has 'no jobs'.
LOL the unemployment rate is below 4% everyone has a job. It’s near-full employment. As I said, if you’re currently unemployed with no family/friend connections and no education then you’re fucked **unless you can outwork Gesualdo**.
Can you outwork Gesualdo? You’re on this site, so the answer is clearly no. I’m just being realistic. Stay mad, boomer.
They don’t even hire vets like they used to into comfy positions or even good salaries, so OP gonna have to make that Navy money stretch assuming his asshole doesn’t need $80,000 of repair after four years at sea.
>joining the military
I already suggested OP go on welfare; you’re just adding extra steps.
>>Oil Derrick
>>Deck hand
>>Flight attendant
>>Park ranger
>>Coast Guard (it's not really the military)
>>Border Patrol
>>Literally any state or federal job
Training, experience, very high demand. I workes as an assistant Park ranger, 5 guys with forestry degrees waiting years to get hired full-time, angry as fuck about it. Kid walks in with a "travel degree" and takes their spot because daddy hooked him up; he didn't even want the job kek.
You don't live in modern reality. boomer.
>Nigger you're full of fucking excuses. Put up a craigslist ad saying you'll do yardwork for a pair of steel toe boots and some boomer will almost certainly take you up on that offer.
Hundreds of those adds locally, people begging for work. Flooded... And that shit wont get me out of situation boomer, just pay a few small bills at best.'
You're observation skills are lazy and have no idea what the real world is like.
>most of the longterm (non-emergency stay) men find jobs.
No they don't. Maybe in your area. We have thousands of homeless
Learn to code, then. Or try sucking dick like always, only this time for money.
set buildings on fire. when fire dept shows up, help them out. after a few times they'll get to know you and offer you a job.
register for mturk
find an mturk forum to find a helpful community that will show you good tasks and scripts
it's remote work you can start basically immediately as soon as they approve your account.
>people pick up hitchers in 3rdworld cities. they fucking do you've just ever fucking tried you lazy.
>You can hop in a grain car or a gondola or an intermodal and get to the next state over. Rinse and repeat until you're in a city that has jobs, go to planet fitness, shower, then get a fucking job.
delusional.. '
>Oh no, 'muh mexicans'. Here in the midwest, there's tons of openings.'
Most of the midwest is depressed as fuck for jobs. And in 3 months you can freeze to death
>In muh small midwest town every street in every town has signs saying they're hiring. You're just too fucking lazy! Jump a 1970s train and find my unnamed town and live in the snow!
The eternal boomer
>register for mturk
10cents an hour now thanks to pajeet
and if youre homeless, you can work at the library in the new city btw
obviously it's not great money but it will keep you afloat till you get something else, although lots of people do it full time
i mean obviously only do the US-only tasks, don't do the worldwide ones. download the appropriate scripts (turkopticon etc) to see the historical pay per hour for each requester. you should be able to average $10/h when you get good
its weird how boomers and genx can drive around town and see Now Hiring signs but millenials can't. Quit staring a your phone and you'll see them too.
>I already suggested OP go on welfare
Single men don't get welfare. Food stamps and $150 a month for the homeless
>Hundreds of those adds locally, people begging for work. Flooded...
The unemployment rate is 3.7%. Anyone who wants a job already has a job, and if you're a company trying to hire someone, you have to compete with all the other companies trying to hire that 3.7% or you have to pay enough to attract someone who already has a job to come to your job.
>And that shit wont get me out of situation boomer, just pay a few small bills at best.
Yeah, that's because your situation is probably $40k worth of student loan debt doing too many Tequila Tuesdays at the college bars.
>You're observation skills are lazy and have no idea what the real world is like.
I have to try to hire people in this economy and it's literally almost impossible.
>Most of the midwest is depressed as fuck for jobs.
We currently have a huge economic boom going on where I live, and in several other cities in the US. Construction projects everywhere. New retail everywhere. State and municipal jobs going unfilled. You don't know because you haven't looked because you aren't actually hoping to get a job; you're just looking to complain and blame everyone else
>And in 3 months you can freeze to death
Califag detected. If you can't handle a little snow and some windchill, you're not white
>its weird how boomers and genx can drive around town and see Now Hiring signs but millenials can't
Give me your address then boomer, I'll hop on a random train car that isn't locked down and ride god knows where. Should arrive at your place in 10month.
And don't drag gen-x into you lies.
>talk to an agency and explained your situation
>Since you totally ignored the rest of my post, I'll say it again. Walk out your front door and walk to the first business you find'
Arab liquor store, and mexican run chain stores that only take applications online.
Fuckin boomers. GTFO Delusional douchebags!! This thread is for grown-up talk, not eternally teenage boomers
I love the boomer solutions that involve meeting room buzzwords like "thinking out of the box". People using phrases like that only climb ladders in corporate America because their bosses are dumber than they are and they don't realize these "ideas" are empty jargon repeated ad infinitum.
Study something that doesn't require a degree, then do it to earn money. Don't expect someone to hand you money without working for it.
>The unemployment rate is 3.7%.
Fuck off back to (((FOX NEWS))) with your fake Keynesian (((State Capitalism))) job stats. Commie faggot boomer''
>I have to try to hire people in this economy and it's literally almost impossible.
>Study something that doesn't require a degree, then do it to earn money.
Program something, learn how to sell something, learn how to manage, there are plenty of jobs you teach yourself without needing a degree, do a combo of things, learn to construct, etc. There are plenty of opportunities to earn money without needing to spend money on school. Use that money to go somewhere better.
No, California isn't America. My 'small town' midwest state capital city is exactly where the smart people in your 3rd world California shithole are flocking to because they can't stand lazy, worthless niggers like you ruining their 19 million dollar real estate.
Or do it the hard way and spend a year trying to hitchhike/walk across country, begging for enough money to get a bus ticket, guess that works too.
I'm a "millennial" and I found a new job 12 days after I was "let go" from one. Small business too.
>feels good
>reeee I'm gonna talk about California!
>hitchhike/walk across country, begging for enough money
>Program urr somethin, learn how to sell something, learn how to manage
Empty words.
If you don't have specifics then you're just mouthing off. You faggots have no life experience and nothing but empty rhetoric. You're not real men, you're sheltered boomers... spewing the kind of shit some 20yr old cunt in a hipster advice blog would say.
>start thread complaining about not having jobs in your town
>get mountains of advice
>"n....no, it's not my fault, it's everyone else's fault. your advice is not specific enough. st.....stop mouthing offf. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
Okay buddy. We have no life experience, yet we're not the ones complaining about not having a job.
Except I worked myself at a fatty McD's to be a shift manager then to an actual store manager almost failing HS because I was retarded as a teen. Chose to skip college to work fast food because my anti-semite dad told me loans are for jews hogs that like to rape little boys.
Instead I spent 3 years saving money, then left OR for another state, Now I am going to school. Money I make now is insanely better than the bs 40k I made in OR, and 40k in OR is dogshit money. Where I live now 40k would be fucking amazing, I make a little more atm, but at the sacrifice of being a full time student because of hours. I don't have to fucking live with 4 other people just to afford living in a place
But self-improvement is too hard.
>my “small town” Midwest state capital city is exactly where the smart people in your third world California shithole are flocking too
Ooh, I know this one. It’s exactly how Austin got ruined and it’s happening to Dallas now. Lemme guess:
>big new tech bubble downtown hiring overeducated foreigners at depressed salaries instead of American state school college grads
>gentrifying landlords building massive unaffordable developments and shit-tier cardboard apartments
>landlords require you make 2.5x rent to even qualify for one of these shitboxes because they can rent to a blended family of six Central Americans who have employment history and will pay on time
>price of local houses - the backbone of the American Dream - at least double within fifteen years because massive influx of coastal carpetbaggers drives up rents
>property taxes skyrocket because of inflated house value
>local residents priced out of their own neighborhoods and forced to have multiple roommates
>all renters jack up rents every year because of economics-ignorant boomers such as yourself knowing there is an infinite supply of Gesualdos and/or carpetbaggers
If you’re anywhere in the Midwest then your capital city is going to get prison raped by this phenomenon even faster because it’s a smaller and thus more captive market.
Also, I’m guessing your “midwestern capital city” has at-will laws, so have fun getting replaced by Gesualdo (manual labor) or Gesualdo’s son (service industry) the moment you either mention being conservative or ask to be paid a dollar more.
God, if you are even slightly representative of the defenders of American capitalism and Western civilization, then we are going to have immigrant-rich socialism in this country within the next decade. Y’all can’t even begin to sell The American Dream as nonfiction anymore. American capital got so greedy and shortsighted that it gave the finger to its white working class, bro.
>Okay buddy. We have no life experience, yet we're not the ones complaining about not having a job.
You told me to go be homeless in the snow. I asked FOR A MOVE-AWAY CAREER ALTERNATIVE to trucking or the military.
You're a loud mouth punk who needs a severe beating. I bet you drive everyone around you nuts. Human trash...
I worked myself at a fatty McD's to be a shift manager then to an actual store manager
Scams are unethical.
I’m a trucker. I’m actually in the sleeper right now while my buddy is driving us to a TA. Trucking sucks a giant giant fuck, and I absolutely wouldn’t recommend it unless you are nearly retarded.
On a scale of 1-11, how much did you hate interviewing kids who can't even put together a coherent sentence? I wanted end it and throw them out after the introduction.
And why didn't you just save money and move out? I know OR is a step up from Cali, maybe half-step, you should have been able to at least save enough money as a manager to afford a decent, livable living? Even at my worst as a manager I still had enough to buy a decent dinner and a 12 pack of import beer on most weekends.
I didn't work at McDonald's that's your sentence genius. They don't hire whites in cities outside of white areas
Go to lgbt or leftist shitlib rallies then have a charity that takes money donations. Or roam around campuses, these lgbt and fake environmental faggots do it all the time.
Or just panhandle around town.
>can't greentext
>calls other people boomers
Gee I wonder how you don't have a good job.
>I’m a trucker. I’m actually in the sleeper right now while my buddy is driving us to a TA. Trucking sucks a giant giant fuck, and I absolutely wouldn’t recommend it unless you are nearly retarded.
Been there, it's like being in a mobile prison sentence
Need to find something like that where you can jump on a greyhound and there is a career waiting
>Or just panhandle around town.
You're fucking retarded, Im not a bum.
pathetic attempt at one-up-manship. You need a beating and everyone hates you because you act like this
>Im not a bum.
Elaborate. We're not convinced.
>You need a beating and everyone hates you because you act like this
Turbo boomer
If you're out west, have ~$200 for fire boots and are in good shape wildland firefighting pays around $15/hr entry level, 16-17 OT. Can work 100+hrs/week
Teach chinese children English online at 3:00 in the morning.
You are a total fucking retard
so if some faggot said lick my toes you would comply for a job
you would suck a literal dick for slave wages because you are HUMBLE
That is absolutely not cool and just because a bunch of comfortable billionaires said so dont sell yourself so cheap
you are basically a Babylonian whore
fuck Christianity if it deems its self so humble to fucking wolves and scumbags
you are creating a worse situation for yourself being so very fucking gay and humble that is not gods plan for anyone
>If you're out west, have ~$200 for fire boots and are in good shape wildland firefighting pays around $15/hr entry level, 16-17 OT. Can work 100+hrs/week
I did that years ago but they have "native american" crews (who often rape the fire fighter chicks), jobless vets and conservative kids doing that out here. Jobs are filled
what's wrong with the military? Scared of being an admin or something?
LMFAO okay. You're late for your meds. All I can say is this: literally half the adult population makes more than $30k/year. What's your excuse?
>Learn to do basic accounting. Understand that it seems weird but you need to spend at least 20 minutes every day doing accounting even if you are just a w4 worker working at Taco Bell.
They don't hire whites and accounting is a 4yr degree boomer. They don't just hire noobs, it's not the 70's anymore
Go to the next city
Find a city near you where there are jobs. Apply to all the ones that appeal to you, or are acceptable to you, in that city. Interview for those jobs - you can probably do it by phone or Skype. Then move to the city, once you are offered the job. If you are financially insecure, make sure the city isn't too far away from your family, who can bail you out need be.
you mad spic?
they stole my car yesterday and you can't get hired on skype unless it's some hipster tech-degree outfit
Bro who "stole" your car? Spics? Niggers? Did you just not make payments on a car you were leasing ?
Look pal. If you're struggling to do something all but 4% of the US has managed to do (get a job), you might want to ask your carer to help feed you your spaghetti-o's, since every spoonful you spill on your lap is precious money down the drain.
The repoman didn't 'steal' your car. He's just doing his job, because he's not a lazy retard like you.
>Teach chinese children English online at 3:00 in the morning.
Looked into that. The kids or parents choose you from a profile. So you wait all day hoping to get clicked on to teach for an hour or two... $36 bucks a day if you're lucky but it's random
>Bro who "stole" your car? Spics? Niggers?
Meth spics
Just kill some niggers until you die.
White race simply needs to make trades.
5% for 13% .
And since your a faggot, and thus mentally Ill, you wont be used to push gun control.
God speed user
>Look pal. If you're struggling to do something all but 4% of the US has managed to do (get a job
Fuck off back to (((FOX NEWS))) with your fake Keynesian (((State Capitalism))) job stats. Commie faggot boomer''
>And since your a faggot, and thus mentally Ill,
Im not FBI, you're projecting
Christ, reading this is depressing. These fucking boomers are all the same.
>don't have a job? you lack motivation
holy fuck, millenials are infinitely more motivated and hard working than boomers. you goddamn boomers have no idea what it is like as a young adult in this era.
You're raised in a culture where you're expected to become successful, and yet not taught the skills to become successful, because boomers are largely not "successful".
>you're entitled and just complaining
Do you understand how soul crushing it is to be unemployed? Asking for advice on pol is just one step away from begging on the street.
>just lower your expectations and be more humble
nigger, if you want to be a ditch digger in this environment you have to have a degree and 5 years experience digging ditches.
user is looking for real advice, not looking for some fucking boomers to swagger in and swing their big gut around.
The best advice I saw was to sleep in your car and work. But that's useless info to someone who doesn't have a car and isn't being hired. You really do have to know the right person, even to get a shitty job.
The economy IS shit. The numbers that come out are LIES. The fed are lowering interest rates to suck money out of you boomers to keep the stock market propped up until they can't anymore. At which point the markets will crash, they will implement bail ins, your boomer pensions will be gone. and then you will be in the same situation with no marketable skills or knowledge.
Maybe buy cheap stuff from china that you don't see around and sell it for a huge profit to dumb boomers who think stuff is better if it costs more.
Or if you know interesting things then teach class through meetup or whatever.
The good thing about living cheaply is that it reduces your expenses so that your meager income can be saved up.
I don't know ,a lot of people are in this exact same situation
metheads did
you sir are the smartest man
has anyone ever told you that you are smart?
like dude its so simple to
a)uproot yourself from any kind of friends or family support
b)jump into a volatile area where you may or may not get a job like gambaling
c)secure a job far away from anyone you know or love to hustle your life and passion away to some other dudes jizz can live a lavish lifestyle