Bump and based
Is this why his wife just happens to be in Venice at the same time as Nancy?
No shit sherlock, you think Eric Holder was giving El Chapo truckloads of machine guns for free?
Went to a college with a bunch of hardcore leftists. The ones from spic families all are related to MS-13 members and ended up as journalists at prominent publications, as well as in Californian political offices as staffers.
Hope they all get deported.
Nancy Pelosi and husband have a net worth of $100 million.
That's the official figure. Real net worth can be more.
It looks like ms 13 is building a network.
No he didn't
Big if true. So far it looks like Based Jeffrey Peterson has strong circumstantial evidence, but evidence that deserves further investigation none the less.
>that hi point with the black hand
Bump diddley-ump
If the spics are that well connected we are in trouble. I don't buy it though. El Chapo is Mexican and MS13 is mostly from El Salvador.
If they are united in that way, you know the CIA is behind it though, so maybe there is a connection.
>image titled 102
Its more like 621 and it is you that is erased you worthless tranny parasite
>MS13 and Kike alliance
Ermajin mah shock. This is why counter measures are necessary.
when you shoot that, the sight will be thrown back with the slide, thatll probably break it, also there are sights on the top for a reason.
-5 points for being righthanded
christ, the funniest Jow Forums related image i've seen and it's not even on Jow Forums
go to bed schizo
sinalo cartel did recruit MS members when they were at war with the zetas
MS-13 are satanists.
Satanists are also in Jewlywood as well. It’s starting to make sense.
>If they are united in that way, you know the CIA is behind it though, so maybe there is a connection.
This. Shit, didnt the CIA create the Zetas?
If they are criminals of that caliber, they shouldn't be deported, they should be killed.
Traitors need to go.
the only way i'd be bothered to care at this point was that her head was already on a stick, otherwise its just more rhetoric .
You guys been posting that for several years now. Keep telling yourself that your larp movement will suddenly multiply.
Lots of guns have red dots on the slide. You poor gun deprived foreigner.
No one puts a canted sight on a the side of a deagle dumb spic.
white basement dwellers still need that mexican crack.
supply and demans
1. It's a hipoint, absolute nigger trash. 2. red dots are perfectly fine on a handgun when not mounted/assembled by a nigger. The sight goes on top of the slide, obviously. Unless you're a nigger, apparently.
>posting it for years
And another survey has not been taken since as far as I know. The numbers have very likely increased. What makes this graph not reflect reality is that instead we have many splintered movements, all sympathetic to National Socialism, such as: AIM, RAM, wignat cancer, and others I will not name out of Respect. The fire rises. Pic related.
idk id be interested in testing that thing out just to see how reliable a red dot is mounted in that configuration. But, ya know, not on a hi point
Were gonna kill all the niggers, spic and judes.
>white basement dwellers still need that mexican crack.
Is this the 80s? Who still smokes crack besides niggers and you?
Oh ew, hipoints are gross. Yeah red dots are fine, but I mean canted on the side like that, that's just straight up retard. Spics ARE niggers though.
reminds me of a certain EO that just got extended... also a military op in DC that just got funded...
This user: is clearly a retarded nigger. Simple, cursory research will reveal the drug genociding whites atm are opiates, specifically heroine.
Guarantee they're pogs. People of Central and Southern American heritage (aka latinos/spics) account for something like 25% of our population if you count illegals but only 7% of combat deaths. They're in it for the benefits.
>Guarantee they're pogs
Civilian fag here, I’ve heard Mil. anons refer to the spics in this pic as POGs. “People of Central American” decent. Is this what it means?
Pure coincidence goyim. Nothing will come of it.
>sight placed on the side
>sight placed on the slide
in the end, she gets it too....
shut it down
Is that a fucking customized paint job on a fucking hi-point? Good lord what a shitty gun. Definitely not the handgun to have at your side In a 3rd world shit hole sprinkled with cartle war zones.
POG = Personnel Other Than Grunt aka people who file paperwork, serve food, fix vehicles, run communications, etc...Not the war fighters.
I only said people of Central American decent because the DOD doesn't publish an actual list of combat casualties to the public. They do, however, have a list of the casualties in which their country of ancestry is listed. I had to manually count it up by going through all the thousands of deaths and grouping them by region. Anyone who has been around or in the infantry will tell you it's a white man's club. Roughly 77% of combat deaths are white, 13% are blacks, 7% spics and 3% other. Blacks are the only ones besides whites who actually sign up to fight, considering they are 13% of the population. Whites are over-represented, while spics under.
Hi point...
Am I supposed to be shocked?
Seems circumstantial. The bigger question is what US politicians are doing in Italy? Aren't you supposed to be promoting USA rather than spending money in Italy?
The only reason it won't happen is because we have a two party system, and both are controlled by the same people; not because people don't agree with the rising extremist sentiment.
I wonder if this is a setup or something. Are the Dems stupid enough to think Italians are on their side when fucking Salvini is the deputy Prime Minister with approval rating hovering at 50-60%.
Saved. Thank you for the info and your service, enforcing our USD as the World Reserve Currency. Whites have shed much blood for ‘them’ as well.
>what US politicians are doing in Italy?
It doesn’t appear to be a diplomatic visit, so this is suspect.
Yeah, well, now that I'm red pilled on things I didn't know about when I was younger I have a very bitter taste in my mouth about my dead friends. I will tell you that I'm very pissed off about the way things are going. I worked with some very unironically based black and brown men who are just naive to things, like I was when I joined. I'm not a civ nat, don't get me wrong, but I do have a twinge of sympathy for every side that is being pushed together to kill each other for the benefit of the international tribe. They're forcing us to take these sides when if we had all been left alone to our own nations it's all unnecessary. If Malcolm X and GLR hadn't been killed things would be very different right now.
Saved. And see:
Honestly, that likely would have kicked things off. The problem is, (((media and intelligence agencies))) likely would claim it was some other kind of terrorists, not spics.
los angeles is not an american city. It belongs to mexico and israel.
>If Malcolm X and GLR hadn't been killed things would be very different right now.
>If Malcolm X and GLR hadn't been killed things would be very different right now.
>hadn’t been assassinated by (((them)))
God bless you sir. Hotep Alliance For The Win!! Be safe. The DHS glow niggers try and keep tabs on combat veterans because of your tactical expertise.
Hey that's illegal, put it back in the box. Hope that's not your own picture, you're breaking the law in it.
If this was something from the left you would call it out for the unfounded rumor it is.
>where are the proofs
don't be a bunch of dults pol always ask for proofs
Agreed. See:
I'm not a combat vet. I never saw combat. I am friends with many combat vets that I met while in, and I spent a lot of time with infantry units. I think a race war is inevitable, but it's not something I want. Black America was not in a bad state until the tribe fucked them over to use foster discontent. They had in tact families, they were doing their best to emulate white America, and would probably be the most well off community of blacks in the entire world if not for that.
I'm not apologizing for their behavior, but the more you look into things the more you see how every group of people on this earth are being used by the same small (((group))) to their own ends. There's a twinge of truth in the boomer line of reasoning that the Democrats fucked over blacks in America more than anyone. If only they realized who the (((Democrats))) really are.
Pure sex come for thee best nudes, hot females and traps here.
discord gg/dmB39ty
Pelosi is planning a mob hit?
Or showing the diaper head her mob connections and she'd better shut the fuck up or else.
Remember Pelosi.s father was tied to the mafia big time. Where do you think she got her money early on.
look up school of the americas
>what US politicians are doing in Italy?
Especially low-ranking Congresspeople like Ilhan and "The Squad". What possible business could they have there when 90+% of their job ostensibly revolves around their districts?
Big if true
Is this true??
Newfag shill
Missed the Landers, Northridge and Sylmar quakes. But, don't let facts get in the way of a good story.
Poor nuns...
Our government is one big crime syndicate. Trump's taking down the pedo wing (Clinton) and the drug wing (Obama) at the same time. Huge fucking balls. Especially since he's been bagging on the Fed so hard they're changing policy.
>Absolute unit.
The Pelosi/Cartel drop / Mexico working the border and actually helping for once / replacement of the DNI head / etc is proof they're all done for. This isn't 'campaign Trump' like all these shills and leftist faggots keep spewing on this board. It's fucking over. 2020 is going to be fucking amazing. You'll tell your grandkids about it.
rolling for Nancy on the lamb in Europe, moving hostel to hostel with a backpack.