Has anyone else been following the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) protests in Hawaii? A bunch of the locals and native Hawaiians have gathered a bunch of support against the project, claiming that the telescope would be a "desecration" of "sacred lands."
Granted, the same groups saying this are also largely in favor of Hawaiian sovereignty and return to a native Hawaiian monarchy, citing the "illegal overthrow" of the former monarchy in the 1800s (apparently they are under the impression that overthrowing a monarchy, regardless of justification, would be, by definition, illegal).
Anyways, these muppets have, as they often do, turned the whole thing into an argument about "oppression" of the brave, noble, natives. It's a popular narrative, so unthinking, widespread support is being thrown out at this.
The hand sign pictured is supposed to be symbolic of the "Mauna," the mountain, and support for its control by native Hawaiians in spite of previous deals and contracts by their legislative representatives.
As they want control of the state based off of their race, why are they not being called out as ethnostatists? This hand symbol seems way more directly supremacist than any others people meme about.
Fair enough, I just think it's ridiculous how everyone seems completely compartmentalized from realizing that an ethnostate is exactly what they are asking for and, more than that, are happy to go along with it when the group isn't white.
Eli Scott
"Native environmentalists" is an absolute meme. They overfish the waters and poach animals out of season disrupting mating seasons and sell everything they can to get high on drugs. Everytime I read an anti-development protest story it ends up being about trying to leverage gibs from the government. They sold their fucking lands away for alcohol hundreds of years ago and own nothing. They are broken in spirit and will never recover. Such is the fate of the savage.
Hudson Garcia
That's why you always say "ethnonationalism" and not "white nationalism"
Jordan Long
The only way natives are good for the environment is that their technology is so inefficient that they simply don't reach the numbers necessary to have a negative environmental impact, in most cases. Except maybe the Australian abos, who burned the whole continent down and made it into a desert.
Jeremiah Turner
Hawaii would be a third world shit hole if it wasn't for their strategic location in the middle of the Pacific. The island itself is beautiful, but god damn is it trashy in some places. That being said, I have yet to encounter hostility from locals.
t. currently stationed in Hawaii, and counting the days until I can leave this hellhole
Michael Kelly
Good, I hope they start burning shit.
Landon Bennett
Jesus, even Leonardo DiCaprio is jumping on this train.
>Yet to encounter hostility from locals Waikiki isn't local numbnuts. Your probably Mexican Am so you don't look out of place with the flips.
Bentley Taylor
I swear at least half the people here must suffer from constant heat stroke - how else can they incessantly bash "haoles" and tourists while basing their *entire* economy on sucking as much money from them while they're trapped on the islands.
Michael Rogers
I'm a environmentalist, but I'm perplexed because they are not white and because a telescope would benefit us a lot. Screw it, build the thing.
Thomas Turner
Can you tell me how bad Hawaii is? from what I rarely see about Hawaii it seems to be quite nice.
Jack Phillips
OP pic - immediate instinctive reaction: "WITH NO SURVIVORS!"
Elijah Lee
Hawaii is the nicest place that you'd never like to live in.
Housing prices are some of the worst in the country and homeless wander the streets high out of their minds and leave trash-filled camps all around the roads and beach parks.
Joseph Stewart
Hawaii isn't chem trailed at all and has some of the best telescope views of the cosmos, while most of America is. Is the goverment trying to hide planet Nibiru's approach?
these feather niggers probably didn't even have the concept of "sacred" before white men arrived.
Sebastian Murphy
And, just for context, that photo was from protests FOUR YEARS AGO when the project was still being debated. Now that it's been approved and they're trying to break ground, protesters are chaining themselves to cattle-guards to close off the roads from construction machinery and transport.
Jack Harris
We are not asking for an ethnostate, we are asking for the telescope to be built elsewhere. Nobody here wants it built on Maunakea. The Canary Islands are their second choice, and the people there actually want it to be built there.
I live north of Kaneohe, and am pasty white. What's your next assumption, numbnuts?
Jack Hall
Fuck the cubs
Brandon Davis
What said.
I've only been here 6 months and I'm already counting the days (years) until I can leave. Literally the only upside is that I have a fucking fantastic view off my lanai (balcony), talking 10/10 view. Just too many downsides to offset it though. Plus, all my leather is fucking molding. I have a few pairs of boots ranging from $200 to $700 dollars, and since I can't wear them anymore because it's a fucking oven here, I didn't really pay them any notice (they were sitting in my kitchen next to my other shoes), until a week or so ago. The sides and sole of the boot was completely covered in mold. It was fucking horrifying. Basically, this place is so fucking humid that anything leather molds. Thankfully they weren't ruined, but it just adds to the hatred.
Carter Smith
You sell ice
Lucas Turner
"Nobody here wants it built." You mean nobody that matters? You can't turn over a fucking rock without locals complaining about their "history" or "desecration of their ancestors."
Would probably make a killing. It's hot as hell here, I'm sure I could turn a profit. For some reason a bunch of the houses I looked that came partially furnished had fridges with no ice maker. Sucks having to fill ice trays again like my damn childhood.
Joseph Rivera
>You can't turn over a fucking rock without locals complaining about their "history" or "desecration of their ancestors." Maybe kaneohe ice dealer is baste
Julian Morris
You guys have no idea how sad it is to know your people arrived to late to save the mega-fauna.
Isaiah Gonzalez
If you wanted to build a house, completed negotiations for the land, completed the plans, completed the negotiations with the government, completed the multitudes of environmental surveys, spent YEARS finalizing the project with the approval of the elected government of the state (almost 100% Democrats)...
...only to have the sole road that runs to the property blocked off by a bunch of protesters who ACTIVELY ELECTED THE PEOPLE WHO APPROVED THE CONSTRUCTION -
How would you proceed when told to change your plans and move it all to a different country, with a different primary language, with different resources, and different politics, halfway across the world off the coast of Africa?
Luke Hall
>Population 1.4 million >9.9% Native Hawaiian only
Holy shit who fucking cares, the pineapple niggers have about 50 years till they're all half-castes or less.
Carson Roberts
Ha! Like how the protesters stacked up some rocks on the road, called them spiritual Hawaiian shrines, and started screaming "DESECRATION" when they were removed from the roads?
That 10% is not full Polynesian let alone Hawaiian
Luis Foster
That 10% is full, there's a higher percentage of mixed-race.
Michael Hughes
When every major road starts looking like this, it gets hard to ignore - not to mention all the Toyota Tacomas and low-riding Civics driving around with upside-down Hawaiian flags streaming off their tails.
Like in Canada where you can go to the east coast and five seven foot tall blond guys named Svend who are apparently "Indian". It's a colossal scam.
Robert Allen
Hey it works lolololololololol
Jason Baker
why should only brown people and gold niggers be allowed to have an ethnostate
Chase Murphy
Which is why I only bothered to mentioned full blooded ones.
If only there was a precedent for self-governed sovereign nations in the USA for "native" races that worked within the federal framework.
Julian Wilson
bingo. the only reason they arent a complete wreck of a shithole is their strategic isolation in the middle of the ocean. too expensive for niggers and spics to get to.
their leftist policies would have them looking like a shithole san francisco if they were attached to america. all the degenerates would flock there for the free social programs and braindead liberal voting populace, if they could just hitch a ride on a bus. luckily for the leftist morons of hawaii, they dont have to live with the repercussions of any of their votes or rulings.
im praying for the day Trump starts shipping cargo barges full of illegals to hawaii
Nicholas Young
If they really want it built, they will do it. I dont give a fuck what they do but its not gonna be built here in Hawaii. Period. Even if it takes 10 years of protesting, we will do it. We have worldwide support. A plane full of Germans just arrived today. We have people from every corner of the world protesting with us. The Rock was just here. He’s the highest paid actor in Hollywood. He just gave us a huge media boost. Many actors and singers have already stood by us, and many more are coming. It. Will. Not. Be. Built. Here. Mark my coconut nigger word.
Aaron Gray
Apparently they've been going 2 or 3 abreast down H1/H2 and Mexican roadblocking people at like 35mph in a 50. Shit like that turns people who are indifferent or on the fence to your cause against you. Quickest way to make someone hate your fucking "Ancestor" bullshit is make the God awful traffic even worse.
Jacob Thomas
ethno-nationalism is redundant. The root word of nation is synonymous with ethnos/race. A nation by default is made up of related people. Has our understanding of our language really fallen to such a degree? Why am I even asking the answer is yes.
>KEEP HAWAIIAN LANDS HAWAIIAN >BROWN HAWAIIANS ONLY >*proudly raises their state flag which includes the union jack of colonial britain*
Ian Gomez
Those people pissed of the protesters. We do not condone that type of protest.
Kevin Roberts
the moron brown people cant even fly their flag right side up. look at that idiot in the middle holding his pole with the flag upside down
Kayden Campbell
Thats alot of diamond dallas page fans, hell yeah brother fuck island niggers, diamond cutter
Jaxon Diaz
I'm going to screenshot this, and post it the day the ribbon is cut. On that day, make sure you visit Jow Forums, so you can be reminded at the failure of your people. Your ancestors sold their land and future for shiny beads and gunpowder. Now they whore themselves out for money, and corruption runs rampant.
Connor Cox
How's "ethnostatist," then?
Alexander Barnes
Dude, I’m in Hawaii right now. Lived here for a year now.
They are upset because they are saying that the facility isn’t being ran properly, it’s leaking chemicals into the lake up there on the mountain, as well as they do cling to what little claim they have of sacred land, it was some old guy that died a decade ago, they made it sacred so then it would stay undeveloped but then they started building the telescopes.
The locals are bandwagoning the fuck out of it, flying tattered flags and such upside down to symbolize “sovereignty in crisis.”
Without the US they would be very poor but they don’t care, they prefer pre-US intervention. They call King Kamahamahahaaaaaa the first a “butt ugly Micronesian” as he was the one that started the US-allied takeover of the islands.
TLDR lots of bandwagoners that have nothing better to do. They are treating it like a festivity, they have speakers and music and food up there.
Unfortunately, they don’t understand the legal system and that there are actual ways to fight it other then blocking the road physically. They think by creating this sensation it’ll be enough, but nothing’s going to change. That’s why, 3billion dollars in state funding? Get outta here bruh.
Yea it’s stupid. If they really cared where were they 10 years ago? Four years ago? Last year?
Britain and Hawai’i were close allies. The designer of the Hawaiian flag were former British Navy men, who lived and served in Hawai’i
Nathan Robinson
>whites >flips >chinese
Bit of a mixed bag when it comes to Hawaiians isn't it
Gabriel Baker
No because the police have been ordered to stand down and not engage, they have written citations and only made a few arrests. They hold that flag upside down or fly it tattered, and hold up the kingdom of Hawaii flag upright and whole. This is intentional.
Elijah Bennett
Not only Hawaiians are protesting. People from all over the world are also.
Adrian Ward
This, they have the money they will try to resolve the issue during the 60 day memoriaium whatever, but they got paid that shit is getting built. Y’all won’t stop it doing what you’re doing now. this isn’t a humanitarian issue, it’s “we don’t want that here bruh!” nothing more. BandwagonasFUCK
Isaiah Miller
Yea but it’s not going to stop TMT from being built. Sorry fellow islander bro, shits getting built and y’all are wasting your time and energy.
Jose Diaz
"The western missionaries brought the concept of land ownership"
Yeah, because it used to be that only the Kings and Chiefs could own land. Anyone else was subject to their whim.
Why is it ALWAYS shitskins trying to stop space exploration and research? Fuck them, it’s the white man’s land now island niggers, and he wants to use it to drag you kicking and screaming into a post scarcity utopia with it.
Native Hawaiians didnt have to own land. They worked the land, farmed and fished. Owning land was not needed. Everyone had a parcel to live on and no one would be charged or kicked out of said parcel.
Brandon Thomas
im well aware of the history, just pointing out how dumb these ethno hawaiians are.
Hunter Parker
Some 40% of Hawaiians are of Japanese descent.
There are already telescopes on Mauna Kea. So WTF?
Samuel Phillips
good news it seems. who cares if they turn the argument about "muh opreshion". Good for them
Cooper Flores
Theres already 13 of them. No more is needed.
Lucas Campbell
So one more is going to hurt how?
Julian Thomas
I support this. Support their secession and independence. Nothing of value will be lost.
James Bell
>the Rock was here >Oh shit boys. The rock showed up. Pack it up. No one gives a fuck about dwayne johnson's current larping as an island nigger. You want to stop whitey's progress you better start buying politicians, island nigger. We dont give a fuck about protests.
Christian Brooks
>Update as long as all federal and state aid is cut off from their inhabitants i support it as well. also we offer no protection from foreign governments so Jow Forums is free to raise an army and conquer hawaii for themselves
John Ward
I've heard that native Hawaiians are pretty much nigger/injun level drug addict shitbags and about as openly racist towards anyone non-Polynesian as you can get.
Matthew Jackson
Wtf I hate science and love superstition now.
Logan Davis
Use of fire changed the vegetation, but it essentially replaced the function of the megafauna. It did not turn land into desert like the subsequent introduction of rabbits did.
Compare NZ, where everything was overrun by long grass because the moas had been hunted to extinction.
Carter Morgan
Spot the jew handlers Jow Forums
Sebastian Perez
Hawaii to America: eat shit, colonizer.
Keep your shitty telescope. Keep your shitty tourists. Keep your shitty blood money. Keep your shitty navy the fuck away.
Hawaii will be better without angry white haole scum polluting our beaches, harassing our turtles and monk seals, mocking our culture and doing nonstop soldier drills on our sovereign territory.
Hawaii is not the United States. It's an occupied country.
We never signed our souls over to you and we sure as fuck aren't signing our sacred land over to you now.
Go home. Take your scientists and your money. Leave us the fuck alone.
Let's be real, so long as you agreed with the US to let them keep Pearl Harbor and their pacific military presence, Hawaii could be conquered with minimal equipment. The sovereign kingdom folks could be riled up into thinking they have a chance and destabilize it further, in that situation.
Kevin Miller
Except the natives aren’t doing most of the complaining about the environment it’s white and (((white))) environmentalists trying to take offense on the natives behalf
Austin Nguyen
Fuck the US, it's all fucking kikes and minorities now and it's only going to get worse so fuck it, who cares. I NO LONGER WISH TO LIVE AMONGST NON-WHITES
She is still larping as a feather nigger and being offended on their behalf? Sounds about right.
Thomas Hall
Come to Wahiawa bro, not all of us are so bad.
Austin Garcia
Imagine being such a fat haole you can't even put your hands together lmbo
Benjamin Phillips
there's a perpetual haze of volcanic fumes that sap your strength
Asher Howard
Where? Milo street?
Alexander Sullivan
No they aren't, not outside a 20minute photo op.
Tyler Brooks
Telescopes are already there.
Tourists are the only thing keeping your economy afloat and, in turn, providing welfare and benefits to the natives.
The entire history of the Hawaiian Kingdom is domination of the natives... by other natives who had the wherewithal to accept western technology and education.
The Navy is already there and is not going anywhere.
It's not an "occupied country" any more than Prussia is an occupied country of Germany.
Nobody wants to steal your soul, and the land has already been signed over by your elected representatives.
Connor Morgan
Nah brah
Jaxson Gutierrez
When my lease is up, I'll either find a place there, or try and get on-base housing at Ford Island or Kunia.
Jayden Diaz
I get being angry because you're genetically being devoured by whites and asians but complaining about a telescope that's basically just a building with a satellite dish that'll only be a footprint of a few hundred sq metre's is pretty retarded.
Connor Thompson
That's literally what they want. They want to go back to being pig farmers.
Nathaniel Myers
Those are all very different alternatives. Come to Wahiawa if you want to experience a real shithole where real Hawaiian families will cuss you out.
Robert Lopez
>white haole scum Something like 80% of tourists are Chinese fám. What are you even talking about