Christcucks and 1000th Dimensional Chess

Ever notice that when you confront a christcuck about Jesus' death being inconsequential, they respond with "Haha yeah guys, Christ letting his enemies kill him with no consequences is actually just God playing 1000th dimensional chess! I mean yeah, nothing changed after his death, and things have only gotten progressively worse, but just you wait 2,000 years for his return, you'll see"

Anyone else ever realize that Christians are using this Trump supporter tier logic when they shill for that impotent jewish virgin?

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> with no consequences
His death meant our survival and sealed the deal for eternal damnation for the edomite kikes, the cursed seed, the children of cain you pagaNEET

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Jesus' death was inconsequential in the same way that everything is. If you start from the premise that God is omnipotent, no event is "necessary" for him to achieve his will, as he could always just speak anything into being. God presumably had some allegorical reasons for choosing to implement Jesus, but your personal salvation status would not change at all without Jesus - if God wants you to go to heaven, you'll go.

>His death had consequences, y-yo-you just cant see them or prove them causr theyre not tangible!

Again, MAGAfag tier logic

>Edomite kikes

C'mon, guy, we're not still on this disproven trash, are we? The entirety of Syria, the Levant and Iraq were racially semitic, even if kikes were "edomites", which theyre not, it would make no difference from a racial standpoint, since both Israelites and edomites were semitic. The difference between them is akin to that between Dane and a Swede.

Look into E. Harney's "Ancient DNA from Chalcolithic Israel shows role of migration in cultural transformation". The samples in the study representing the Israelites and other southern Levantines were literally from Galilee, just like Christ. Look at figure 3 in results and read the whole study. Jesus was brown, and modern Ashkenazim are whiter than he ever was.

>descends into the underworld
>unlocked the way into heaven
>naw senpai he just cucked
kys nigger

Literally this.

It's why they had a horrible time converting anyone among the Jews and had to go to gentiles instead.

Claiming a crucified radical was the Messiah to a 1st century Jew sounded as insane as calling David Koresh the Messiah would now.

Christianity could only take off by proselytizing among people who had no background in Judaism. Yet for some reason they're still supposed to believe Yahweh is the highest god and not follow any of his laws.

It's bizarre and sad that we wound up with the cucked half-Judaic version of Christianity.

The Gnostic and Marcionite flavors were far more interesting, made more sense, and didn't come with the kinda-sorta-maybe-Jewish baggage modern Christianity does.

The religion is literally dying in modern times because the Old Testament God is such an infantile joke. It was hard to swallow that shit being "God" five hundred years ago, and even harder now.

Far more logical and attractive to assume Jesus came to reveal a new ultimate Father who was not the perma-mad kike demiurge bitch called Yahweh.

>worship a mythological deity
>not seeing the symbolic significance of crucifixion and resurrection

imagine being this edgy

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It was probably one of the most impactful deaths in history though?

>>His death had consequences, y-yo-you just cant see them or prove them causr theyre not tangible!
According to Biblical Canon, his death did have consequences for the Synagogue of Satan stupid pagaNEET.

>C'mon, guy, we're not still on this disproven trash, are we? The entirety of Syria, the Levant and Iraq were racially semitic,
The entire region of the Levant and Mesopotamia were Caucasian until semites invaded and displaced these Caucasian populations.

>even if kikes were "edomites", which theyre not, it would make no difference from a racial standpoint, since both Israelites and edomites were semitic. The difference between them is akin to that between Dane and a Swede.
Kikes are Edomites, they are Edomites who took over the Southern Kingdom of Judea around 400-300 BC and have been LARP'ing as the Tribe of Judah ever since, hence why Christ rebukes and exposes them numerous times in the NT, he knew that these cursed children of cain are not Adamites but Kenites, who have the blood of cain in them. In Genesis we know that the Devil would have his own humanoid bloodline that would rival the Adamic bloodline created by God. Hence why kikes hate whites so much, because want to be us and have the covenent God gave to Adam and all of his descendants.

Kikes are Edomites and they admit this themselves
Pic related.

Attached: edomismodernjewry.jpg (444x368, 39K)

What larp are you playing?
Did everyone clap for you after your debate?